Virtual Companies
An Informational Website


Virtual work began in the mid nineties by creating a working environment enabling people to work at home [2].  This allowed working mothers to combine family and work using the virtual environment.  Employees were able to stay in touch, finish projects, and call on clients all from the privacy of their home.  Face to face interaction was virtually eliminated. 

The next step was the creation of virual teams [2].  Virtual teams are set up like a contract hiring service or temp agency.  This type of team interaction combines the sum productivity of many without the need to meet in person.  The Internet serves as the medium through which teams communicate. 

Virtual work service companies were created to act as the intermediary between businesses, giving them the resources to begin a virtual enterprise. 

Now, several companies act in the virtual realm as consultants.  Internet based consultants can add their piece of expertise to a virtual company, furthering the company's capabilities.  This is an effective way for consultants to outsource to various companies.  Consultants can have many clients in the virtual business world with far less travel.

Today, it is difficult to clearly define the line between one virtual company and the next.  It is very common for virtual companies to be linked to several others.  This can be thought of as the virtual rope, with many intertwining entities [2].  


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