Ancient Egyptian kingdoms

The Narmer paletteEarly Dynasty:

                                         (3000--2575 B.C)

               It consisted of the first two dynasties. The ancient Egyptians settled in the Nile valley around the Nile banks. And they began to cultivate lands. There was a revolution in food production. The plants became the chief article of diet. And towns were developed in Egypt and they became trading, political and cult centers. From the most important political events in this period is the unification of Egypt by the king Menes as he was the first one to combine Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.


Old Kingdom:

                                        (2575—2150 B.C)

pyarmid_evol.jpg (20082 bytes)          It started from the third dynasty to the eighth dynasty. The most remarkable change in this period was the transition of the step pyramid to the true pyramid, therefore this period was called the age of the pyramids. The true pyramid was considered a solar symbol. And the importance of the solar religion grew. During the 4th dynasty in Nubia there was a fortress built at Buhen. During the 5th dynasty the solar religion was more established when the kings built solar temples as well as pyramids. During the 6th dynasty the old kingdom began its slow decline. During the 7th and 8th dynasties the first intermediate period began and with them the old kingdom had come to an end.  


Middle Kingdom:

                                       (2040—1640 B.C)

            The first intermediate period ended during the 11th dynasty. As king Mentuhotep II defeated the Heracleopolitan kings thus reuniting Chariotancient Egypt. Order returned to the Egyptian's life once again after almost a century of chaos. The middle kingdom started from the 12th dynasty to the 13th dynasty. In the 12th dynasty the administrative centre of the country was moved from Thebes to Itj-tawi, while Memphis became the capital again. Fortresses were built along the eastern frontier and in Nubia to prevent nomad tribes from entering the country uncontrolled. Sesostris III directed campaigns to Nubia, and he also waged the first military campaign against Palastine. The 13th dynasty monarchs were weak. The true power was in the hands of the central administration and some powerful families. During the second intermediate period the country was taken over by the Hyksos who came from Asia.     


New Kingdom:

                                       (1570---1070 B.C)

Ramses II victorious       During the late 17th dynasty the expulsion of the Hyksos began by Seqenenre II and Kamose, and it was completed during the 18th dynasty by Ahmose. The new kingdom started from the 18th dynast to the 20th dynasty. During the late 18th dynasty the king Akhenaten changed the Egyptian's religion as he favored one new god, the solar-diety Aton. During this period Egypt lost most of its former influence in Asia and Nubia. The first kings of the 19th dynasty began to reclaim the lost territories abroad. And again large parts of Asia were conquered. At that time Egypt faced a new powerful enemy who were the Hittites. But in 21st year of Ramses II there was a peace treaty between the two countries. During the 20th dynasty after Ramses III's death the unity of Egypt began to fall apart. As Upper Egypt was in the hands of the Theban priests, and Lower Egypt was in the hands of the administration of the pharaoh. By the end of this dynasty Egypt was divided to many fractions, and the new kingdom came to an end.


Late Kingdom:

                                 (1070—332 B.C)

          After the new kingdom there was the third intermediate which consisted of the dynasties 21through 24 or 26. In this period the division of power didn't lead to division of the country. This period was a period of peace and stability. The kings of 21st dynasty moved the capital from Pi-Ramesse to Tanis. The 22nd dynasty was called the Libyan or the Bubastide dynasty, as the dynasty was founded by the Libyans who lived in Delta. During the 24th dynasty which was founded by Tefnakht, Egypt was divided between Thebes and Delta, and the Delta itself was divided.

A new power arose in Nubia taking advantage from the internal conflicts.  And the 25th dynasty was a Nubian dynasty. The peace resulting from the Nubian conquest ended by the Assyrians, but they were forced to return back to Assur. The 26th dynasty began with the king Psamtik I and a new era of peace and stability began. But then Egypt was taken over by the Persians. And with the Persians the late period begins, and ends with the end of their occupation. The 27th dynasty was the first Persian occupation. It was ended by Amyrtaios who was the only king of the 28th dynasty. And he was able to reestablish control over the country. During the 29th and 30th dynasty Egypt regained its independence. But there was a second Persian occupation which lasted for 10 years. But it ended with the conquest of Egypt by Alexander. A new era began with the conquest of Egypt by Alexander and Egypt became a Hellenistic state.
