So Tired!

One cold and snowy afternoon, Sarah and Shannon decided to go into unknown territory behind a village to the west named East Greenville. As they were driving, trying to stay warm in Shannon's father's coach, a road came before them. Thankful for a change in scenery, Shannon quickly steered the carriage to the right when "BAM!" A most horrendous sound ensued. She continued on, but it became apparent almost immediately that the coach had sustained some damage. So Sarah and Shannon pulled to the side of the roadway to investigate. Here, a big metal pipe had leaped out and hit the tire, causing it to go flat...and bend the rim! This was twice now that Sarah and Shannon had been attacked by a metal ditch pipe, and were beginning to think there may be a plot against them, but continued on bravely.

"That's alright!" chirped Shannon. "We've changed plenty of tires." So the girls got down on the ground and started jacking up the tire. It was grueling work. The handle on the jack was way too short, and they could not find anything to extend it. So when Shannon got tired, Sarah would go to the cold snowy ground, and when she got tired, Shannon would take it up again. And so it went until the maidens had finally gotten the tire high enough. Shannon went to the back of the carriage, and removed a spare, as she tried to put it on, she realized that it too was flat! "Oh no", she grumbled, as she put it back. Shannon spotted another tire. "Yeah!" she exclaimed. As she drug this one out of the back, and tried to fit it, it came to light that it was the wrong size tire and would not fit on! "Argh!" Shannon moaned. "Now what?" Just then, another carriage was coming down the road. Thankfully the kind man stopped and asked the girls if they needed help. Sarah and Shannon related the story, and he agreed to let them use his calling device. Shannon tired to reach her oldest brother, but it seemed that he was busy on the wondrous computing machine, and could not answer. She called her other brother, Chris, but to no avail.

"Who else is there to call?" asked Sarah. Shannon sighed.

"I think I could try to get a hold of Curt."

"No!" gasped Sarah. "He's an evil troll!"

"Yes," answered Shannon, "but he happens to be an evil troll who wants to be on my good side."

So Sarah deferred to Shannon, even though it was against her better judgment. So Shannon called the evil of Curt and lo, he was home, and agreed to come rescue the damsels in distress. As he chariot rode up, he, too, tired to fit the tires back on, but not even he could get it to work. So he offered the maidens a ride to his home instead of standing in the cold, wet and snowy weather. Seeing no other choice, the girls agreed. So the evil troll, Curt drove them back to his dwelling. He tried to convince the maidens to stay, but they feared that choice. Luckily, a dear woman, Mandy, was there and offered to take them home, seeing as she was not about to spend the night at Curt's, either. The girls thanked her profusely, and were soon on their way to Shannon's home, where they spent the rest of the evening comfortably.

Wood you believe that!

Oh, Ditch!

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