and watched the reflection of the car in storefront windows as we drove down the street


........and watched the reflection of the car in storefront windows as we drove down the street. It was quite an impressive car. I wondered what he did for a living. I wondered what his house looked like. I wondered what his parents looked like. I wondered if he had a girlfriend.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Who me?" he asked

"No, not you! Of course you!, Who else could I be talking to?"

"Well, it depends."

"Depends on what?"

"On which one of us you ask. Me or her"

"I’m asking you."

"No I don’t."

"Oh really? Well then, what would she say?"

"She’d probably say. . ." he paused "Hmmm, ya know..... I don’t know what she’d say. Would you like to call her and ask? Here you can use my phone..."

"You are a smart ass. Do you know that?"

"So, I’ve been told." he murmured, as he threw that million dollar smile on me.

At 2:39 am we pulled into a gas station. He got out to pump and pay for the gas. He asked if I wanted anything. I asked for a Coke and a Mr. Goodbar. The chocolate and caffeine was sure to keep me perky until I got home. I watched his every move. I watched him go to the soda cooler. I watched him look for my candy bar. I read his lips at he talked to the attendant. They said "15 on 5, please". I watched him pump the gas. He smiled at me. I was feeling him. He got back in the car, and we headed to my house.

Roger was cool. He wore his seatbelt. He sat up straight, he wasn’t laid back like the guys in my neighborhood in their less expensive rides.

"You live by the lake right?"

"You picked me up, you should know." Now I was being the smart ass.

"Would you mind if we chilled out by the pier for a while before you went inside?"

I knew exactly where this was going. If I went to the lakefront with him, one thing would lead to another. And before you know it we’d be all over each other. I knew the deal.

"Sure." I said. He smiled, and then there was about 5 minutes of silence.

"I grew up around here." he began.


"Yeah, I lived about 5 blocks that way," he pointed, "and I went to Lakeview Junior High."

"Oh, so you know the area pretty well."

"Like the back of my hand."

We pulled up to a parking spot at 3:04 am. His hands were up my skirt again within minutes. Within minutes from that my bra was undone. And yet in a few more minutes he was trying to rip my panties off. My hands weren’t exactly idle either. He was huge. And so strong. His skin was tight, like he had stretched it over his muscles himself. And smooth. He was so smooth, like an collegiate athlete. He seemed so perfect. Except his attitude, that could have used an adjustment or two.

"I think we should slow down" I panted

"Why?" he asked

"I just think we should."

"I know you want to." he said.

"How do you know that?"

"I can feel it. . ." he whispered as he ran his hands across my kitty-cat. I was on my back. ". . . It’s hot" he said.

"I’ve got protection."

"Me too. In my purse"

"Oh, did you plan this?" he asked jokingly.

"I should be asking you that?" I remarked. We laughed.

He sat up and pulled a condom out of his wallet. It was a Magnum. I reclined my seat all the way back, and adjusted myself accordingly. I slid my panties down around my ankles and kicked off my new shoes. He turned the music up.

I wanted him now. I didn’t care that I had just met him. He was the sexiest man I’d even been this close to. I wanted to feel him so bad.

In the blink of an eye a man in a black hoodie and ski mask appeared. He shoved a gun up against Roger’s temple, mumbled something that sounded like "This is for . . .(something, something, something. . . ) muthafuka!!? What?!!! What?!!!" . . and pulled the trigger. Twice. Roger slumped completely over onto the passenger’s side, and his body fell to rest on my lap. It was that quick. No reaction time. I heard a few footsteps, and then a car drive away. It was only 3:18 am.

In retrospect nothing could have prepared me for that moment. No situation I had ever encountered in my existence had ever required as much composure and clear thought as I would have to...... (click here for the last page)

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