Top ten reasons for being a Yugoslav:

1.  You can be proud that you are neither a Serb, nor a Croat,
     nor a Slovene, nor a Bosnian, nor a Macedonian, nor Montenegrin,
     nor an Albanian, although you are one or more of the above.

2.  You don't have to feel bad about being "Yugo-nostalgic."

3.  You can have a husband/wife from any part of Yugoslavia and
     feel like the country never fell apart, especially if you are

4.  You get to listen to Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian,
     Macedonian, Montenegrin, and  even Albanian music and feel that
     it's quite OK.

5.  You don't have to be ashamed of your Titoist past.

6.  You can sing Partisan songs from World War Two or
     rock-and-roll from the 1980's.

7.  You get to be cosmopolitan and spit on all the

8.  You get to be researched by foreign sociologists
     interested in your identity.

9.  You are invited to speak about Yugoslavia at conferences

10.You are a good candidate for a Soros stipend.

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