Top Ten Reasons for being a Serb:

1.  You are not a Croat.

2.  Basketball team.

3.  You can choose between several war criminals in
     Presidential  elections.

4.  You can enjoy the positive media coverage of your country
     when abroad.

5.  You can fight 600 year-old battles against the Turks and
     their domestic collaborators, be convinced that it's happening
     right now, and not be entirely wrong.

6.  You can always go to Greece and Cyprus and fear nothing.

7.  Grilled meat and slivovitz.

8.  You get to drink slivovitz and eat grilled meat even when
     under economic sanctions.

9.  You are the only European country which will be bombed by

10.Every now and then you get to fly to the Hague at someone
     else's expense.

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