Difficult Questions Christians Face

This page is dedicated to the stuff that my Bible study group has committed to answer. Right now our focus is on coming up with answers to questions that all of us have faced at one time in our life from people who are not Christians. Maybe even some of these are questions that we ourselves once asked before we came into a strong and healthy relationship with the Lord. This is by no means an exhaustive list of questions that Christians will face, just a few that we have been confronted with in our own lives. My hope is that this can be used as a reference point for when these questions come up.

We have broken the questions up into three categories: Skeptics, Growing Questions, and General Questions/Comments. Each question is followed by either a short commentary or verses that provide an answer or insight into the question. Presently there is not a lot of commentary, but I will add more when I have time.

Growing Questions
General Comments/Questions

Below is a list of several specific topics that we have discussed or will be discussing. Most of these topics span several weeks of study so each week I will update the topic with what we have discovered. As we cover more topics they will be added to the list.

*** Still being updated ***
Free Will vs Predestination

Just a tribute to the greatest artist ever until this page is ready.

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