Ecclesia Militans

Section for Catholics

* False Ecumenism
John - webmaster Ecclesia Militans examines modern ecumenism in the light of the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Relying heavily upon statements made by prominent members of the hierarchy, he shows that the form of ecumenism practice by the current hierarchy is contrary to the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, and the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church.   For those readers who are interested in learning more about the error of ecumenism, we highly recommend the following articles: Pantheon of the gods at the Vatican, by John Vennari; Ecumenism condemned by the Sacred Scriptures, by His Excellency Bishop George Hay; Vatican II vs. The Unity Willed By Christ, by John Vennari


* Vatican Says: "You Must Not Convert"
Father Linus Dragu Popian delivered the dramatic story of his conversion at the Rally Against Terrorism in New York on November 10, 2001, sponsored by The Fatima Crusader. His testimony stands as a severe reproach against the present-day Vatican policies of Ostpolitik and Ecumenism, which are considered of greater value than the salvation of souls. His own conversion to Catholicism and eventual ordination were continually blocked by Vatican officials - particularly the Vatican Secretary of State - because it would "damage relations" with Communist Romania and the Eastern Orthodox.


* Is the Catholic Crisis Really Explained?
This article, written by the famous Traditional Catholic author Atila Sinke Guimaraes, examines the book relatively recently published entitled "What went wrong with Vatican II - The Catholic Crisis Explained" by Ralph McInerny, and deals with subjects such as the infallibility of the Second Vatican Council, whether or not the Council was an authentic expression of the Perennial Magisterium of the Church, and so forth.  Powerful!  For those readers who are interested in learning more about the Second Vatican Council, we highly recommend the following articles: Vatican II vs. the Unity Willed by Christ, by John Vennari, The Second Vatican Council, by Father James Wathen, The Oath Against Modernism and the Second Vatican Council, by Ramond B. Marcin, as well as The Errors of Vatican II, by Mike Malone (R.I.P.). 


* Vatican II vs. the Unity Willed by Christ
In this fantastic article, taken from a recent issue of Catholic Family News, John Vennari proves conclusively that the Second Vatican Council promoted a form of unity that is directly opposed to the Will of Christ.  If you are interested in learning more about the Second Vatican Council, we highly recommend this article, as well as The Second Vatican Council, by Father James Wathen, The Oath Against Modernism and the Second Vatican Council, by Ramond B. Marcin, as well as The Errors of Vatican II, by Mike Malone (R.I.P.). 


* Winner Takes All
In this article, taken from The Remnant, evolution (theistic and atheistic) takes a beating as Peter Wilders examines the theory in the light of Catholic Teaching and scientific facts.  For those who are interested in learning more on evolution this article, as well as one by Mike Malone (R.I.P.) entitled "A Layman's Look at Evolution," come highly recommended. 


* Resisting Wayward Prelates
This excellent article by John Vennari (Catholic Family News) proves conclusively that Catholics are bound to resist even Prelates who deviate from the unchanging Doctrine and Tradition of Holy Mother Church - in other words, it proves that the concept of "blind obedience" is simply not Catholic.  We also recommend that our readers read another article on our site on True Obedience entitled "The Duty to Resist," by Atila Sinke Guimaraes.


* Bishop Bruskewtiz's Diocese 
Bishop Bruskewitz is frequently held up by conservative "catholics" as a "pillar of traditional Catholic orthodoxy" -- as this article by John Vennari (Catholic Family News) shows, they arei n for some pretty disappointing news. 


* The Duty to Resist
This article is on True Obedience.  In these days of heresy and error run rampant, True Catholics often find themselves in a dilemma with regards to Obedience and Orthodoxy.  As the author of this article - Atila Sinke Guimaraes - phrased it:  "Fidelity to principles or to persons? Orthodoxy or obedience?"  Atila answers these questions in an admirable fashion, basing his arguments upon the past examples of the Saints and Catholics.   


* The Third Secret Regards Apostasy in the Church - (External Link)
With the recent announcement that the Vatican is going to be releasing the Third Secret of Fatima sometime in the near future, we thought that our visitors would find this article - an interview with Cardinal Oddi on the subject of the Third Secret of Fatima located at the Fatima Network Website - to be of interest.  


* Pantheon of the gods at the Vatican
"On October 24-29, 1999, in a gesture that defies 2,000 years of Catholic Teaching, Pope John Paul II convoked a lavish pan-religious Assembly at the Vatican that was concluded at Assisi. The event was double-billed as a great preparation for the Jubilee 2,000, and a 13th anniversary celebration of the first pan-religious meeting at Assisi, 1986." 


* Natural Family Planning and the Christian Moral Code
The above booklet by Mrs. Jeanne Dvorak, does a fantastic job of examining Natural Family Planning, and showing how it is incompatible with Catholicism, common sense, and the "Christian Moral Code."  Very well done.


* The Oath Against Modernism and the Spirit of Vatican II
In this article, Raymond B. Marcin examines the conflict between the Oath Against Modernism (sworn to by all the Councils Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, and which oath they were bound to uphold), and the Second Vatican Council's "counter-syllabus" which obviously violates that Sacred oath.


* Church Documents
In this sub-section can be found many useful and informative documents of the Catholic Church.  Such as Quo Primum Tempore, the Syllabus of Errors, De Defectibus, among other documents of Holy Mother Church. 


* Ecumenism Condemned by Sacred Scripture
In this fantastic article, his Excellency Bishop George Hay examines false Ecumenism in the light of Sacred Scripture. 


* The Second Vatican Council
Taken from Father Wathen's book "Who Shall Ascend?" this article examines the Second Vatican Council, exposes several of its errors, and shows how, right from the beginning, it was under the sway of liberalism.


* Private revelation: Unravelling Medjugorje
Medjugorje takes a tremendous thrashing as the truth about these so-called "apparitions" appears in this fantastic article by Carey Winters!


* In Answer To Br. Bugnolo!
In 1971 TAN books published the famed book by Father James F. Wathen, titled "The Great Sacrilege."  Recently, Brother Bugnolo has attempted a refutation of Father Wathen's book, in this brief, but devastating, article, Father Wathen completely defeats Brother Bugnolo's position.


* A Layman's look at Evolution
Mike Malone in this article, examines the theory of evolution, and proves that it is both scientificallly and theologically bankrupt.


* The Errors of Vatican II
The Second Vatican Council was undoubtedly one of the worst things that could have happened to the Church.  From the very beginning it was seized and railroaded by the Liberals, and the result of their "guidance" of the Council is easily seen in 25 of the errors of Vatican II, which MIke Malone lists in this article.


* The New Mass or the Old?
The New Mass itself is a sacrilege, and quite possibly invalid.   Follow this link to learn more about this "liturgy," and how it is dangerous to both the Catholic Church and the souls of those who attend it.


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