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"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island in the midst of black seas of infinity and it was not meant that we should voyage far. Some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality that we shall either go mad from the relevation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents."

~H.P Lovecraft, "Call of Cthulhu"

Allow me to explain my personal beliefs. I am what is termed an 'empirical agnostic'. The terms, as defined in The Skeptic's Dictionary* are:

Empiricism is an epistemological theory [theory of knowledge] which holds that the origin of all knowledge is sense experience. Often, empiricism is contrasted with rationalism, an epistemological theory which holds that the mind may apprehend some truths directly, without requiring the medium of the senses. Empiricists tend to emphasize the tentative and probabilistic nature of knowledge, while rationalists tend to be dogmatic and assert they have found a method to discover absolutely certain knowledge.
Agnosticism is the position of believing that knowledge of the existence or non-existence of God is impossible. It is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism. Understood this way, agnosticism is skepticism regarding all things theological. The agnostic holds that human knowledge is limited to the natural world, that the mind is incapable of knowledge of the supernatural. Understood this way, an agnostic could also be a theist or an atheist. The former is called a fideist, one who believes in God purely on faith. The latter is sometimes accused by theists of having faith in the non-existence of God, but the accusation is absurd and the expression meaningless. The agnostic atheist simply finds no compelling reason to believe in God.

*This site is not affiliated with The Skeptic's Dictionary

I believe that the evidence for or against the existence of God is inconclusive at best, and that the burden of proof rests on those who make claims in regards to God's existence. This goes for believers as well as non-believers. Neither one has any credible proof.

I believe that the existence of higher power/powers cannot even BE proven at this stage of human development, let alone understood. The universe and its components are so vast and at the same time so tiny that even a glimpse into what may be guiding it would shatter the mind of even the most enlightened human. To propose or deny such knowledge is arrogance and at the same time ignorance of the highest order. We must remember that human beings are not far removed from animals. The seeking of universal truth is a quest best left to our successors, not ourselves. We may indeed lay a path, but not destroy ourselves in the laying of it.

However, I am not concerned about finding said proof. Human beings do not need God as an excuse to be decent to each other. Too often, human decency gets lost and even twisted into hatred and evil in struggles over religious political territory. I believe in evolution and the survival of the fittest species. Human beings are, currently, all of one species, homo sapiens. As such, we do not fight amongst ourselves because we are different, we do so because we are the same and utilize the same resources. However, the territories we range are far more vast than any other creature on earth. Besides the need for food and shelter, we have intellectual and spiritual territory to for and protect as well, as well as political and social barriers.

Religion is not necessary for the enforcement of moral code. As you will read in documents I have written in other sections of the site, this is a function of law, which is the objective codification of moral tradition. Almost every religion or belief system on Earth has positive aspects and tenets that can be applied objectively for the betterment of everyone.

We cannot rely on what is likely a non-existent entity to guide our actions or to forgive us for our wrongdoings or misgivings. I believe that humans have a built-in 'moral compass' that we have developed as a survival instinct. Like many of our instincts, it is stronger in some and weaker in others.

I believe that the universe itself is infinite and has always existed. The 'Big Bang' theory is almost as hard an idea to buy as the Judeo-Christian theory of Creation itself. All events, including the creation and evolution of life on earth, have come about as the result of unforeseen and unforeseeable natural processes overseen by no higher intelligence; it simply happened. For the sake of brevity, I believed that many if not all forms of religious thought and systems, from the most rudimentary to the most complex, were created in attempt to give the trivial human life some form of meaning in context to the mind-numbing vastness of the cosmos itself.

I believe in both objective and subjective reality. Objective reality is the concrete world around us and us ourselves. The whole of objective reality is a balanced and self-regulating formulation of ever-changing events over which little except the universe's more advanced sentient species and the processes themselves have any direct control. As humans, we like to pretend that there is some force/are some forces guiding the vast machinery which keeps these processes in motion. I do not believe in that, although I believe that the accuracy and timing of the processes would be the best argument for higher intelligence/s. I will stay away from this subject for now, as I am not a scientist. I have recently been lambasted by rampaging mobs of respectable physicists concerning my thoughts on chaos and entropy as presented in Agnosticom Version 1.0. You can read about my thoughts on these matters in the 'Nature of Law' essay, accessed below.

Subjective reality has everything to do with our perception of objective reality, which can often be skewed. People perceive these processes and their ends in vastly different ways. Many see the wonder, the splendor and the majesty of it and cannot help but attribute it to an entity far greater than themselves. Others could care less about it; they've bills to pay. People such as myself are utterly fascinated by it and love to simply contemplate the vast complexity of it. I believe that the experience of subjective reality is the most critical to the empirical agnostic, or to anyone for that matter. My credo is 'Experience is not the best teacher, it is the ONLY teacher'. All knowledge, including knowledge itself, is derived thereof. Everything that happens to us in life is filtered through our perceptions, regardless and often in spite of the impact those experiences have on our objective forms.

I hope you find the information presented in this site valuable. I welcome any comments or criticisms you might have to my personal email.