The boys never fail to keep things loose and entertaining and we've had our share of great quotes over the years. Some you had to be there and some you'll think we're purely nuts, but they were all funny. Hope you get a chuckle or two out of these.

The Boys
Jon "Mac Attack"
Paul "PHD"
Shane "Junior"
Kennedy "MFK"
Randall "McDonalds"
Krafsig "Kraggz"
Bover "Bovatime"

Quotes from The Boys
Quotes: yea I met the he's like why sail, it's not windy out! Sailing crew and the leader is this guy Andy so i said, hey, no coat? Mike K saw it

Tonight at UNO-
"How many beers are within one Heineken?"
--Guess ;-) Mike B

That was defiantly not water! � Shane

we were waiting for the parade and this TV reporter comes over to ask some little kids who st.patrick was and they tried telling her then this old Chinese guy goes "he was Mr. Simpson!!" and everyone was like what?
The reporter's like "ok, back to the station"
no one knew what he was talking about, he said something about the Simpsons Mike K in Dublin, Ireland

yea there was another one yesterday, we met this girl Lindsey whose a doctor just graduated from med school, and so she and I went to a pub together and I go to order a beer for each of us, so I got my Guinness and then I got her a Heineken...without even thinking and she's like "Heineken, on st.patrick's day in Dublin?" and I said well we can say it's actually o'heineken"

one of our friends is this guy eddy, he's 35 from Austria but he's really funny so he doesnt have any hair
and we were talking about hair color and he goes mine's pink
: haha I dont know it was good
his hair's skin color

Go gadgets legs
Shane Domina
Red Card video game when he did a vicious tackle

I'm going to be like "Hey sorry that this IM is late or a lil weird, I dont wanna sound like one of those monkeys that takes shits in peoples backyards, but I just thought id IM ye and say hi" mike Bover

I should bring a notebook with me and write these quotes down because I will forget and I go wait can you say that again and redo the situation I need write what he said down Shane talking about the quotes to can I come over Bover

You're alive, you didn�t come online and I called you, man I feel like a mother � mike B

Shane on explaining the apartment search with Kennedy, Bover and Devine
Searching for a apartment= were getting to know her
When we have the town= were dating her,
When we pick the place= were meeting the parents,
Then when were there for bit= were marrying her

Bover: JESUS! You are far north
Bover: doesn't even look like there's a house in this fucken town
Kennedy: Watch your step, sled dog shit

This little kid just slapped my ass! - Kelly



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