National UFO Reporting Center
This page last updated 12-02-07
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Unidentified Flying Objects. Many people confuse this term (UFO) to mean nothing but a flying saucer or alien spacecraft. In reality it's an object that is purported to be flying and is not able to be indentified by the observer or the investigator of the phenomonon. Probably the most famous of all UFO encounters occurred in Roswell, New Mexico. Then there's the secrecy of Area 51.  There are many explanatons for UFO's, yet many sightings still continue to go unexplained. You may or may not find the answers here.
National UFO Reporting Center
The most comprehensive and up to date UFO information source Provided by America's foremost UFO Reporting Agency in continuous operation since 1974.
If you've REALLY NEVER EVER heard of this infamous incident, CONSIDER THIS SITE.
Hall of UFO Mysteries
(from: The Museum of Unnatural History)
Definition, history, encounters, IFO's, and Hoaxes. "If they are out there, WHERE"?
The J. Allen Hynek Center For UFO Studies
The Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) is an international group of scientists, academics, investigators, and volunteers dedicated to the continuing examination and analysis of the UFO phenomenon. Our purpose is to promote serious scientific interest in UFOs and to serve as an archive for reports, documents, and publications about the UFO phenomenon.