Michael CroteauMy Croteau Family
History & Genealogy

The History of a French/Canadian/American Family


For more
information on
Croteau Genealogy
in Quebec contact


The majority of
Croteau families
in North America
can be traced back
who arrived in
around 1665.









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This site has been designed to provide more than just genealogical information - I want to share my family's stories. You will find within old tales of members of the Croteau family and the communities they lived in.

These writings are combined with genealogical information and some small photos that have all been compiled with the help of my family, friends and some extremely helpful genealogical society members from around North America. I collect photos of the Croteau family so if you are related and have photos of ANY family listed within this site I would love to hear from you! E-mail me at mike_croteau@yahoo.com. I am preparing a collection and have over 400 photos from 1873 to date and my plans include digitizing these photos!

For the meantime, my research has centered around Flavien (AKA John) Croteau (1845 - 1926) of St. John, North Dakota, who was the first along my direct line to leave Quebec. From Flavien I can trace the path back through the United States to his home. In this site and a future book I will attempt to uncover the lives of Flavien's children and his ancestors. My research into this family tree will lead you through Western Canada, the Prairies, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Western USA and of course back to Quebec.

start your tour here.

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Last edited Feb 2008