PC Creation
Unisystem Game Info
Qualities & Drawbacks
Home made stuff
The Creation Process
The UNISYSTEM uses a point system (sort of like WoD) to create characters. You buy different abilities by spending character points. For better or more powerful a characteristic is, the more expensive it is to be paided for. There are a negative fetaure, known as Drawbacks (sort of like Flaws from WW), don't cost any points. As they have a negative value and by acquiring them, you actually get more points to buy other things. Please keep in mind, of course, that these Drawbacks limit or hurt your character in some way, so loading them on a carelessly is not a good idea.

Not everything is based on points, either. Some character elements are creativity-based: your character's concept (as what kind of person she/he/it is) and personality, as well as a name and a short or long history as these depend wholly on the player's imagination.
Character Elements
Characters in the BtVS/Angel RPG have four basic elements. Some elements are/is conceptual (what kind of PC she/he/it is?) as others are numercal attributes (what are the actual abilities of the PC?). As you make each selection, you narrow down the possibilities of the character, until you finally have a clear defined fictional individual that is ready to go out and start saving people from demon derriere or being one of those demon derrier.

1. Type: The type of character is detetrmined by general power level and nature of your character. Heroes/Champion are tough and skilled, White Hats/Investigator are normal people who depend on their wits and luck to survive. Veteran characters are extreamly tougher and more expierance then a hero/champion character.
2. Attributes: What your character has as natural abilities, both mental and physical.
3. Qualities & Drawbacks (Merits & Flaws in ww): What innate advantages or penalties that affect your character.
4. Skills: What does your character know.
5. Life Points: This is how you measure the damage your character takes before she/he/it risks unconsciousness or death.
6. Drama Points: These points allow your character to do some cool stuff, like killing a monster in one shot or avoiding certain death. (This is like force points in star wars or hero points in some superhero rpg)
7. Combat Maneuvers: These are favorite attacks your character may do, that gives how much damage to the bonus to your rolls. Add the success levels of the attack to the damage to the attack maneuver.
8. Success Levels Table: This is where you would look when a roll is called for to see how many success levels you got to tell the director.

Character Type
Creating a character involes allocating a number of points to various aspects of that persona. The character Type determines how many points you have to spend on each component that your character building budget will allow.

White Hat/Investigators: Are regular people who find themselves knee deep in fighting the supernatural. They normaly don't start the game with cool powers or special training, but along with more Drama Points, House Rule is given that a weaker supernatural being can be played, which will allow them to survive the odds.

Hero/Champions: These characters kick booty and take names as they have more skills and abilities well above the norm.

Note from the Director: Now since The Buffy core book is set for teenagers and Angel core book is more set for adults. The Character Types listed below are show for adults and teenagers (for those who wish to play a teen must take the drawback Teenager which also be considered for being a Young adult as must rules still don't apply to a character because of their age.)

Teenagers/Young adults (16-20)
White Hats: Attirbute Points:15, Quality Points:10, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points:15, Drama Points:20
Hero: Attribute Points:20, Quality Points:20, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points:20, Drama Points:10.
Exp Hero: Attribute Points: 25, Quality Points: 25, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points: 40, Drama Points: 20

Adults (21+)
Investigator: Attribute Points:15, Quality Points:10, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points:25, Drama Points:20.
Champion: Attribute Points:20, Quality Points:20, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points:30, Drama Points:10.
Veteran: Attribute Points: 25, Quality Points: 25, Drawback Points: Up to 10, Skill Points: 45, Drama Points: 20
Attention All Players:
For the chat you are allowed up to 4 characters, That is 1 Vet/Exp Hero, 1 Champ/Hero and 2 Invest/White Hats. Also if you wish you can cash in up to 3 character slots for starting exp, or you can always go into exp dept, which is covered in the exp rules of the Unisystem game info.