Groovy Stuff
News--And other informative dribble.  (November 2002)
For those Quake lovers...
    Mathew Cash, a good friend of mine is currently working on a Matrix level for Quake III. He is keeping me sort of in the dark, except for a few screenies, which he has graced me with.
      For all those who play ID's "Quake" series, you realize that this is a huge industry. The ID crew has  been kind enough to let the common Joey bag-o Donuts use thier level editor; entitled Q3Radiant. And let me tell you, this program rocks. Very powerful, effecient, and easy to port your custom maps, directly to the game.  His level will be set in the corporate building where Neo and Trinity stomp some major booty. Here to the right is a screenie from the lobby.   
Video Hardware
3DStudioMax R4 Vs. the World
Kinetix's 3dStudioMax series has always been popular in ever multimedia rank, level, and status. Release 4 combines all the newest features, some of which include: NURBS, NURMS, Character animation, and a new and improved renderer. It  also boasts greater collabrative workflow, for those studios trying to make the most of their time. Importing, and splitting up tasks has never been easier.  As a Graphic Illustator myself, it's evident to me why this software bundle is so popular. For those with shallow pockets, it still may seem far away, but actually, with the amount of power, and potencial Max posseses, a price tag of around $3200 is very competitive. Other programs such as Renderman, or Maya, run upwards $7000 dollars. Honestly these programs have more to offer than Max, but Max has proven that you don't need those extras to make absolutely professional outcomes.
3DStudioMaxR4 Stats and figures.
Discreet HomePage
Video Games--Where are they going, and when?
Michael interviews himself...find out what he has to say about gaming in the future here.
My first game gig with AuxPower Games
I've recently had the luck of meeting a great programmer in the gaming industry named John Ardussi. He and I have a lot in common, and being that he needed a graphic illustrator for his new title 'Crunch-Demolition Derby', I was happy to work with him. If you would like to see the game, the info, and the down-low...go here.
Release of X-Box and GameCube has arrived...
The powerhouse X-Box, and the lunchbox looking Gamecube have hit stores. Though they are solid peices of hardware, the battle right now is for second place, as PS2 already has a major leap of sales in consoles, and software. How well will these two platforms perform against the household named Playstation? See my input here...(under construction-no link yet)
I've been cast as 'Dirty' Sanchez in Evil Genius's newest movie. The movie is, as of now, called 'UNDEAD',  and falls into the zombie taking over the earth genre. Though the movie hasn't been updated to the EGE homepage yet, you can still go here, and see what the company is all about. They have themselves a great crew, with wonderful imagination, creativity and devotion.
We should be shooting for another month, possibly shooting 'pick-ups' into early January. The second title EGE did was picked up by '
Spectrum', and will be out on VHS and DVD shortly. You can pick up the October issue of 'Fangoria' to see the beautiful three page spread 'Witchhunter' (thier second movie) received.
EGE shoots thier third movie, with high hopes.