Witchfest Scotland 2003
taken from Ice Maiden's Book of Shadows
This is one of the days in 2003 I was most looking forward to. The reason.....Witchfest Scotland. I had never been before so I didn't know what to expect or what to do but it is one of my memories that will last.On that day I wore my black baggy trousers, black top, black mesh top over that, stripy socks, my blue bucket hat and of course my pentagram.
When I arrived there was lots of pagans outside,most of them older and being a teenage wiccan I felt incredibly small.I didn't feel as though I shouldn't be there instead I felt proud to be there along with other pagans.We went in (my mum and I) got through the entry and gained a programme of the day's events.We then went to meet my mum's friend Emma and went for a coffee to decide what workshops we wanted to do.Emma fancied doing the bellydancing and suggested to my mum that we went to the meaning of witchcraft talk with Jim and Charis so my mum could get a better meaning of Paganism.I wanted to go to the faerie workshop with Alicen Geddes-Ward.
We went to all the workshops and I didn't join in on the Bellydancing (I wish I had now!).The faerie one was brilliant.Alicen gave a talk on faeries and then we did a really powerful meditation, which really gave me a good experience.After that we went shopping.Although the shopping area wasn't huge, there was plenty to buy.After what seemed like hours I finally bought a faerie cd (the one used in the meditation),amethyst runes,a sticker and some crystals for a friend,crystals for me and a past issue of Witchcraft and Wicca.My mum bought a pagan picture by Neil Geddes-Ward.
I really enjoyed this day and i'd probably jump at the chance to go again.Who knows?Maybe next year?
My witchfest programme!