
About Mid-South


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The Mid-South Angora Rabbit Society held it's charter meeting in January 1995. Even though we are a new club all our members have at least one common interest, the ANGORA RABBIT.

The club was established with the commitment to bring to you a quality angora specialty club with all the benefits imaginable.

Our newsletter is informative as well as fun to read. The newsletter contains local show information and results of winnings. There is a classified section in which breeders can list anything they have available for sale, (rabbits and supplies), and a section especially for readers to share their personal knowledge with other breeders. This includes a section for questions and answers. Each newsletter includes a health question directed and answered by a veterinarian and brief, easy to understand articles pertaining to the good health of our angoras

The purpose of this club is to promote, encourage and improve the development of the Angora Rabbit industry in all of it's phases and areas. We provide membership to persons interested in breeding, marketing and showing Angora Rabbits as well as pet and fiber producers with support for all products thereof. The club has regular scheduled meetings and an annual specialty show.