This page will be dedicated to the other cat who came to live in my house after the Little Guy moved to Colarado.  His name is Papageno.  It's pronounced papa gay no.  He was named after a chracter in some opera by Mozart.  It was called The Magic Flute.  Personally I think it's a stupid name.  Little Mo is a much better name.  It's easy to spell and it's not complicated to say.  It's a nice cat name. 

Papageno is much younger than I am by half a year.  I'm a little over two years (as of my latest birthday which was February 14, 2002)  and he is around a year old (he turned one on January 1, 2002).  But he is a very large little man now.  He's fat.  We like to fight all the time.  We do get along, he's just really stupid and he bothers me when I'm relaxing in the sunshine.  So I hit him on the nose really hard.  HAR HAR HAR  He always has little scratches on his nose.  I think it's funny.

Some of his nick names are Jub Jub, Jubby, Geno, Papa G, Gay Cat, Gay, G Cat, and Little Man.
I like to call him Stink Butt.

Breaking News!!!!!   Geno got married to Nellie Demko on June 8, 2002.  He has since presented her with boudior photos of himself which i have confiscated and posted here on the web....!!!!!  Click here to see a naked Geno...
Usually he is dressed like a warrior with a helmut on his head and a shield at his side... now i have naked pics of him!!!!

Well here are some pictures of Geno...
These pictures are from when Geno was more of a baby sized cat. I thought they were funny becasue he has his barbtom in the air.  You can see his peanut really well in this picture.   HAR HAR HAR
Here we are taking a nap together.  He's my best friend.  I think we look like a ying yang!!
Here's Jubby dressed like some kind of idiot.  He probably thinks he looks good in that silly hat.  He looks stupid.  I would never wear a hat like that, I like my stylish plastic bag outfit much better than his stupid hat with flowers on it.
See Geno's extracurricular activities here...