The Crew of Columbia
February 1, 2003

Their ashes are falling from the sky
onto the ground where I live.
In honor, my eyes are lifted high,
where they gave all they could give.

The heavens pay tribute to the brave;
it's clear and calm, bright and blue.
The Challenger and Columbia;
courageous ones are so few.

To stars, to the stars their spirits soar,
where mortal chains are unbound.
Eternity now they will explore.
The One they sought has been found.

Columbia, we salute your seven.
Ashes to earth and spirits to heaven.
Astronauts--they believed in their quest.
Heroes--they were our finest and noblest.

We Salute You
by Sandra Bradley (c)2003
click Title to hear music
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
updated August 25, 2008
background by Sandra Bradley