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It is very important for Jedi to travel, How else can they get to where they are needed. Make sure that you are ready and have everything for your mission. If you do not have the tools, knowledge, or skills to go on the mission, then it is sure to fail. In some situations failing could mean death.

Don't be afraid to ask directions. When in a foreign place, no one knows exactly what to expect. Even if you are good at sensing your surroundings, it is always good to get a little extra help. Also make friends when ever you can, they could be of help later on (even if they do seem annoying).

One of the Jedi's trade mark moves is the ability to sneak around. Yes, you will need to be able to do this, so you will not get caught, an unexpected surprise gets people off guard. Sneaking around is actualy a martial art skill, and the ninja were very good at doing it. Practice being unseen in all types of terrain, use the force if it will help you.

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