Educational Web Resources


Created By: Christina Miller
University of Delwaware

Portfolio of Educational Resources
Resources for teachers linked to the Internet including webquests, lesson plans, scavenger hunts, field trips, and simulations for use in the classroom


Wireless Technology
The following are some online resources which are
very useful in utilizing wireless technology in the classroom


Articles Utilizing Computer Technology
Annotations of Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues
Annotations of Adaptive and Assisstive Technology
The Making of a Technology Oriented Classroom
Learning and Leading With Technology
My Mckean-- Mckean High School Health and Physical Education department
A detailed list of courses and subjects for grades 9-12
Webquest Unit Utilizing Technology
Webquest Unit utilizing Teenage Athletes and Eating Disorders


Networking Essentials
Useful resources for training, certification, books, and resources centers for utilizing networking essentials in the classroom


Professional Development
Favorite Websites for Health and Physical Education teachers