Join my clique
What's occult roses?
It's basically a shipper support clique for people who support Giles and Jenny. I'm moving it from my other site, January Starlight to here basically because this site is my fave. Wanna join? Read the rules below and see if you qualify if so then you get your own little member plaque thing for you to proudly display on your page and your site's button goes in my member section. Nifty huh?


OK there are three levels of dedication:

Level 1:

~  anyone who applies for this clique is automatically a member without their site being judged
~  You don't have to have a site to apply

Level 2:

~  Must have a site
~  Site has to have at least one G/J piece of fan fic or three pieces of G/J fan art or have joined more than 5 G/J clubs, cliques etc.

Level 3:

~ Must have a site either dedicated to Giles (Anthony) or Jenny (Robia) or a site with a lot of info on both of them
~  Site must have either +5 pieces of G/J fan fic, +10 pieces of fan art or have joined +20 G/J clubs, cliques etc.

OK general rules...

~  No porn sites (though NC- 17 fic is OK)
~  No hate sites

Still with me? Good Just cut and paste the following into a blank e-mail and send to me @ thanks for applying

P.S. You can make me like you more! Signing my guestbook and linking me will make me ectremely happy and more lenient!!!

Cut and paste the following:

Your name-
Your URL-
Name of site-
Your e-mail address-

Which clique are you applying for?
If you are applying for Suppoorters do you want me to review your site anyway to see if you can upgrade?
Why do you support Giles and Jenny?
Have you linked me? If so where?
Have you signed my guestbook?

End of cut and paste

and that's it, thanks for applying...