Are you considering Adoption for your child?
We can Help!
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We are here to walk you through every aspect of the adoption process. Here at LBOH we want you to know that Adoption is not saying good bye to your child but opening up many blessings and opportunities that maybe you other wise could not provide for your child.
Adoption is not an end but a beginning. The Adoption process is not what it was many years ago, now you choose the family that is right for your child, you can choose the openess that adoption today can offer. You may have a fully Open Adoption with visits, Semi-Open Adoption with Pictures, Letters through out the life of the child with possibility of meeting when you are ready.
Closed with no contact. It is your chioce for you and your child, the possibilities are endless. You are in control.
LBOH is owned by an Adoptive mom of three, with staff and volenteers including adoptees and birthparents who have been where you are, facing the same difficult chioces.
Let us help you, call us today
Betty V Graham-Smith