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Eating while sailing can sometimes be a chore!! If the view is fun - who wants to be below involved in the mundane chore of preparing food??  And WHO wants to be tossed about in the galley if the boat is rocking? 

These are some good recipes to sustain the good health and humor of those sailing on your vessel! Some are one pot meals, others are good fix aheads!  Fix up, put into plastic bags and use for snacking.


Dirt Pudding

Puppy Chow - snacker

Crunchy Mix - snacker

Nibble Mix - snacker

Spicy Crunch - snacker

Pigeon Poop - snacker

No bake cookies

10 cup cookies

Orange Salad

Fruit Salad

Spinach Salad

Chili Mac

Rice and Beans

Poached Scallops

Taco Dip

Peanut Butter Pie


If anyone has a favorite recipe - send it on to me! I'll be happy to put it here and give you the blame/credit! 


  Chili Mac ] Spicy Crunch ] Crunchy Mix ] Taco Dip ] Dirt Pudding ] Puppy Chow ] Nibble Mix ][Tiramisu] No Bake Cookies ] Fruit Salad ] Orange Salad ] Rice and Beans ] Poached Scallops ] Spinach Salad ] 10 cup cookies ] Peanut Butter Pie Pigeon Poop  Home ] About Us ] [ Photo Album ] [ Some Links ] [ Rules: Guests Aboard ] [ Guest Book ] [ S/V OOPS! ] [ Sailing Humor ] [ Favorite Thoughts ] [ "Boaties" to real people ] [ Greybear's Stuff! ] [ Parrotheads ] [ Recipes ]

Life's a Reach - and then you jibe!