MERIDIAN Mission Patch

"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."
- Albert Einstein

Aaron Bennett

FULL NAME Aaron David "Skip" Bennett
ASSIGNMENT Meridian NX-06, Chief Engineer
RANK Lieutenant
AWARDS Epsilon Eridani Campaign RibbonRed Academy Ribbon of Excellence
Epsilon Eridani Campaign Ribbon, Red Academy Ribbon of Excellence
RACE Human
PLACE OF ORIGIN San Fransisco, California
AGE 23
DATE OF BIRTH November 10, 2130
PHYSICAL PROFILE 6' 0", 178 lbs, sky blue eyes, dark brown hair, not too bulky, however is well built. He has strong legs from being in track and field at the academy.
FAMILY Graceson Howard Bennett, father, 45: Cheif of Transport Operations (Bennett Transport and Associates)
Jaime Anne Bennett, mother, 44: Architect
Sebastian William Bennett, brother, 17
Alyssa Marie Bennett, sister, 14
SPECIALTIES Engineering (especially well known for repair abilities, is also well versed in warp theory)
HOBBIES Jazz, mechanics of any kind, mathematics, movies and photography.

Born in San Fransisco, California. Aaron Bennett showed amazing talent with mathematics in his regular schooling, however his real talent was found at the age of 8 when his father Graceson Bennett and Jamie Bennett gave him a broken radio that his dad had dropped while working at his desk. Mr. Bennett the next day awoke to tunes coming from his son's room. Hazily he piered into Aaron's room to find him working hard on a drawing while listening to the now fixed radio.

He continued with his engineering talent by joining his dad's transport service as a ground engineer. His co-workers found him to be a natural at mechanics often asking him advice on problems that needed a few simple adjustments. At the age of 18 he joined starfleet, much to the distaste of his father who wished him to stay in the family buisness. Both of his parents were proud however to see him become the man he was and wished him luck on his new venture.

His first assignment was aboard the medical freighter Hippocrates, where he excelled once again as an engineering officer at the ripe rank of Ensign. While aboard the Hippocrates, Bennett faced many challenges and faced death more times than he could count. One time of which came when the freighter had come under attack by a light pirate attack ship. A plasma fire engulfed a nearby energy control consol killing one crew members and severly wounding another. As the rest of the engine room staff left the bay to prepare to extinguish the engine room fire, Bennett dragged both the dead and injured crewmen to safety. This action earned him the rank of lieutenant junior grade.

Bennett served aboard the Hippocrates for 5 months more, in which time he had earned the respect of the Hippocrates commander, Captain Westmoore. They both felt it was time to move to a command position and both agreed that an NX class ship was the way to go. On stardate 215308.31 he was promoted to lieutenant and accepted as cheif engineering officer on the flagship, Meridian. Though he knew he would miss the Hippocrates, he looked forward to the future adventures he would have aboard the Meridian, adventures amongst the stars.