Proposed Museum:
Museum 1
museum 2
museum 3
museum 4
museum 5
museum 6
plano- interior elevation
plano- floor
of principal dome.
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Building Title.  " We"

The bulding will house , in its main room, a series of murals depicting a modern perception of the evolutionary process, from the basic cosmic evolution to human and societal evolution.
Here there will be scientific-philosophycal ideas represented in aesthetical forms and colors. Represented as "Questions", rather thatn assertions.
So we have in the 1rst ring, questions 1,2,3, etc. for a total of 15.
they are the basic questions of creation.
1...How is it that consciousness appears from primordial physical energy or vice versa?
2...How is it that consciousness interacts with the unverse already formed?
3...How is it that biological, or human consciousness re-arranges the universe through creativity?
(Click on 1,2,3 to see pictures)
( I came up with the configuration of the cup and oval that gives the impression of a face forming or a face in instrospection, as a simbol of consciousness, universal or just human. The never empty, never full cup of consciousness.
The 2nd. ring will carry questions about biological development and societal evolution. Such as: How is it that some elements self organize into life forms, Or, How is it that civilizations rise. Why do they fall.?  See
"Eclipse of civilization" (Click)
The 3rd ring, already in the curvature of the dome will have some 30 larger than life figures in a variety of poses, some troubled, despairing, some inspired and lifting themselves up, yet others helping each other. Others, doing the oposite. A depiction of positive and negative attitudes that exemplify the polarities trhrough which we evolve as individuals and as humanity.Something like my painting
"Evolution" (Click)
The whole process depicted will seem to go to infinity because the mural culminates in the oculus of the dome.
On the floor, in the center, will stand the statue of
"Evolutivo". Larger than life, twisted pose, as if to want to see the whole process and at the same time be absorbed by it.
The floor itself will be an allegory of space-time set in motion.
Floor plan.
The museum will be like a very modest sistine chapel. Exept that the concepts of the genesis will be changed to modern scientific-philosophycal concepts of creation and evolution.
If you wold be interested in helping out to make this proyect a reality, please contact me.  Thanks