On Ignorance Towards Atheists


It has been my opinion that although our beliefs differ a great deal, atheists and theists generally get along quite well. We can debate up one side and down the other, and in the end still be friendly, if not friends. Once in a while, some theists, whom I believe are on the fringe, will put out some information that is not only incorrect, but is also hateful.

One such theist, Robert T. Lee, operates the Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments. What might at first appear as a concise argument for the Ten Commandments to be plastered all over government establishments is actually a bunch of self-righteous babble of the go-to-hell-if-you-don’t-believe-how-I-believe sort. It is presumptuous, arrogant and at times scary. Lee presents himself as an ex-atheist. People like him enjoy touting this fact as if it actually means something. It doesn’t mean anything except…well, anything except he’s an ex-atheist. It doesn’t add any extra truth or authority to the subject. I present an example of the authors’s ignorance with a response to a guestbook signature:

Would you be interested in defending your ridiculous claims against atheists in a public debate? I challenge you to such a debate, so, if you do have the courage and confidence to debate, let me know and we'll see if we can arrange one.

Ed B.

Vice President for Internal Communication, Atlanta Freethought Society
Regional Director, Council for Secular Humanism
Vice President of Communications, Georgia Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State

Robert T. Lee's Response:

OooooooooWeeeeeee! Man - What a title! Vice President for Internal Communication, Atlanta Freethought Society - Regional Director, Council for Secular Humanism - Vice President of Communications, Georgia Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State!

I wouldn't want to be president or vice president of any organization that is against the almighty God. Such a high position also merits a high place in the suffering of hell. The greater the position, the greater the punishment.

Are you sure you want to arrange a debate? Should the fool debate with wisdom?

As Lee effectively demonstrates his immaturity in making fun of the signer’s title and completely avoiding the subject, he also makes it obvious that he is scared to death of having his beliefs challenged in a public debate. He does not have the courage and the confidence to do anything except hide behind his site. Indeed, the fool (Lee) should not debate with wisdom.

Have you gotten the idea yet? I won’t go over the entire site; I am mostly concerned with the silly claims against atheists. His first claim: “Atheism know God exists, it is quite familiar with that fact, but it says ‘under no circumstance or situation will I admit to God's existence.’” (Did I mention the site also contains numerous grammatical errors? Lee attributes this to atheists as well!) To admit something means that you already know it’s true. Atheists know that god does not exist, so this statement is illogical. By Lee’s logic, I could also claim that you will not admit to the presence of underpants gnomes in your drawer. Would this be fair to say to you?

How should atheists and theists alike respond to Lee? We shouldn’t. It is my opinion that this is what he wants. It probably makes him feel even more self-righteous. If we respond in an intelligent manner, he will resort to his arrogant name-calling and illogical, hateful, religious babble. If we respond with name-calling, we only bring ourselves down to his level. There is no point in arguing with this person and others like him. Even so, people like this can be very dangerous, so they should not be entirely ignored.

Anyway, anyone who thinks man is superior to woman because the peacock has more beautiful plumage than the peahen is, um, not right.

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