Sailing Coordinates
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Aerioth 18,28
Asmar East 59, -1
Asmar North 57, -1
Asmar South 59, -3
Boar Island 21, 13
Cabeiri 10, 12
Calamyr -33, -90
Charanth 2, 4
Christmas Island 16, -28
Coral Beach 65, -57
Dragon Caves 16, 19
Dragon Island 20, 18
Fucawee 20, 10
Ghost Ship Close to -7, -5, just keep sailing around the pacman shaped island
Haven 39, -40
Holgresh 42, -39
Ice Flows 12, 29 and 21, 29
Jewel 23, 17
Kender (Valon) 27, 12
Kobold 22, 15
lanerell 24, 15
Liku 36, -69
Minos (Trinlar) 6, 11
Mjharr 36, -62
Monkay 59, -60
Northern Outpost 27, 29
Rimaga 33, -52
Shanadan 8, -69
Sunken City 3, 2
Talis 2, 28
Tsfaru -49, 20
Whitestorm 12, 12