Merentha Info
Sailing Coordinates
Deeds Area Guides
Quests Helpful / Secret Items
Quest Classes/Races
Newbie and Mid Guide
Class Guides - Under Construction
Pets - Under Construction
Boats - Under Construction
Guild Locations

7/22/2009 - Geocities is closing in October. Check out the new site
here. Make sure to update your bookmarks before this one shuts down. I put up a good amount of new information on the new website so check it out.

11/25/2008 - Added some Shanadan maps that I found simply by searching "Merentha" and "Shanadan" on google.

3/27/2008 - Added chat room functionality at the bottom of this main page. Also added the complete details for the Velomuzst's Soul and Steel quests. The only quests remaining to be solved on here are Rare Gems, Immortality, and Illusionist. If you have any information or guesses on these send some information my way and I'll post it up.

10/8/2007 - Added a lot of new sections including sailing coordinates, area guides, useful item guide, newbie and mid guides, and I've started working on class guides as well as information on pets and boats. Many of the guides currently posted are courtesy of the web archive of the old ultimate merentha site. More coming soon.

10/7/2007 - I'm interested in adding some more sections to the site but I don't really have the time to write up everything myself. I did manage to find some more of the information from the old ultimate merentha site and I should be posting that up soon. If anyone is interested in collaborating on some area guides, pet information (leveling them up), class guides, boat information, more deeds, calamyr elite quests, or anything else please just send me an email. Also if you are interested in anything in particular let me know so that I can work on it. I would love to get some feedback from people.

Guild boards are also good sources of information so if anyone has access to any of them please send me whatever you can. Whatever is sent to me will get posted up quickly.  

I also updated the Korlis Ruins quest with more accurate directions on how to finish it.

8/22/2007 - Updated The Lost Druid quest and added two more quests: Cetyle and The God Kurkar. These last two are also from viper's old ultimate merentha site. Only 4 more partial quests to complete before they are all done.

8/20/2007 - There has been a massive overhaul of the quests section and many new quests added. Many of the new ones are courtesy of the "lost" Ultimate Merentha website as well as some others I have written up. I was able to dig up a bunch of the old quests that had been previously posted on there. These include The Heir to Talis, a more specific Mystic quest, the Doppleganger, Immortality, Holy Chalice, Apothecary, and portions of the Quest for Steel and the Lost Druid As always, if this website has been useful for you please consider sending in additional information that is not already posted on here. 

5/15/2007 - Added 2 more maps for Mjharr (Gnolls and Anu areas). To get into the gnolls area just find the room where every once in a while it mentions you being able to see a rock in the sand. "Search sand" then "push rock" reveals the entrance. Just type 'hole' to enter it. For Anu find the statue of Anu and "pray to Anu". Hopefully more updates coming soon. 

This is the new place to be for Merentha information. I set up this website so that everyone can share information that they've learned about the game. 

I have included some of the quests, deeds, maps, and item info that I have gathered about the game up to this point. It probably pales in comparison to some players but hopefully with your help we can change that soon.

I will try and continue adding things as I think of them. I'm sure there's a lot I've missed for now. If you have any information that you would like me to post on here just email with the link below.