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4th and Goal Commentary - May 21, 2001
Young Potential Robbed By Porn
By Bill McCartney

He was 14 and full of potential, a college coach's dream. 

I'm Bill McCartney... It's 4TH and Goal!

Never late for practice, this kid had a mind for the game and was destined for a bright future.  In an effort to thank his dad for the inspiration he'd been, Ryan decided to take some of his dad's old baseball memorabilia, and make it into a small scrap book, as a gift. 

So, he rushed home from practice, ran up to the attic and started rummaging through the boxes marked "Dad."  That's when it all started.  It was then that Ryan was first exposed to pornography. 

His sexual desires were molded by the images he saw in books, magazines, and videos.  Tragically, what Ryan never set out to find ended up mastering him.  While this promising young man continued to enjoy success on the baseball diamond, he'd have traded all of it if he could remove the shame and bitterness he now carried with him. 

Several years later, he learned about Pure Life Ministries and their residential program for men who struggle with sexual addictions.  A friend told Ryan that there was hope - that he didn't have to go on living in bondage to pornography.  It was possible for him to live a sexually pure life.

Steve Gallagher, President of Pure Life Ministries, finishes Ryan's story for us. "When I looked into Ryan's eyes for the first time I saw a desperate man.  I could tell, by listening to him, that he was tired of being dominated by lust and perversion.  He came to us determined to walk away a different man." 

Gallagher goes on, "Over the next six months I watched as Ryan's life was transformed.   Towards the end of his stay at Pure Life, his eyes beamed with life, and he talked a lot about his new-found freedom.  I knew he got what he came here for." 

Guys, May is Victims of Pornography Month. If you're struggling with pornography, Pure Life Ministries is a place you can turn to and get help.  They can be found on the web at, or you can reach them by phone by calling 1.800.635.1866.

I'm Coach Bill McCartney.

Copyright (c) 2000 Promise Keepers.
4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

Heard on more than 470 outlets nationwide, 4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a 3-minute daily radio commentary providing men with a hope-filled approach to issues that men deal with every day. The program addresses vital topics such as parenting, the fatherless, teenage alienation, and marriage relationships, as well as reporting on breaking news and research related to men's daily interests.  4th and Goal transcripts are also available on the Internet.

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"4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls," with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

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