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4th and Goal Commentary - April 4, 2001
Shame of the Games
By Bill McCartney
Two Jewish runners were denied almost sure Olympic gold in the 1936 Games. Racism robbed them of the medals they'd worked a lifetime to earn.

I'm Bill McCartney... It's 4TH and Goal!

At the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin, German dictator Adolf Hitler hoped to prove the Nazi myth of Aryan superiority.  Unfortunately for Hitler, American heroes Jesse Owens, Ralph Metcalfe, Foy Draper and Frank Wycoff, two of them black, easily won gold for the United States in the 400-meter relay.

While their victory was a triumph, the tragedy of the 400-meter relay race was that two Jews should have been running for the U.S. team. Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller were on the team until race day, when without explanation, they were told they wouldn't be running.

Glickman and Stoller returned to America as the only U.S. Olympians not to compete in Berlin.  The exact details of the race remain a mystery.  Of course it's not documented that anti-Semitism kept the men from running.

But, the two themselves, and even Metcalfe, who did run in the race, agreed that the Jews were held out for political reasons.  Certain powerful people didn't want to see Hitler triumphed by Jewish athletes.

Sadly, a gold medal, marking one of our country's defining moments, is a sad illustration of racism.  An otherwise glorious achievement is darkened by injustice.

Let's work to cripple racism and its harms.  First we can expose it.  Then, we can refuse to tolerate it.  When we see racism, or prejudice around us, let's take a stand against it, and let the world know that it's not acceptable to treat someone unequally because of race or ethnic heritage.

Let's work toward a day when, as the great Martin Luther King said, "A man is judged not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."  And, men, may the content of our character uphold the value of the human race.

I'm Coach Bill McCartney.

Source Material: Abrahamson, Alan.  "Shame of the Games."  LA Times, January 7, 2001.


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4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

Heard on more than 470 outlets nationwide, 4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a 3-minute daily radio commentary providing men with a hope-filled approach to issues that men deal with every day. The program addresses vital topics such as parenting, the fatherless, teenage alienation, and marriage relationships, as well as reporting on breaking news and research related to men's daily interests.  4th and Goal transcripts are also available on the Internet.

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