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4th and Goal Commentary - March 27, 2001
Make Room for Step-Daddy
By Bill McCartney
One in three children will live in a step-parent family sometime during their childhood...

I'm Bill McCartney... It's 4TH and Goal!

PROGRAM BODY (2:00 - 2:05)

When Gary married Karen, he became an instant father to Karen's 6-year-old daughter, Jennifer.  He'd never been a parent before.  But, four years later, I'm very happy to report, Gary and Jennifer have a wonderful relationship.

They play together, laugh together, and talk together.  Gary shares stories with her.  And, Jennifer looks forward to her "dates with Dad" - whether it be bowling, or playing miniature golf, or watching an old movie together.

And, when he and Karen put Jennifer to bed at night, Jennifer always wants a big hug and kiss from Dad before she falls asleep.  She is a very happy, outgoing little girl, secure in her father's love.

How did Gary develop such a wonderful relationship with Jennifer?  He showed unconditional love to her from day one.  During the wedding ceremony, he got down on one knee and vowed to be Jennifer's loving, committed father.

To build their relationship, he made sure that Jennifer knew that she was his highest priority, after his wife.   He made sure that he was at every event that was important to her and showed an interest in what she enjoyed.  His maturity and security in who he was prepared him for fathering.
Guys, being an instant step father isn't easy.  I share this story to encourage those of you contemplating marriage with a single mom.  Great relationships with step sons and daughters are possible!  The key is loving and accepting them for who they are and adapting to them, not forcing them to adapt to a new adult.

A step father can make a child feel secure by modeling the commitment and love he has for his wife.  And, step dads should let moms handle the discipline until the children love and trust himAnd, finally, be there!  An absentee step-dad is going to have a much harder time building a relationship with his step children.

Men can have a huge impact on the lives of step children and they'll blossom under the loving, caring leadership of their new daddy.

I'm Coach Bill McCartney.

Copyright (c) 2000 Promise Keepers.
4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

Heard on more than 470 outlets nationwide, 4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a 3-minute daily radio commentary providing men with a hope-filled approach to issues that men deal with every day. The program addresses vital topics such as parenting, the fatherless, teenage alienation, and marriage relationships, as well as reporting on breaking news and research related to men's daily interests.  4th and Goal transcripts are also available on the Internet.

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"4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls," with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

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