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4th and Goal Commentary - February 15, 2001
Boys Adrift
By Bill McCartney
Sociologists fear that youngsters are isolating themselves in a value system more akin to Lord of the Flies than to 21st Century civilization.

I'm Bill McCartney... It's 4TH and Goal!

I recently came across a disturbing article in the London Times.  It addressed the wave of teenage violence, particularly among French boys.  France is despairing over the increasing problem with gang rape of young women by teen boys.  This wave has set off a nationwide debate about the causes of teenage alienation.

What has caused this social breakdown?  One contributing factor is lack of communication between adolescents and their parents.  Distrust between the generations has helped to make gang rape a fad and murder common.

Guys, what's happening in France is extremely distressing.  But, those same trends show themselves here.  And, by those incidents, we're reminded of what can happen when we don't communicate with our kids.  The key to stopping youth violence is not in our resilience after a violent incident.  The key is prevention.  And, part of that happens in the relationships we build with our children.

So, how can we develop strong relationships with our sons?   Let's start by giving them the gift of time.   Robert Lewis, author of "Raising a Modern Day Knight," writes, "Just watching [his father] shave, hearing him laugh. . . invests a son with large doses of male energy."

And this emotional energy cannot be gained anywhere other than in the presence of a father.  The investment becomes even more substantial when a father imparts not only emotional capital, but moral capital as well."

Guys, let's make sure we spend time with our sons.  Even if we include them in the smallest of activities, whether it is working in the yard together, washing the car, or any other special project we can think of, we can have a strong influence on their lives.  And, if we sit down and talk with them about the lessons we've learned, we can make a profound difference on their future.

I'm Coach Bill McCartney.

Sources: Adam Sage, "France Wrings Its Hands As Young Men Run Wild," London Times, December 5, 2000.

Robert Lewis, "Raising a Modern-Day Knight," (Colorado Springs, CO: Focus on the Family Publishing, 1997).

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord" - Psalm 127:3.

Copyright (c) 2000 Promise Keepers.
4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

Heard on more than 470 outlets nationwide, 4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls, with Bill McCartney, is a 3-minute daily radio commentary providing men with a hope-filled approach to issues that men deal with every day. The program addresses vital topics such as parenting, the fatherless, teenage alienation, and marriage relationships, as well as reporting on breaking news and research related to men's daily interests.  4th and Goal transcripts are also available on the Internet.

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"4th and Goal - Coaching for Life's Tough Calls," with Bill McCartney, is a radio ministry of Promise Keepers.

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