Wes du Hael!

If you've arrived here, one of two things has occurred. Either you are someone who knew us a good long time ago, and are looking for us again, or you've read something by one of our small little clan, and found this url in it, usually as a part of a signature.

Well, obviously, what used to be no longer is. With that said, it is likely that you've come seeking more information about us, and well, I personally don't like to run across sites that prove to not be terribly informative.

However, I don't like being stalked, tracked, fussed with, harassed, and generally given a hard time by folks who should have enough sense to simply leave our kith and kin alone.


Where does that leave us? There was a time when we had all sorts of identifying information out there on the web. Bits of this and that, all sorts of flotsam floating around, leading folks who didn't come with the best of intentions, and a few who were quite malicious, and might I add, a hair nuts.


And so, I've come to the conclusion that it is best to leave this site near empty. We will leave some things up, a bit of creative writing, a bit of story telling, and perhaps a bit of errata, but everything else is gone.




To contact us, hit our lovely little dragon image below: