The Astrology chart below displays the combination of the Chinese and Western Astrological wheels. Find your Chinese Astrology sign and your Western Astrology sign and see where they meet in the chart. Then click on the number to see which Celebrity shares your Astrology sign. 



Aries Taurus Gem Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorp Sagitt Capri Aquar Pisces
Rat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ox 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Tiger 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Rabbit 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Dragon 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Snake 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
Horse 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
Sheep 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
Monkey 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Rooster 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
Dog 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
Boar 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144



1. Mouse@Aries


Aries’ Fire adds strength and inspiration to the Mouse. Mice are rational people, known for good council. They are aggressive and know how to win. They can be secretive and seemingly shallow and must beware of pettiness and gambling. The Aries Mouse should be more careful and practical than other Aries. This is an ambitious setting, but worthy of respect. Rats are learned and wise and though their attributions are gained in self preservation, it does deem them any less meritorious. Al Gore, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Doris Day.



2. Mouse@Taurus


Profit meets profit in this gatherer sign. While Taurus is artistic, Mice are more mathematical then the artistic. Taurus is ruled by Venus. The Bull cannot resist from accumulation. This match should be successful. Taureans are known for Earthy love, loyalty, and commitment. Mice are seductive. In this setting, we may see a genuine balance. One of the most artistic Mice. Dennis Hopper Busta Rhymes, Bono, Stevie Winwood



3. Mouse@Gemini


This is an intense setting. With such heightened abilities of oration, eloquence and salesmanship, it’s hard to know what to do with it. The Settings are so similar that we may have a dangerous combination. This is an extreme yang sign. Rats can be secretive and vindictive, Gemini wears the other mask. Aggression sign. George Bush, Louis Gossett Jr., The Notorious B.I.G.


4. Mouse@Cancer


Cancer is ruled by the moon and emotion. They are extremely fluid within the environment in which they are immersed. It is hard to qualify a Cancer for this reason. We know they are extremely sensitive. However, for exactly this reason they may have heightened defensive systems. Mice can be secretive. In this circumstance, be wary. Mouse@Cancer must learn to balance their external and inner lives. Family should be very important to these subjects. There is no facet of life that a rat cannot tackle. Cancer gains practicality. Mouse Logic should protect the feeling Cancer. It is important for this setting to find a proper outlet for emotion and intuition and not to be lead astray with unhealthy activity. John Elway, Marlon Wayans.



5. Mouse@Leo


Fire again sets in the year of the Mouse. A showman, a worker, generally your all around go-to-guy. This setting does well in the arts and other facets of life. Mice are small, Leo’s are larger than life. There are no illusions in the mind of a Mouse about who has to take care of business. Nothing is too small for them. They will keep up the fight until the end. They are scrappers, fidgety and hungry. Leo is ruled by the sun. Leo shines, he is strong and lazy. He adds warmth to the calculating Mouse. Leo lends courage, histrionics, and a sense of family. This is a cut above Setting when it comes to leadership and masculinity. This is a leading man sign. Seductive, amusing, fun, cool, and able to get the job done. Antonio Banderas, Ben Affleck, Gene Kelly, Sean Penn, Chuck D.



6. Mouse@Virgo


This mathematician and analyst is so calculating that it would seem that no element too small would escape their fortress of a mind. Their ability to view the nuances of the world is astounding. Mice and Virgo both have analytical abilities far beyond any other combination of settings. The Virgin cannot be possessed. Often we assume that Virgo is prudish because of the obvious relationship of the virgin. However, in the zodiac, the beginning often meets the end. This setting is extremely grounded. All they need to do is find something they love or even like and run with it. Virgo is a strong independent style and should lend a more cool temperament to the fidgety mouse. Buddy Holly, Cameron Diaz, Chris Tucker, Prince Harry, Jim Henson.



7. Mouse@Libra


At this setting our messenger Mouse has the gifts of oration, eloquence and inspiration. As it’s been said, Mice are good council, but their disposition often inhibits understanding between the other settings. Libra adds equanimity to their aspiring lives. Gives them the cunning to couch the tough reality of any industry. In this example, we see the youth of the Mouse, the first of the Chinese Settings, coupled with the agedness and wisdom of Libra. Often the best combinations are those when youth and age are in good balance. Scrappers and competently heightened leaders of the Ratpack. It seems from the data that this sign is a Rapper’s sign. City style. Eminem, Pras, Wyclef Jean, Snoop Doggy Dogg.



8. Mouse@Scorpio


Wisdom, death and sex converge in an intriguing persona. Water Mice should be wary of the depths they dive. This subject could be a wildcard. Gambling, turbulent love, pettiness, spite are all things this person will have to battle to keep peace of mind. They desire so much, but have precise control… these Subjects could in fact be gifted certain precision. Danger of extreme introversion and the sexual nature of this subject may be complicated. Seductive in the extreme, this sign holds certain innate wisdom incomprehensible to others.



9. Mouse@Sagittarius


Fires again add spark to an otherwise introspective creature. This Subject and the last remaining settings in this year are the wisest Mice. When combined with the younger signs, desires are overwhelming and may misdirect the talents of the Mouse Subject. However, in this case, clarity is abundant. These Mice need only to be wary of the normal pitfalls of the Mouse. Gambling, pettiness, ambition, deceit. The Mouse can achieve. High minded Sagittarius remembers the psychic turbulence of the Scorpion’s abyss. These Mice are rugged and tough and may seem unstable, but only to those who do not understand the individualistic nature of the Rat. Fire signs are stronger than other elements. Fire strengthens the skin and adds conviction. The Centaur in this case, determines to overcome the darkness. Amy Grant, Kurupt, Ozzy Osborne, Samuel L. Jackson, Daryl Hannah.



10. Mouse@Capricorn


Capricorn lends some footing to an otherwise scurrying beast. The Goat is an achiever, sure of foot (although adverse reactions are common). The Capricornian Rat is a good a balance of signs. It is practical but is aged enough to understand some of the eccentricities of life. They are dependable, loyal, and knowledgeable. Mice are ambitious. Here the two meet in objectives. They both want to achieve. And they will. Maybe not always in the spotlight, but they should achieve in any facet of life. Capricorn’s rational should multiply the Rat’s determinedness and keep he or she clear headed in the right direction. Deep Earth. Jack Hannah, Lee Van Cleef, Jude Law, Mary Tyler Moore, Robert Palmer.



11. Mouse@Aquarian


Mouse Aquarians are zany, creative, ambitious, and kind. Gentler than his cousins, the Aquarian Mouse should be excellent council. Talk to this person before you do anything and he will let you know if your idea has legs. This is a talented sign. Strong Yang, with a good combination of drive, focus, humor, and wisdom. Achiever sign, clearly masculine. Burt Reynolds, Jim Kelly, Jimmy Hoffa, John Belushi, Lee Marvin, Meg Tilly, Teller.



12. Mouse@Pisces


Mouse finiteness is tempered by Pisces peace of mind, generosity, loyalty, and goodness. An excellent combination for a family and success. These styles will work hard for their family and achieve for the sake of others. While water affects Mice in an odd way, this combination is definitively the best of this scenario. Still, this subject must beware of being too introverted with the inability to express ones self. These subject, like all Water Mice must guard against their overly intuitive and feeling nature. Dean Stockwell, Shaquille O’Neal.



13. Ox@Aries


The Ox is less influenced by Western signs, than the Rat. In other words, all Oxen are strong. The combination of the western signs to the Ox makes less of a difference than the Mouse. Whereas the Mouse is easily affected by the western sign, the Ox is only slightly affected by the western Sign. The Mouse’s smallness is inversely proportional to the great size of the Ox. Aries Ox, like all Ox are have a powerful persona. Oxen are long suffering grounded people who can accomplish their goals no matter what the obstacles. They are not fidgety, but rather deeply focused. They are loyal and committed to whatever they set their mind to. They can be homemakers, bosses, grunts and generally good citizens. Aries is extroverted. The Ox for the most part is introverted. This subject should be balanced. Beware of their temper. Builder’s sign. Eddie Murphy, Jessica Lange, Warren Beatty.



14. Ox@Taurus


This style is off the charts. Double Ox Sign. Fame, power, respect, and success come to this subject in the arts, politics and business. This is an actor and leader sign. Public speaking comes to this sign as instinct. Capable of intense rage but controlled enough to use it as fuel to better itself, the Bull@Bull setting is a phenomena. If I were the father of such a beast, I would get it focused on something artistic early. Perhaps the greatest gift and weakness of this sign is stubbornness. This subject will do what it pleases. The straight man cannot be conned. He is young in both styles, but wise enough to achieve for himself. Clearly there is a drive and desire to win under this subjects skin, that cannot be matched by any other. All the tools are here, but to what end and why? Pillar sign. Adolph Hitler, Dennis Rodman, Billy Joel, Enya, George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, Malcolm X, Tim Roth, Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter.



15. Ox@Gemini


Here, the stability of the Bull meets quickness of Hermes. In general, we do not have to worry about Oxen. They are not foolish, and while they are enduring and workers, it is not easy to take advantage of them. Even in this case, Gemini becomes grounded. Ox and Gemini are practically opposites. Oxen are steady, loyal, frank, substantial. Gemini are flighty, sometimes two-faced. This combination works in a mysterious way. In this case, Gemini does little more than distract our noble Ox. Hermes lends mindfulness to the hauling Bull. Again, a powerful setting. Jim Varney, Lionel Richie, Michael J. Fox, Robert Englund, Tom Berenger, Juliette Lewis.



16. Ox@Cancer


In this setting, there is no inner battle to determine the Ox@Cancer’s dharma. Sometimes, being one thing firm is more important than being the best. The Ox Cancer proves capable because where Cancers may be gentle and weak; the Ox is anything but. He is strong and lends power to the family oriented Cancer. This sign has much in common with the Cancer Dragon. An enduring friend with depth of will. Endowed with the gift of honesty. In this case, we have a yin/yin sign one rung up from the Double Ox sign. But where the Double Ox may apply flawed doctrine due to self-love, the Ox Cancer actually cares about others. Bill Cosby, Carl Lewis, Merv Griffin, Meryl Streep, Woody Harrelson.



17. Ox@Leo


Toughness meets comfort as Leo lends more heroic qualities to the Bull. There is a lot of strength here and where the Ox my not need to be in the spotlight, Leo does. This is a Yang sign. The capability of rage is there. However, knowing the Ox’s cool temperament, if rage comes out of this Subject, while severe, it probably is deserved. Again, this person needs a clear focused structure in which to succeed. This is a worker and a leader. A burley individual, strong, honest and warm. There is weight to this individual and he or she should feel lucky to be born under such a courageous style. Parent and Builder style. Laurence Fishburne, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Redford, Stephen Dorff.



18. Ox@Virgo


Heartiness meets intelligence is this earthy combination. As I said before, whenever a sign combines with the Ox, it always proves capable. In this case, Virgo enhances an already practical disposition to the point of cold reason. This person is capable of doing the unthinkable for the fact that the end justifies the mean. I would not want to battle this opponent. Sex is important to this Subject. While this person may not always be likeable, he is capable, and given the right resources, someone who comes through for friends or independently. As it has been said, a man born in the year of the Ox should have an innate understanding of women that others do not possess. The data only strengthens the legend. Though Virgo cannot be possessed, the Ox is as loyal as they come. Interesting combination. Again, a Yin/yin setting that lends male subjects vast resource. Builder style. B.B. King, Gene Simmons, James Gandolfini, Joe Theismann, Nas, Richard Gere.



19. Ox@Libra


In most cases, Oxen heartiness allows for actions to speak louder than words. Moreover, while this is true, words if used correctly can inspire all kinds of action. In this combination, we have a sensual, likeable everyman. Here is a style that maintains the depth of the struggling Bull, yet the eloquence, elevation and understanding of Libra. Libra’s have a tendency to be elusive, even flaky. Ox’s loyalty and steadfastness will counter that tendency in this case. A very good match, indeed. Dylan McDermott, Eric Stoltz, Gore Vidal, Heather Locklear.



20. Ox@Scorpio


Earthy sexuality, dark and bruiting, strength and deep spiritual power. This subject’s emotions are without restraint. I would recommend martial arts, athletics, and religion to keep this fierce creature relaxed. The strength of this combination of styles is awesome. This personality has many uses in society and is as capable as any. Burt Lancaster, k.d. Lang, Meg Ryan, Robert F. Kennedy.



21. Ox@Sagittarius


These are hearty folks with more warmth and kindness than some of their Oxen brethren. Truth and honestly will be important to these Subjects. Drive and consistency will lead this Sagittarius to victory. The element of Sagittarius is Fire. Influenced by the Ox, long suffering, honest, hard workers and set in their ways, they rarely regret anything because by the time they have taken the steps to action, they have thought it out thoroughly. The archer may lend the great bull a noble purpose of action. Sagittarius is known for seeking truth, and in this case lends the earth-bound bull high-mindedness. Solid and very successful combination. Dick Van Dyke, Jane Fonda, Jeff Bridges, Kim Delaney, Ridley Scott, Sammy Davis Jr., Max Baer Jr., Tom Waits.



22. Ox@Capricorn


Surefootedness is surely not lacking in this Subject. However, so much stability must create an ability of adverse reaction. The elements combine into the most rigid material. Here is a person so grounded, the result is irregular, unpredictability, inconsistency and brilliance. This subject is so embedded in it’s own earth that they may act crazy as presentation. Again, we witness incredible strength. This individual must be given practical expectation early. A valuable ally, in the right conditions. This sign is very hard to qualify. Anthony Hopkins, Jim Carrey, Kate Moss, Maurice Gibb, Otis Riggs Jr., Sissy Spacek.



23. Ox@Aquarian


Unlike our last setting combination, this combination works in much the same way, but with a little more predictability and rational. A sure-footed, strong, worker-bee, combined with the Water bearer’s ingenuity and creativity. A strong will and quick mind. A good combination. Emotionally controlled, physically strong, yet mentally elevated. Oxen are rooted. Aquarians are communicators. There is much to learn from these subjects. They can get what they want and of all the Aquarians, they are one of the most balanced. Oxen are young. Aquarians are old. Leader sign. Power setting. Weight. Ivana Trump, Paul Newman, Leslie Nelsen, Peter Gabriel.



24. Ox@Pisces


Strong, calming, tactfulness, all attributes of this subject. No obstacle can stand in this honest struggler’s way. Peace should follow him or her around. With plenty of love and people to work for, this subject should flourish behind the scenes, calmly taking on responsibilities for the sake of their loved ones and carrying out with quiet disciple the actions to provide a rational and capable home. Not for necessarily for acting or the spotlight, a shy beauty of strength and inner beauty. Another honest style. Fabio. Do you understand why?



25. Tiger@Aries


Tiger and Aries are both hotheaded. In this subject, heat is the operative element. This style may have a deep need for danger, combat and missionary crusades. Such a strong yang style may offer female subjects appeal to men in the same way the yin style of the Ox give Ox men appeal to women. Inspired and passionate style. Hugh Heffner, Martin Short, Star Jones, Rosie O’Donnell.



26. Tiger@Taurus


Taurus lends the Tiger patience. The Tiger is youthful and inspired. Taurus provides more footing. Artistic in the extreme, the Tiger@Bull will be a great lover, leader, thinker, and creator. Tigers have a problem with commitment. They do not want to be tied down. Taureans need commitment. These two qualities should balance each other out and provide for a person who is an excellent guardian. An athletic and courageous style. Don Rickles, Gabriel Byrne, Joe Louis, Penelope Cruz.





These signs correlate and may be considered a doorway setting, or double Tiger sign. These styles give new meaning the definition of speed. Intellectually, they are entertaining and always have something to say. The element of the twins may add to Tiger’s already reckless disposition. These subjects are dashing in the extreme, sexy, intense, quick-minded, and passionate. They may be a little flighty, never really settling down. A very mutable style. Passionate and moody. Extremely communicative. Ashley and Mary-Kate Olson, Brent Gore, Joyce Carol Oates, Maxi Priest, Ally Sheedy.



28. Tiger@ Cancer


Tigers are crazy, hotheaded, rash, careless, impulsive and hasty. Cancers are deep, quiet, feeling, sensitive people. Not to say that Tigers are more intense than Cancer’s intuitive and familial nature. Combined, a style that is broad in its degree of capacity. Depth and courage. It is an unusual balance. This style may have the ability of extreme extroversion and introversion. Cancer lends the Tiger intuition and the sense of the familial. Morality and truth are things for which a Tigers is willing to die. Cancer in this case is lent inspired strength. Protector Sign. Harry Dean Stanton, Janet Reno, Mel Brooks, Simon Rex, Tom Cruise.



29. Tiger@Leo


Talented, jovial, good hearted. This subject is a born leader. This is a double battle cat style. There is tons of steam in this subject. Bold, confident, sexual. This is a protector sign balanced with a self sign. Very warm, strong people. Hilary Swank.



30. Tiger@Virgo


Tiger’s foolishness is severely decreased by Virgo’s rationale. These styles are acute, mathematical and yet artistic. This cat is clever and sure-footed. The Tiger is tempered. Tigers benefit from earth styles. Tiger may provide a kinder Virgo, more concerned with brotherhood. One of the most consistent and clever Tigers. Bill Murray, Dean Devlin, Jimmy Fallon, Mase, Samuel Goldwyn, Jr.



31. Tiger@Libra


This is a strong leader sign. Smart, communicative and on a mission. Guardian sign. Flea, Kelly Preston, Tom Petty, Tommy Lee, Jerry Rice



32. Tiger@ Scorpio


Tigers have integrity. This will diminishes the element of spite associated with Scorpio. Although I wouldn’t cross these subject. Tiger gains extreme depth and power from water signs. Cancer can be dangerous, but Scorpio is dangerous. What comes out of this relationship is rebellion. This is a badass style, controlled, but if treated wrong, deadly. Tigers are high minded. In this case, the Tiger’s happy go lucky attitude is just taken down a notch to a more serious, intense, and rebellious attitude. Just as clever as his predecessor, twisting words and cultivating strategy should not be a problem. A worthy adversary and excellent ally. Deep intensity sign. Demi Moore, Joaquin Phoenix, John Candy, Leonardo DiCaprio.



33. Tiger@Sagittarius


These fellows are a bounty of strength and crusaders of truth. They are searchers sometimes bouncing out of control, but mostly dazzling us with their lofty levels of energy. This is a noble setting, as all Tigers value honor. What sets these cats apart is Fire deep within. Underneath, you would be surprised at the powers they retain. Again, we may experience defiance, for they are adventurers. Bo Jackson, Canibus, Giovanni Ribisi, Ed Harris, Jon Stewart.



34. Tiger@ Capricorn


These two signs are quite opposite to each other. Tigers are fearless, rash and love to get into trouble. Capricorn’s are smarter, more practical. They can get what they want because they have patience. Capricorn may have a good effect on the Tiger in this scenario, giving the style more consistency and success in all his out of this world schemes. This is a likeable cat, more loyal and committed than his predecessors are. Solid players. Protector sign. Balthazar Getty, Maury Povich, Rush Limbaugh, Steven Soderbergh.



35. Tiger@Aquarian


Likable, generous, courageous, the Tiger is very similar to Aquarius. The Tiger is slightly more aggressive, tougher, but just as noble. This subjects balancing abilities are an enigma. For a girl this may be a liberating combination. For a fellow however, you may feel ambiguously obligated. Smarts, eclectic understanding, athleticism, open mindedness, talent, and strength are traits. Eddie Izzard, Christian Bale, Judy Blume, Natalie Imbruglia, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Seth Green, Sheryl Crow, W. Axl Rose, Wolfman Jack.



36. Tiger@Pisces


This is a good balance. First, these styles are genuinely good. This is what sets them apart. They have gigantic hearts, noble intentions, and attitudes toward others from which we could all learn a thing or two. This is good combination. Again, water lends the Tiger more intuition and kindness. Family Protector sign. Harry Caray, Janet Guthrie, Jon Bon Jovi, Julius Erving, William Hurt.



37. Rabbit@Aries


Great balance of strength, grace, meekness, creativity, humor, artistry, and quietness. There is a lot to say about Cats or Rabbits depending on the Chinese menu you are looking at. Cats are equivocal and they are above all that fighting the Tiger loves so much. Cats like to talk. The Rabbit cools Aries, enables clarity of thought and direction. More cerebral than the Tiger, the Cat is focused. He or she does not possess the intensity of the Tiger, but does possess, more importantly the understanding of ones self as a small player in a big game. This combination works well as it balances the warrior spirit of Aries with the gentle demeanor of the Cat. Rabbits are lucky, they have good timing. Aries is never more intelligent than this setting. Aries Spears, Conan O’Brian, M.C. Hammer, Marvin Gaye, Julian Lennon, Quentin Tarantino.



38. Rabbit@Taurus


All the volcanic and masculine strength and wanting for material wealth of Taurus is countered by a genuinely attractive, lucky creature. This subject will be clever, mild tempered, quick and smart. Intelligence style. Bernard Fox, Al Franken, Jet Li, Joey Ramone, Natasha Richardson.



39. Rabbit@Gemini


The Rabbit should provide calming on the twins. Very communicative, funny, and quick. The Rabbit/Cat is athletic, just small. Mind sign. Jerry Stiller, Joe Piscopo, Johnny Depp, Lauryn Hill, Roberto Duran.



40. Rabbit@Cancer


This could be interpreted as a double Rabbit/Cat sign. Or double cancer sign. Extreme introversion/extroversion. Strong Yin sign. Doorway setting. Certain luck. Brain Grazer, Geoffrey Rush, ‘Lil Kim’, Neil Simon, Phoebe Cates, Lynda Carter, Spud Webb.



41. Rabbit@Leo


Fire affects Rabbit well. Offers a more courage and a less discrete approach to interpersonal relationships. Excellent temperment. John Stamos, Coolio, Lisa Kudrow, Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Tori Amos, Wes Craven.



42. Rabbit@Virgo


Rational, sexual, wise, always thinking. Virgo, the virgin cannot be possessed. Reserved, intelligent and discreet. Rabbit lets the style verbalize sensibly. Luck. Joan Hopkins, Lee Brennan, Peter Falk, Richard Marx. Michael Keaton.



43. Rabbit@ Libra


Subtle, intangible, and graceful. Beauty appeals to this subject. Rabbits are hard to catch. Audacity and power are not the tools from which he or she will succeed. True, the style is a speaker; but it is not the powerful delivery, rather the message that is capable of drawing audience. Luck and grace sign. Elisabeth Shue, Kate Winslet, Patrick O’Neal, Sting, A.C. Green. George C. Scott.



44. Rabbit@ Scorpio


The little creature inherits deep thoughts and may be misunderstood. Older Cats are cooler Cats. Cats are pensive. Scorpios are dark. The death/sex relationship of Scorpio manifests itself as philosophy when combined with the Cat. Instead of becoming a badass, he becomes council, philosopher. Only under dire conditions will this subject be dangerous. An if so, only through clever deceit, can this subject strike. This fellow has vision. He is competitive like other Scorpions, but he need not worry of doing anything crazy. This Scorpion is under control. Very sexual and discreet style. Harry Hamlin, Lauren Holly, Marla Maples, Mary Heart, Tara Reid.



45. Rabbit@Sagittarius


A soulful style that adds some bravado to a small, agile style. Inspiration comes easy to this Cat. Clever as his predecessors, but a little less worried about physical safety. Rabbits are quick minded. However, give them a little strength, toughen their skin a little, lend them some balance, they become entertaining and fun. Honor sign. Brad Pitt, Mekhi Phifer, Samantha Fox.



46. Rabbit@ Capricorn


These Cats can take care of themselves. Earth bound and artistic in a lifestyle kind of way, the Cats can focus on something and stay focused on it until they’re glare has burned a hole in the wall. Rabbits get stronger as we get close to the Tiger. In my opinion a nice disposition for a companion. Barbara Carrera, Lars Ulrich, Nicolas Cage, Penelope Ann Miller.



47. Rabbit@Aquarian


A very human setting, almost royal. A deep thinker, smart as anyone, artistic, with gallons of grace. Deep with something to say. This is an oddly lucky sign. Very communicative, and ingenious. Strong style. Elegant sign. Wiser than I. Bridget Fonda, Jane Seymour, Seal, Ted Koppel.



48. Rabbit@Pisces


This style like the last eludes me. We are now very close to the Dragon. The Dragon is the strongest of all the signs, the middle sign like Leo, ruled by the king. The Dragon is the only Chinese sign that really is not even a legitimate creature. It is special. As we get so close to the Dragon, the power spreads like a ripple in Water. Rabbit Pisces defies itself. It is so lucky that it does not even know it is lucky. Grace in common. Uncommon strength from honest conviction is surprising and out of place. Possibly the most powerful for Rabbit. We have valor, honesty, humor, and righteousness. Very valuable. Drew Barrymore, Ed ‘Too Tall’ Jones, Kurt Russell, Peter Fonda, Sidney Poitier.



49. Dragon@Aries


All Dragons carry magic. Dragon is the only Chinese sign that is truly a mythical creature. This is a strong, athletic combination. Dragon is the middle style. Dragon lends Aries resolve, wisdom, and luck. We still have a warrior spirit, masculine and aggressive, but there is tact and timing to aid Aries aggression. Dragons are royal. Every other sign in the Chinese zodiac likes Dragons. They match Leo in the western sign ruling by sheer centrifugal force. Tough and resolve with the ability to focus on anything they set their mind to. The breath fire from heart. Warning, do not overheat. Dragon style sign. The most powerful style of contention. Bob Costas, Keri Russell, Russell Crowe, Marilyn Chambers, Gregory Peck, Amy Smart, Crispin Glover, Elle Macpherson, James Caan.



50. Dragon@Taurus


Power, money, art, creativity, strength, endurance, the Bull with wings can fly to wherever his wanting heart desires to go. This creature is larger than life. Taurus thanks the Dragon for giving the style the grace that was always there. Do not be selfish, thickheaded, or hot tempered.. An earthy tough person, popular until the end, because deep down everybody knows he is good, loyal and highborn. They are real people. Organizers who know how to bank bounty. Chazz Palminteri, Mr. T, Robert McNamara, Rocco Siffredi, Sue Grafton, George Strait, Hank Azaria, James L. Brooks.



51. Dragon@Gemini


These styles are all over the place. Too quick, too fast! With the ability to verbalize as if one was one of the three wise men, these lofty Dragons know full well what they do, but know not how the do it. So gifted is this Subject that once again we must warn against outrunning ones self. Gemini has the dark side. In itself, the sign represents the Yin@Yang. Dragon adds regality and wings to soar in the winds of mercury. Yang mind sign. Adam Carolla, Carol Kane, Courtney Cox, Joese Chavez, Liam Neeson.



52. Dragon@Cancer


This are extremely likeable people. They are good friends. Exceedingly good friends. people, an every man, they flourish in all the aspects that his predecessor negated. They are deeply feeling Dragons. Concerned with the home and family. This would be a good Woman to marry. She is career oriented enough, but does not mind being the provider at home. They should have a good sense of humor as Dragon adds strength and ability to a sensitive soul. Why wouldn’t we want to laugh? Whereas in other Cancer settings, moods shift to lower shakras, Dragons lift grants levity to the belly. Dan Aykroyd, David Spade, John Leguizamo, James Brolin, Gus Van Sant, Fred Savage, Dom Imus, Ringo Starr.



53. Dragon@Leo


A tough, rouged, rich fine fellow. Leo's love completely heatedly. This in an inspired person. Again, a Fire breathing Dragon who will fight to the end. However, Leo are smart in a practical way. They can give advice well. True, they are emotional. In this case, Dragon exacerbates Leo vanity. This is an attractive and worthy hero. Very masculine, but attractive to both genders. Most would be proud to fight beside this dragon. This is a strong leader sign. Double Dragon style, in a way. Not really though. Affectation on applies to self concept, not to inherent abilities. Breaths fire, dragon style. Biz Markie, Martin Sheen, Patrick Swayze, Sandra Bullock, Vivica A. Fox, Adam Duritz.



54. Dragon@Virgo


Smart, bold, sexual. Elevated perception, there is no such thing as an Earthbound Dragon. Analytical and lucky, sexually motivated, and strong. They are workers. They are beautiful. Royalty on Earth. Transition sign. Logic becoming of the snake. Very wise. Bonnie Hunt, Brian De Palma, Eazy E, Frankie Avalon, Paul Reubens, Raquel Welsh, Rosie Perez, Trisha Yearwood.



55. Dragon@Libra


Harmony and brilliance. Flying high enough to see, but low enough to relay the message. Here we see the Dragons winded tongue. Skilled and political. They are leaders, companions and they carry magic. Logic and intuition meet. Justice sign. Clive Barker, Dr. C. Everett Koop, John Lennon, Tom Sizemore, Pele.



56. Dragon@Scorpio


We are strong in the Dragons lair, bones burnt brick, the vast plain that is bare. I have seen a Dragon feed in water of whales, massive magic, illusions, and logic of scales. Fighters of Fire, with depth of self, sensing deep strength. Holds water and fire, equally. Hard to comprehend individual cases who fall under water sign. Intense mutability. Indeed, Master Lee was right. Water is the most powerful natural force we can tap. It is, however, moody unless it is frozen solid. Dana Plato, Delroy Lindo, Roberto Benigni, Ted Demme, Terry Gilliam, Lou Ferrigno.



57. Dragon@Sagittarius


Politically minded, crusaders, crazy, victory and triumph. Thinkers of truth, pillars of morality, knowing, regal, a Dragon chasing an arrow out into the yonder heights of space. Strong fighters, brilliant with fire. All the styles that I have mentioned contain the style that is its immediate predecessor. Dragon@Sagittarius holds the power of Dragon@Scorpio. We must assume then that the Centaur is capable of defeating the Scorpion. Jupiter sign, growth sign. Don Cheadle, Frank Zappa, Richard Pryor, Teri Hatcher, Kirk Douglas, Bruce Lee.



58. Dragon@Capricorn


He has seen the volcano, success and after. Solid, imperious, magical, and corporeal. Motivated, eccentric, beautiful and wise. Can succeed in any facet of society. Eddie Vedder, Joan Baez, Slick Rick.



59. Dragon@Aquarian


Supreme justice, magic, infinite depth, brotherhood, Martyr sign. Ultimate purity of sight. Level headed yet powerful. Grace of the water bearer and myth. Brandon Lee, Rick James, Chris Farley, Aaron Neville.



60. Dragon@Pisces


The bounty of the plain of the predecessor. Falling in this combination is like falling in love. Kind and strong, Pisces adds gentleness to the aged Dragon. A good person. Honor sign. Chuck Norris, Ja Rule, Freddie Prinze Jr., Rob Lowe, Peter Berg.



61. Snake@Aries


Revolutionary, feminine, wise, attractive, independent, well mannered. Women thrive in this combination. Snake is the deepest Yin style. "What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon? We call that one, Muadi’b. Could I be called Paul Muadi’b? You will be known as Paul Muadi’b." This is a sex style. Water, water, everywhere, not a drop to drink. Revolution! Chaka Khan, Maya Angelou, Robert Downey Jr., Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Geller.



62. Snake@Taurus


It does not take long for the serpent to learn the lessons of the western zodiac. Wisdom meets endurance. Memory, smart, opinionated, high-brow, mental, enticing, and sophisticated. Alex Van Halen, Eric Bogosian, George Will, Linda Evangelista, Nora Ephron, Owen Hart, Raymond Burr, Shirley Temple, Trent Reznor.



63. Snake@Gemini


Oracle to a fault, sexual, attractive, graceful, and a teacher. Double lives. Not as much an outright fighter, but nevertheless be wary of, or embrace the revolutionary. Wisdom speaks in this subject. Bob Dylan, Brooke Shields, Danny Elfman, Dean Martin, Ed Bradley, Dr. Ruth, Elizabeth Hurley, Gorge Wallace, John F. Kennedy, Marv Albert, Tim Allen, Todd Bridges, Vic Damone, Che Guevara.



64. Snake@Cancer


Water meets water, the depths of inner being. Vibrations ripple into the unconscious. Depth of love and emotion. Rebellious and wise. Mindful and exquisite, ethereal, appealing, keen, discriminating, polished and debonair. Spiritual sign. George Clinton, Liv Tyler, Slash, Stuart Scott



65. Snake@Leo


This is successful combination. The Sun is strong enough to warm the cold blooded Snake. Two strong styles come together to create an art sign. This one needs the sun to survive. Rebellious, learned, sexual, artistic and youthful. Andy Warhol, Edward Furlong, David Crosby, Hulk Hogan, Jaime Pressly, KRS-One, Stanley Kubrick, Martha Stewart.



66. Snake@Virgo


Solidity meets depth in an interesting combination. This could be interpreted as a growth or transition sign. Extreme logic sign. There is talent, strength, wisdom, sexuality. "There is a place we cannot look, a place that horrifies us" "But as to the relationship between worms and the spice….who knows" Adam West, Charlie Sheen, Moby, Robin Leach.



67. Snake@Libra


Leaders, artists, brilliance, the intelligencia. Love and light. Harmonious Libra lends forgiveness and much needed flippancy to the learned and masterful Snake. Sexual and soft, these subjects have powers of thought, insight, communication. Not as vindictive as other snakes. Mind sign. Anne Rice, Charles Keating, Elie Wiesel, Jesse Jackson, Paul Simon, Scottie Pippen, Whitey Ford, Stuttering John.



68. Snake@Scorpio


Deep depths and unbridled passion, strengths so strong so deep within. We witness brilliance and genius as we dive into the center. It may be that the Snakes sensitivity is reason he needs payback. Sexuality, unbridled passion, mindfulness, rebellion and wise, this in fact is the double snake style. Balanced between logic and emotion. Yin sign. Dennis Miller, Bjork, Kate Capshaw,



69. Snake@Sagittarius


Soft and strong, cultivated, expert, refined, cultured, talented and ingenious. Here we have a search for truth. Fire, once again, warms the Snakes disposition. He is deadly, capable of morality and justice. More physical than this Snake’s little sibling. Well spoken art style. Honor and physicality to the snake. Andy Dick, Bill Pullman, John Malkovich, Kim Basinger, Noam Chomsky, Paul Simon, Ossie Davis.



70. Snake@Capricorn


This is a powerful style. Intensely political. The rational of the smooth serpent and the methodical Goat provide a successful individual, more rugged than his Snake predecessors. A lot of deep power and resolve. Anything is possible to this snake. He has the physical strength needed and the wisdom for direction. Very wise. Very cool. Power sign. Art and everything else. Revolution sign. Bo Diddley, Charlie Rose, John McLaughlin, Mao Tse-Tung, Muhammad Ali, Howard Stern, Heidi Fleiss.



71. Snake@Aquarian


Snakes are sensitive and neighborly, Aquarian are similar. Very refined and wise. Verbal is good for a Snake. It helps to clear the air. Sagacious and kind, judicious, reasonable, scholarly, erudite and insightful. The water bearer lends athleticism. Again, anything is possible. Mind sign. Gene Hackman, Michael Bay, Nick Nolte, Oprah Winfrey, Zsa Zsa Gabor.



72. Snake@Pisces


Water snakes are unpredictable snakes. In this case, however, we know that Pisces is gentle and kind. This should counter the logic and incisiveness of the snake. This should prove to be a very sexual sign. Yin style. Fats Domino, James Van Der Beek, Ron Jeremy.



73. Horse@Aries


Fire rules with audacity and strength. Horses are fighters. Masculine and virile. This is an independent supercool style. They don’t care what you think. Inspired and loud, they display grace and beauty from a far. Up close we see that they are fierce. Careful not to be selfish. You have the spark of wit and inspiration. Victory is most important. Use the powerful gift in aid to righteous cause. You are autonomous, unconstrained, free, self-ruling, self-reliant, self governing, separate, unregimented and solvent. Leader sign (valiant spirit). Aretha Franklin, Betty Ford, Dennis Quaid, Chanel, Jack O’shea, Samantha Fox, Seka, Steve McQueen.



74. Horse@Taurus


This power style is vital, physical, artistic, strong, inspired, and knowing of the earth and it’s essence. This is close to double Bull style. A little more political and missionary. We haven’t seen creativity, strength and volume like this in a long time. Taurus has it in the style to be king. Horse accesses this fact. Volcano power. Artistic crusader. Path sign. David Keith, Jerry Seinfeld, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Taj Mahal.



75. Horse@Gemini


Strength and physicality, with mental abilities sharp. Must find clear direction. Athletic and extremely agile. Intense and tough. Horses in the wind. Capable. May outrun itself. Transition sign. Leader sign. The fastest style. Clint Eastwood, Ben Johnson, Gina Gershon, James Belushi, Nicki Coxx.



76. Horse@Cancer


Pouncing, and frenetic, these striving beasts are lent malleability and commitment to family. Dramatic waves present themselves in the great divide. This is midway, this is the intermission, see the waves of prophetic fiction. Of course there's a war, it’s the thick of the battle, fear and memory alone of the Snakes bone rattle. We’ve come to the water, but there are cyclone seas, in man’s half life, he comes to his knees. Power style, balances man with war and the moon. Protector sign. Masculine wax. Ultimate victory. Depth of pain, strength of endurance. Versatile styles. Pillar sign. Freddie Prinze, Harrison Ford, John Cusack, Mike Tyson, Ross Perot.



77. Horse@Leo


The great physicality of Leo and Horse combust breadths of heat. Horses are selfish, so are Leo. There could be a lot of self-esteem. Honor, candor and provisions. Yang style. Again, you are autonomous, unconstrained, free, self-ruling, self-reliant, self governing, separate, unregimented and solvent. Leader sign (valiant spirit). Focused goals, contained and a lot to handle. Dean Cain, Dino De Laurentiis, Garrison Keiler, Halle Berry, Joe Jackson, Jerry Garcia, James Cameron.



78. Horse@Virgo


Righteousness is attained as the Horse lends Virgo clarity of mission. Earthy realism. Determined resolve. Very independent. "If it’s a Man they call him tough, if it’s a Woman they call her a bitch." Isolationary strength is typically conceived of as masculine. As I’ve said before, earthy realism. Still a leader style, solid and independent. 007 style. Adam Sandler, Corbin Bersen, Joe Pantoliano, Sean Connery, Tim Hardaway.



79. Horse@Libra


Less selfish than his Horse predecessors, this talking head works as man or woman crusading as a leader. Insightful and verbal, civil and strong. Very graceful. Leader sign. Ang Lee, Al Sharpton, Luke Perry, Penny Marshall.



80. Horse@Scorpio


Dark, sexual, strong, deep thinking, crusading, physically powerful. Mars and Pluto at our fingertips. Death/sex love/war. This stalwart stallion displays the athleticism of the Horse and breast of the scorpion. Capable of anything. Direct the style wisely.

Art Carney, Bob Hoskins, Michael Crichton, Troy Aikman, Martin Scorsece, Daisy Fuentes…



81. Horse@Sagittarius


Double Horse Style Rivaling any aforementioned. This is Sound sign. War’s trumpet. Come of ferocity, novelty, depth, strength, masculinity and glory. Double victory sign. The most brilliant, mighty, howling. Truth/leader sign. Anthony Mason, Chris Evert, Dick Butkis, Kiefer Sutherland, Joel Coen, Summer Phoenix, Jermain Jackson, Harry Chapin, Jimi Hendrix…



82. Horse@Capricorn


Individualism. Hero, truth, leadership, individualism/martyrdom. Brilliance of sunset. The heights of self, integrity, vigor, force, might, potency, health, capacity, efficacy, and fervor. The Capricorn adds more stability and level headedness. A roughed soul. King sign. Denzel Washington, Ed Autry, Fred Ward, J.D. Salinger, Jim Croce, Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall…



83. Horse@Aquarian


The philosopher of the Horses. Wisdom and self, ally with each other. Egalitarianism, the state of being equal, balance and clarity. Less selfish than young Horses, we shine in the late years of his cycle. This perhaps, is one of the most physical of Aquarius. Moreover, influences from the impending Goat year offers artistic devices. Aged now as we’ve journeyed through the warring cycle, the water bearer’s balance is the height of opposition. A force to be reckoned with, this subject employs many styles and is versed in altercations with intuition. Honor/truth/martyr sign. Cesar Romero, Jackie Robinson, Chris Rock, Dr. De, Hey P. Newton, John Travolta, Matt Groening, Rene Russo, Rip Torn, James Dean, Sharon Tate.



84. Horse@Pisces


This is a kinder, gentler Horse. Just and beloved. Still a leader and athletic but with more heart. Close to the Goat, we see inklings toward gentility and artistry. In all cases when one is on the border, the subject could go either way depending how close the subject is to the cut off date. Leaning toward the Horse, we are still physical and independent. In this case, there is a perfect balance between the feeling Pisces and the autonomous Horse. Subjects are physically able and emotionally personable. Solid match. If the subject leans toward the Horse, he can recall the aptitudes of war. This style can recall all necessary combat styles. Again, we see the war/victory sign, yet in certain cases, transcendence of battle. Billy Zane, Chuck Woolery, Tone Loc, Lou Reed, Michael Eisner, Mohammad Hussain, Ona Zee, Tea Leoni, Adolf Eichman.



85. Goat@Aries


Here the Goat domiciles Aries. The Goat has a softening effect on Aries. Sophisticated, intelligent, artistic, creative, studious, feminine, cultured, skillful, accomplished, refined, kind, pampered, grizzled wisdom at times, and warmth are all attributes to Goat/sheep. Aries is now thoughtful and elevated. Eccentric yet reasonable. Fire effects the Goat well. Giving strength and inspiration to a knowing Goat soul. Goats do well in high society, yet remember the war torn past. The Goat is indeed a roughed soul. Bob Woodward, Claire Danes, Chrisher Walken, Eric Idle, Heath Ledger, Leonard Nimoy, Kate Hudson, Reba McEntire. William Shatner.



86. Goat@Bull


Wants of the womb have volume capacity. Give those wants to a man and we may flip to insanity. Just a theory. Artistic in the extreme, extravagance may appeal to this individual. Strong, yet born for elegance. Yin style. Art sign. Peace setting, femininely charged. Aberration… illustrious. Specification of subject is obscured. Dan O’Herlihy, Debra Winger, Eva Peron, Donovan, George Papadopoulos, Jim Jones, Katherine Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, Liberace, Michael Palin, Pete Seeger, Raphael, Robert Morse, Tim Gunther, Chow Yun-Fat…



87. Goat@Gemini


Gemini is lent clarity and grace to already heightened mind. Attractive, creative, elegant, intelligent and reserved, the Goat is strong yet experienced. This goat will be thinking constantly. Goats are elevated. Gemini are quick. The balance between extroversion and introversion is tricky in this case. Elements of Goat are contrary to that of Gemini. Goat is domesticated, Gemini is flighty. In any case, a mind sign. Barry Manilow, Dana Carvey, Heavy D, Connie Sellecca, Gale Sayers, Gary Burghoff, Joe Walsh, Ken Osmond, Malcolm McDowell, Martin Landau, Marvin Miller, Nicole Kidman, Olympia Dukakis, Paul Giamatti, Tommy John, Tori Welles, William Forsythe.



88. Goat@Cancer


More gentle than other Cancers, the Goat provides wisdom for the feeling and moody Cancer. More oracle and out right artistic than other Cancer, the Goat Cancer has the wisdom and clarity of feeling that many styles lack. Cooperative, long suffering and intelligent, the Goat is a double Yin sign. Family oriented and sensual. Goat gains quiet resolve and Yin energy from this combination. Indeed, earth and water work well with the exalted Goat. Peace sign. David Alan Grier, Jimmy Smits, Joel Siegal, Pamela Anderson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Vin Diesel, William Dafoe.



89. Goat@Leo


Tough and wise, this old soul is a provider, wisemen and leader. Knowledge of art and war lend themselves to self and love. Aged and astute, this subject pulls fire from the depths of self to inspire and strengthen an attractive, and more physical Goat. Aged Lion, high-hearted and noble must still beware stubborn selfishness. Goat values the family. Wisdom to strength style. Billy Bob Thornton, Carrie-Anne Moss, Deion Sanders, Iman, Ken Norton, Layne Staley, Martin Mull, Mick Jagger, Robert De Niro, Wayne Knight.



90. Goat@Virgo


Strength, virility, sexuality, and clarity of thought lend themselves to the Goat in this beautiful alliance. Deeply feminine, the virgin sheep, is not as defenseless as it sounds. In fact, this is a virile and more physical sign for a Sheep/Goat. We are now of the earth. Elegant and elevated, true and honest. Strength, femininity, and beauty combine with wisdom and earthly observational abilities that will benefit such a grounded and honest being. Virgo is less dangerous and more attractive here. Plenty of humor, but underneath and sense of obligation to those surrounding. Strong sexuality sign. Dan Cortese, Foxy Brown, Harry Connick Jr., Pink, Faith Hill.



91. Goat@Libra


This subject is softer than most Libra’s. Wisdom and gentility come easily. Beauty and home are important. Family oriented, this being possesses the gift of gab and wise winds. A fine friend, this Goat is artistic and musical. He is a cultivated leader, elegant, less physical but gifted with intelligence to match any other. Creature will flourish in accomplishment. It is important for Goats to maintain a good standard of living. They need not be monetarily rich, but rather demands certain comforts. All Goats flourish in good conditions. The are not as independent as Horses. Chevy Chase, David Lee Roth, Gene Autry, Joy Bahar, Lorraine Bracco, Mickey Mantle, Mya, Oliver North, Rachel Leigh Cook, Steve Miller.



92. Goat@Scorpio


Goat could provide gentility to the aggression of Scorpio. Here we find extreme grace. Depths are countered with elegance and commitment. This person should be able to be sophisticated and yet knowing grizzled wisdom at the same time. This Scorpio is less of a threat than most. There is a lot of controlled power, here. Artistic and good, the Goat adds stability to an otherwise moody creature. Pillar sign. Bill Gates, Dan Rather, Julia Roberts, Maria Shriver, Mike Nichols, Phil Simms, Roland Emmerich, Sam Shepard, Whoopi Goldberg. …



93. Goat@Sagittarius


Searching strength has been lent to the soft Goat in this case and those following. This is a more powerful Goat, with the Centaur lending the feminine sheep some guts. More rebellious and a seeker of truth, this leader is affected well with Fire. Wisdom and strength, creativity and love. We have a lot of inspiration here, a solid match. Extremely artistic. Refer to the next. Billy Idol, Howie Mandel, Jamie Foxx, Jim Morrison, Keith Richards, Steven Bochco, Steven Wright…..



94. Goat@ Capricorn


Double Goat Style Again, we see the powers of the double beast sign. Art, purpose, success, plotting grace, and brilliance. This one is less aggressive than other double beast styles. More thoughtful and philosophical. Musical, original and creative, this is a great family sign. Both signs are loyal. Goat is loving, Capricorn is tough. Balanced strength with intelligence. Should be very fruitful. Major achiever sign. Masculine wax. Ben Kingsley, Cab Calloway, Chad Lowe, Cuba Gooding Jr., David Caruso, Harry Shearer, Isaac Asimov, John Denver, John Singleton, Mel Gibson, LL Cool J.



95. Goat@Aquarian


An elegant duo. Less career oriented than Capricorn, but just as wise if not wiser. Serious and smart, this fellow is frank and truthful. This subjects powers of observation and fine art may be astounding. This is an actor’s Aquarian. A thinker with an innate ability of comedy. Many times Air signs possess the same humorous abilities of an Earth sign, but just use this ability less because they are more secure and more distracted. Earth needs the recognition more. Aquarian is off dreaming. This subject is no different. Goat does however, lend Aquarius some mental stability and restrains the winded tongue of the water bearer. Grizzled wisdom in some cases, elegant beauty and comeliness at others. Arsenio Hall, Christina Ricci, Edward Burns, Jack Palance, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Joe Pesci, Toni Morrison.



96. Goat@Pisces


Beautiful, gentle, soft beings, water deepens the Goats sincerity, but this time without any waves. There is peace here. There is forgiveness, commitment and family. This person is civilized. Artistic and attractive, these styles are surprisingly talented in many aspects of life. Music, the home, council, they are wise and kind. This is a good persons sign. Big heart. Honestly and integrity inherent in amalgamation. Billy Corgan, George Harrison, Nat ‘King’ Cole, ‘Carrot ’, Sly Stone.



97. Monkey@Aries


Brilliant, clever, and tricky, humor and every other emotion are at the Monkeys fingertips. Monkeys are beautiful, indefinable, elevated, and most human. They are not necessarily physically powerful, yet are agile and quick, They are smarter than all other beast however, and are capable of having great successes in life. Honestly is not their strong suit. But for some reason, nobody gets mad at the Monkey for lying. We all know he’s just fucking around. He is light hearted and plays part of wisemen and fool. Entertaining to a fault, Monkey style is one of everybody’s favorites. In this case, Aries, is a solid match. War is waged with deception and the mind. Inspired by Fire, entertainment and acting is one of the fields that all Monkey styles are capable of thriving in. When you know a Monkey you know he’s on the level. What you should be asking yourself, is if you are in fact on his level. If not, he may try and steal your banana. Andy Garcia, Anthony Michael Hall, Ashley Judd, Celine Dion, David E. Kelley,



98. Monkey@Taurus


This is a vital style. This is a young sign commingled with an old sign. With a mind capable of such voluminous abilities, it must be hard to find that one thing. This is a talented individual. Acting should come very easily to this style. Money, smarts, sex, ambition are all essences of this Subject. It his hard for me to describe such a complicated and tricky fellow. I wouldn’t put anything past this individual. I’m sure they are capable of much. Deception is a tool this fellow holds and uses. Smarter and more acute than most Taureans, this one would do best to be used by more philanthropic associations. Very clever. Strong iron monkey style. Denver Pyle, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ted Turner, Traci Lords, Bob Saget.



99. Monkey@Gemini


Anomalous, funny, peculiar, and clever. In fact, this person is so clever, so quick minded, so oracle, so tricky, so deceptive, that once again we witness the phenomena of someone who seeming may escape themselves. Hermes of flight foot and the twins of the crab who can eclipse the mind are not hampered or tempered in any way by the Monkey. These qualities of being two faced and thinking clever are in fact exacerbated by the Monkey. At best, we are endearing and eccentric, at worst we are deceitful. This is a powerful mind sign, yet a young monkey. Frank Oz, LaToya Jackson, Mario Cuomo, Scott Wolf, Joe Montana.



100. Monkey@Cancer


All styles following have the inherent mental acutivity of the Monkey. This is a genuine match. Monkeys agile and cold clever mind melds with the Cancer’s soft and malleable heart. Family and warmth are important to this primate. Feeling and mindful, community, art, council, teaching, politics are all attainable. This Monkey must find what he or she loves and go for it. Be good to this person. Getting him or her pissed off would be a bad idea. Not because of Monkeys physicality, but because his will and mental abilities far and away surpass yours. Yin & Yang balanced. Mind styles can often combat outright war styles. David Brinkley, Jessica Simpson, Montel Williams, Pat Morita, Sela Ward, Tom Hanks.



101. Monkey@Leo


The monkey’s mind and body of a lion. This is a formidable opponent. Smart, learned, entertaining and talented are elements of this persona that make the style almost too much to handle. This is a very Yang style. In this case, the masculine essence may offset this individual. This person should beware of selfishness, too much heat, and making enemies. This is a genuine sign. There are vast talents in this sign. The Monkey is a clever opponent. He does not fight on the Earthbound beasts level. He fights from the trees. Bob Kennedy, Melvin Van Peebles, Ray Bradbury, John Lee Hooker.



102. Monkey@Virgo


The Monkey’s acute disposition affects the western signs in a unique way. It exemplifies or brings out the western elements like clockwork. In this case, the acutivity of the Monkey brings out the sexual nature of Virgo. This is a strong sex style. The Yang essence of Monkey, may push Virgo into a masculine sexuality. In any case it is aggressive and strong. Monkeys dazzle everybody. This is not an exception. This person is very smart, and can do whatever he or she wants. Logic sign with the warmth of monkey style. Big Daddy Kane, Kay Parker, Mike Piazza, Ricki Lake, Mickey Rooney.



103. Monkey@Libra


The mindfulness of the two signs converge into a lyrical, musical, supremely intelligent, elevated leader who possesses insightful understanding, powers of eloquence and reasoning. A good person to talk to, this subject is an actor, a writer, a musician, a leader, and a speaker. Extremely agile style. Carrie Fisher, Michael Douglas, Peter Tosh, Shaggy, Ziggy Marley, Timothy Leary.



104. Monkey@Scorpio


Iron Monkey Style (shaolin) This one has to lighten up to succeed. Every sign has the same luck in terms of success in life. It is Inquanitifinable. Iron Monkey style is hard, just as the Monkeys mind. To be an actor it would seem he would have to use emotion, analytical perception, and ambition to achieve in the arts. Agile fighter style. Monkey should protect Scorpio’s sensitivity. Harold Ramis, Sammy Sossa, Steve Harvey, Tracy Morgan. Sinbad, Vanilla Ice.



105. Monkey@Sagittarius


Such intense acutivity and mindfulness gives way to the archer’s fire. This is a clever style of victory. The Centaur is lent calculation abilities and piquant sensibility. "Some men rise by sin and others by virtue fall." This is a strong sign. Be wary of deception. Nothing is out of this monkeys grasp. Des’ree, Don King.



106. Monkey@Capricorn


Not necessarily an art style, this subject is holds all the tools of consummation. Mind sign. Mario Van Peebles, Katie Couric, Davy Jones.



107. Monkey@Aquarian


This is the double Man sign. Subject is an actor, depth of reality, power style, convincing. Gifts of perception, every man. Doorway sign. Christ sign. Masculine wax. Bob Marley, Bobby Brown, Elijah Wood, Jennifer Aniston, Josh Brolin, Jerry Springer, Tom Selleck, Princess Caroline of Monaco.



108. Monkey@Pisces


Monkeys are less aggressive than Horses, Tigers, Ox. It’s opposite is the Rat. Pisces’ polar opposite is Virgo. But they are of compatible elements so they are good for each other. One could also say that Pisces real opposite in terms of character is Aries. Monkeys get along with Mice and Dragons. This combination provides for a kinder monkey. The divisiveness of the agile and clever trickster is subdued thanks to the aged Pisces. An honorable sign. Elizabeth Taylor, John Updike, Johnny Cash, Lisa Loeb, Ted Kennedy, Tony Randell.



109. Rooster@Aries


These fellows have Many uses. They are inventive. They take some of Monkey’s smarts. Of course, Rooster’s bravado makes the style think he takes all of Monkey’s smarts. Conviction, intensity, creativity in a mathematical way, bravery, ambition and contrivance, discovery, design, innovation, contraption, brainstorming and brainchilding are the gifts of the Rooster. Aries Fires only sparks and inspires more innovation. Albert R. Broccoli, Jack Black, Paul Reiser, Eric Clapton.



110. Rooster@Taurus


The inventiveness of the Rooster is not hindered by the our organizer ox. This subject should be artistic, an innovator, originator, creator, and producer. This subject may not need the spotlight, but will need to express his deep adroitness. Solid match. Inventor/art sign. Master P, Tracey Gold, Sid Vicious, James Brown, Pete Townsend, Willie Nelson.



111. Rooster@Gemini


This is a refined and stylish subject. Innovation and success breeds earthly achieved grace. Air gives wings to the Rooster in many cases. Other times he cannot fly. Roosters are aggressive. They often test bounds. Gemini, like all styles can be dangerous. They are athletic and spry. In this case, Rooster will provide protection for the two faces of Hermes. Here, we are proud and then highly intelligent. We are close to fruition. Think flight. Gene Wilder, Ice Cube, Joan Rivers, Natalie Portman, Steffi Graf.



112. Rooster@Cancer


Feminine, true, sexual, athletic and smart. This is a feminine sign. Beauty appeals to this subject of the moon. We have Many talents. Honesty, life, virility, a sense of the familial. Serious sign. Cancer may soften the Roosters disposition. Excellent balance of extroversion and introversion. Rooster offers internal strength to this Cancer. Cameron Crowe, Carly Simon, Debbie Harry, John Glen.



113. Rooster@Leo


Tough and resourceful, this guy has a sense of theatrics more so than other Roosters and it manifests as an mind sign. Shocking art. This person is candid, bold, forthright, Man to Man, free, outspoken and ingenuous Again, he is serious, but the Lion lightens the Roosters heart. Outstanding provider. Alex Haley, Denis Leary, Jerry Falwell, Matthew Perry, Melanie Griffith.



114. Rooster@Virgo


Sex, Earthy strength, analytical elements of Virgo are exacerbated by Rooster. Beware of being pompous, You have the gifts of mathematics and innovation. Do not be didactic. Combination may be hardened sign. Construction sign. Ethan Coen, Tom Skerritt, Van Morrison, Regis Philbin. Phil Jackson.



115. Rooster@Libra


This is a graceful, beautiful, honest style. Bold, valiant, independent, inventive, creative, communicative and talented. While the Rooster is hard and strong, Libra is harmonious. This combines into a well balanced persona. More practical than other Libras, this subject should be very successful. Graceful and communicative style. Brett Farve, Andrew Dice Clay, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Ripa, P.J. Harvey,



116. Rooster@Scorpio


More successful in the arts, probably calling on mars and Pluto lends Rooster the depth of character he needs. Again, the art of war of Aries and Hades given to the innovator and speaker. Deep, intense, physical, desirous and ambitious. Strong bird style. Good with talons. And Roosters do not back down. Jim Brown, Goldie Hawn, Neil Young, Michael Dukakis, Scarface, Sean Combs.



117. Rooster@Sagittarius


Physical, inspired and masculine, this subject carries Fire. Whatever he does, he will be seeking truth and innovation. The intensity of ferocity of a style is dependent on external conditions. Good balance here. Intelligent, inventive and trumpeter. He can and does achieve. Victorious bird style. Art Monk, Donny Osmond, Ernie Hudson, Jack Valenti, Jakob Dylan, Jay-Z, Morton Downey Jr., Ray Ramano.



118. Rooster@Capricorn


We struggle and flourish in this style. Smart, athletic and agile. This is a realistic sign. This is a success sign. This one knows him or herself. They are good council. Practicality and innovation merge into clarity of purpose and ultimately achievement. Innovation sign. Gabrielle Reece, Lorraine Michaels, Naomi Judd, Raekwon.



119. Rooster@Aquarian


Powers of calculation are lent to the water bearer in this unusually athletic combination. This is a strong mind style which leads the body to universality, honesty, forthrightness, probity, uprightness, impartiality, and candor. Hank Aaron, Heather Graham, Gene Siskel, George Segal, Max Baer, Yoko Ono.



120. Rooster@Pisces


Again the Rooster is lent humanity from Pisces in this graceful and strong combination. This subject will be less fragile than other Pisces. Success is granted by the Rooster. Pisces enhances social qualities than can lead to fruition of goals. Bubba Smith, Michael Caine, Quincy Jones, Spike Lee.



121. Dog@Aries


Dogs are not so much leaders as they are grunts. They are last of the fighters, friends of Horse and Tiger. In many ways the Dog is the old fighter of the styles. Again, we are the protector, much like the tiger, however, in this case we are more companionable on a one to one relationship. Dogs are strong and smart and chill out in the background until trouble erupts. This is a masculine style, but women may thrive in such a strong, moral style. Dogs believe very strongly in good and bad. As I said they are protectors, but they are capable of subjection and contemplation. They may like to bark at you. Not for the weak. Do not be critical. Protector sign. Don Hastings, Lara Flynn Boyle, Rick Schroder, Vince Vaughn, Cheryl ‘Salt’ James, Kenneth ‘Babyface’ Edmonds, Michael Jackson.



122. Dog@Taurus


An earthbound Dog who knows how to get the job done. Taureans materialism is countered nicely by the dogs selflessness. This is a workers style. Whatever he or she does they will do it with integrity and honor. Dogs, can however, become confused. It is important to offer the dog clarity of purpose. This subject should be more reasonable than for instance, a water dog. Feisty and athletic, this subject should find a goal, preferably one that is a team effort and plod on. Taurus materialism is countered by the morality of the Dog. Again, watch out from barking at others too much. Keep a level head and succeed. Cher, Jim Kelly, John Woo, Shirley MacLaine, Reggie Jackson, T-Boz, Michele Pfeiffer, Kirsten Dunst, Andre the Giant, Candice Bergen.



123. Dog@Gemini


Loyalty and honor, main traits of the Dog and countered by Gemini’s cold logical approach to the environment. Hopefully, they will provide protection for each other but we may witness introversion. A philosophical style, this person should have intense powers of mindfulness and understanding. However, there is a dark side to Dogs just as there is a dark side to Gemini. This person may outrun itself. This is truly gifted setting. The main task of this individual is to find purpose early. Extremely emotional, this subject will be opinionated. There is a lot of physical strength here. Drew Carey, Jenny Jones, Judy Garland, Prince, Bob Vila, Naomi Campbell, Scatman Crothers.



124. Dog@Cancer


This is an interesting combination. Severely deep and obligated, this subject takes the Dogs athleticism and loyalty with Cancer’s feeling heart. There is a lot of emotion here. Beware shortsightedness, as Cancer is a basically feeling creature. Dogs are pedagogical, academic, donnish, instructive, didactic, preachy, schoolmasterish and sermonic. Cancer in this case may only prove to heighten these feelings of necessity without providing clarity of purpose. However, alternatively, the cancer could provide a social sensibility that will inhibit these moralistic tendencies and result in a more sensitive and kinder Dog. In any case, this subject should take on a companion. These styles are meant to support. Commemorate the family. Should have the capacity of intense morality. Beck, Donald Sutherland, George W. Bush, Jennifer Lopez, Kevin Bacon, Ron Silver.



125. Dog@Leo


The Alpha male makes his stand. Here we have and athletic and strong individual. This is a formidable opponent. The sense of self of Leo should add independence to the Dog. Still a family person, the Leo@Dog subject will have a strong sense of the fight and the mission. Leo’s can be overbearing and selfish. Dogs are selfless, they can be lead astray. In this case, Leo or the Dog may win out. Strong fire to the guardian Dog. An excellent friend and a strong protector.  Self determination and fighter sign. Jay Mohr, Madonna, Norman Lear, Roberto Clemente, Connie Chung, River Phoenix.



126. Dog@Virgo


It’s important to realize that these elemental mythological predictions can only slightly lend individual traits. What’s most important to the success of any human, it the tool they have been equipped with in their youth and their life. Mastery of instruments, protecting concepts, individual values are the key elements in personal success. In this case, Dog is lent Virgo’s analytical and earthy perception. These subjects have interesting views on ics of the justice and deviance. Athletic and guardians, they possess much wisdom. Dogs are as strong as any, but may not feel as such. They are plagued or gifted, depending, with rectitude and uprightness. Logic traits added to an already moralistic creature may create a hard head. This style is valiant nonetheless. Ani Difranco, Frank Marshall, Freddie Mercury, Sid Ceasar, Sophia Loren, Tim Burton, Tommy Lee Jones.



127. Dog@Libra


Dogs are as tough as any, the Horse, maybe not as blindly convicted, but just as potentially able. This Dog is more likable than his predecessors. Libra’s value balance and harmoniousness. Libra should provide tact from which the Dog with profit. Still, there is depth of character and the Dog will inhibit the gusts of hot wind we may experience with Libra. This is a good style. Libra is a leader. This should give the Dog some independence. Justice sign. Brigitte Bardot, Frank Mancuso Jr., Matt Damon, Savannah, Tim Robbins.



128. Dog@Scorpio


The depths of Hades and fires of Aries are not inhibited in this world wind of a style. Physical strength and mental acutivity are experienced at this setting. As I’ve said, Dogs are moralistic. However, morality is learned. Of course, one could argue that basic taboos such as murder are innate, but I would tend to disagree with this position. Because morals are learned, they can be modified. This could be one of the Dogs greatest talents. Justification. There is an intense fighter style to this sign. The last of the great scorpion fighters. Whether on the side of good or bad or amorality, this setting is a force to be reckoned with. Protector sign. Charles Manson, Ethan Hawke, Ivan Reitman, Warren G, Warren Moon, Pat Sajak, Jamie Lee Curtis.



129. Dog@Sagittarius


Again, we see the battle born spirit of the Dog. This time fire lends itself as fuel. These Dogs should be truth seekers, virtuous, noble, honest and ethical. The depths of confusion and instinctive aggression are not a relevant in this setting. Solid match. Justice sign. DMX, Judi Dench, Lesley Judd, Patty Duke, Redd Foxx, Steven Speilberg, Tyson Beckford.



130. Dog@Capricorn


Leader sign, king style. Grunt power. Strength, virtue and rational. These individuals are pillars of society. They represent morality and success. There is nothing these subjects cannot accomplish. Success is important to Capricorn. People are important to the Dog. This subject should beware of the isolation of success. It’s lonely at the . Elvis Presley, Jimmy Buffett, Kid Rock, Stan Lee, Sade.



131. Dog@Aquarius


Truth Style. Aquarius is valiant in this combination. Strong sense of purpose must be found. Common notions of morality may be transcended. Other times, morality may prime factor in this subjects life. David Lynch



132. Dog@Pisces


This is a nice balance of signs. Yin strength of Pisces should be able to control the aggression of the Dog. However, this individual will still be physical. There is much integrity in this style. There still may be the capacity to be moralistic and critical. Pisces is aided by the Dog's strength. Transcendent of battle, Race/Creed/Religion. The last dog stands proud. Honor sign. Queen Latifa, Sharon Stone, Michael Rappaport.



133. Pig@Aries


While Boars represent peace and bounty, they are most definitely not defenseless creatures. Boars have access to all the beasts of the cycle. They have the ability to be profound. Usually, they are a lot of fun. In the worst case scenario they are physically indefensible. Mostly they are fun, mirthful, jocund, and pleasant. Aries provides protection and independence in this case. This is a sound match. There is wisdom of self and society in this setting. David Letterman, High Pitch Eric, Elton John, James Woods, Method Man, Tom Clancy.



134. Pig@Taurus


Two bountiful signs combine into a persuasion toward extravagance, munificence, the good life, earthiness, bounty and fruits of the earth. Oxen are strong and hopefully will provide protection to the sweet and indefensible pig. However, Pig styles are strong affecting and are heavily influenced by the year sign. The Taurean will provide artistry, material wants and carnal appetite. This is a sensual lover, provider and companion. Peace sign. Aaron Spelling, Iggy Pop, Sofia Coppola, Martha Quinn.



135. Pig@Gemini


Witness the Boars strength as Gemini lends clarity of mind, communication and tools of defense. This is an interesting match, as the duality of Gemini is exacerbated by the Boars sensitivity. These are genuinely good people, but are dispelled by inhumanity that they witness. Wise and profound style. Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes, Mark Wahlberg, Noah Wyle, Vincent Price, Tupac Shakur.



136. Pig@Cancer


Again, we see that the Boar can be dangerous. He charges ahead. There is also a chance of defenselessness. This one must know ones self and their own limits. If not, we may continually put ourselves in circumstances where we are tested. The capacity of this style is huge. It is a deep water sign, speaking to the family and the hearth. However, we have witnessed adverse reactions before. Water styles are often malleable and capable of physical strength that seems unfitting. Examining closer, we see that it is the emotional spirit that gives way to the actions of the body. A sensitive soul. Family sign. O.J. Simpson, Suzanne Vega, Richard Lewis, Cat Stevens, Corey Feldman, Vincent D’Onofrio.



137. Pig@Leo


Theses people are profound, popular, crazy, theatric and insane. Pigs are fun people with the capacity for being recondite. They are profound and jovial. In this case, there may be temper tantrums. When Leo finds out that the Pig has been duped, there may be hell to pay. In other cases Leo will provide refuge for the sensitive Pig. This is very generous style. Leo is a wonderful provider. The Pig cares only for those around him or her. Appetites may be increased. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danielle Steele, Danny Bonaduce, Kevin Spacey, Kurtis Blow, Lucille Ball, Magic Johnson, Marc Messier, Marcia Gay Harden, Rosanna Arquette, Tom Green.



138. Pig@Virgo


Virgo’s logic should provide more methodical manner to the impressionable Pig. Virgo is lent kindness and a softening effect may occur. All the better for Virgo. Sometimes he can be too hard headed. This is a sound sign as earth lends sure footing for the Boar. Sexuality will be a powerful factor is this subject’s life. Anne Archer, David Arquette, Eldridge Cleaver, Jason Alexander, Jada Pinkett, Hank Williams, Kenny Mayne, Luke Wilson, Rocky Marciano.



139. Pig@Libra


Generosity should not be lacking in this communicative subject. Amusing, profound and receptive, this subject is lent agility and leadership by Libra. Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Mathis, MC Lyte, Michael Madsen, Peter Graves, Sammy Hagar.



140. Pig@Scorpio


This could be a dangerous match. Sexuality of this setting will be a prime force. Scorpio lends some fighting style to the razorback, but still falls short of being a rational warrior. There may be vast inner powers of emotion. Control of these inner forces is the key to success. Timing, control and clarity of thought should be sharpened. Sexy. Big Pun, Caroline Goodall, Deidre Hall, Kevin Kline, King Hussain, Joe Mantegna, Joe Walsh, Mahalia Jackson, Sean Young, Roy Rodgers, Sean Young, Winona Ryder.



141. Pig@Sagittarius


The warrior boar has arrived. This one should be capable of achieving truth. The emotional pig Christina Applegate, David Mamet, Florence Griffith Joyner, John Larroquette, Judd Nelson, Phil Donahue, Sheila E., Spike Jones, Woody Allen.



142. Pig@Capricorn


By no means is the Boar weak in this setting. The grizzled strength of the goat is much appreciated by the boar. Here, he is surer of foot and with thicker skin. Still a profound style, this style is sturdier. Amanda Peet, Brent Barry, Carl Weathers, Kenny Loggins, Michael Stipe, Oliver Platt, Ricky Martin, Ron Harper, Slim Whitman, Stanley Tucci, Ted Danson, Tracey Ulman, Val Kilmer, Humphrey Bogart.



143. Pig@Aquarius


This Pig will be a communicator, a thinker and kind. All boars have humor. The Aquarian mind will multiply this effect.

Alice Cooper, Eva Braun, Jessica Savitch, John McEnroe, Sonny Bono, Warren Zevon, Dan Quayle, Benny Hill.



144. Pig@Pisces


The Oldest Soul…

Aidan Quinn, Alan Thicke, Billy Crystal, Edward James Olmos, Flavor Flav, Glen Close, Irene Cara, Jimmy Swaggart, Kyle MacLachlan, L.Ron Hubbard, Nina Hartley, Rachel Weisz, Rob Reiner, Tom Arnold.

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