Bibliography and Filmography

[With links to relevant pages]


Bainbridge, Beryl, Every Man for Himself (Abacus, London, 1996).
Bass, Cynthia, Maiden Voyage (Bantam Books, New York, 1996).
Brezina, Thomas, Titanic, bitte melden. Die Knickerbocker Bande 28 (Ravensburger, Wien, 1993).
-, Die Rückkehr der Titanic. Grusel-Club 6 (Schneider Buch, München, 1998).
Brooke, Paul, Titanic (Minerva Press, Montreux, 1995).
Bunting, Eve, SOS Titanic (Harcourt Brace & Company, San Diego, 1996).
Clarke, Arthur C., Ghost from the Grand Banks (Bantam Books, New York, 1990).
Collins, Max Allen, The Titanic Murders (Berkley Prime Crime, New York, 1999).
Conklin, Thomas, The Titanic Sinks (A Stepping Stone Book, New York, 1997).
Crisp, Marty, White Star. A Dog on the Titanic (Holiday House, New York, 2004).
Cussler, Clive, Raise the Titanic (The Viking Press, New York, 1976).
Dittmar-Pittmann, Max, Ein Menschenalter auf dem Meere. Erlebnisse und Abenteuer eines alten Seemannes (K. F. Koehler, Berlin und Leipzig, 1926).
Donkin, Andrew, The Unsinkable Titanic (Macdonald Young Books, Hove, 1999).
Duey, K. and Bale, K.A., Survival! Titanic (Aladdin Paperbacks, New York, 1998).
Felinau, Josef Pelz von, Titanic. Die Tragödie eines Ozeanriesen (orig. publ. 1939, Maindruck, Frankfurt am Main, 2nd ed. 1998).
Finney, Jack, From Time to Time (Scribner Paperback Fiction, New York, 1995).
Fullerton, Alexander, Wave Cry (Little, Brown and Company, London, 1999).
Gormley, Beatrix, Back to the Titanic. Travelers Through Time #1 (Apple Paperbacks, New York, 1994).
Hansen, Erik Fosnes, Psalm at Journey's End (original title 'Salme ved reisens slutt', 1990) (Vintage, London, 1998).
Harrison, Cora, Titanic. Voyage from Drumshee. Drumshee Timeline Series 6 (Wolfhound Press, Dublin, 1998).
Hesse, H., Der Untergang der Titanic. Bericht eines Überlebenden (orig. publ. 1927, Pendo, Zürich, 1998).
Hoh, Diane, Titanic. The Long Night (Scholastic Inc., New York, 1998).
Huser, France and Géniès, Bernard, Die Nacht des Eisbergs (original title 'La Nuit d'Iceberg', 1995) (Pavillon, München, 1999).
Jamesson, Christine, The Legend of Rigel. Hero Dog of the Titanic (orig. publ. 1997, Authorhouse, Bloomington, 2005).
Keene, Carolyn, Operation: Titanic. A Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Mystery (An Archway Paperback, New York, 1998).
Kite, Janet, Death of a Maiden (Plus ++ Publications, Rayleigh, 1998).
Lacey, Pat, Master of the Titanic (The Book Guild Ltd., Lewes, 1996).
Lawlor, Laurie, A Titanic Journey Across the Sea. American Sisters 1912 (A Minstrel Book, New York, 1998).
McCarver, Sam, The Case of Cabin 13. The First John Darnell Mystery (Signet, New York, 1999).
McKeown, Arthur, Titanic. An Easy Reader (Poolberg for Children, Dublin, 1996).
Osborne, Mary Pope, Tonight on the Titanic. Magic Tree House #17 (A Stepping Stone Book, New York, 1999).
OCork, Shannon, Titanic: A Love Story (original title 'Ice Falls', 1988) (Mira Romance, Don Mills, 1998).
O'Hara-Keeton, Monica, I died on the Titanic (Arrowhead Book Ltd., Reading, 1996).
Oldfield, Pamela, Turn of the Tide (Century Hutchinson Ltd.).
Neidhardt, Freda, Die Spur verlor sich auf der Titanic (Kröning Verlag, Berlin, 1996).
Peck, Richard, Amanda Miranda (orig. publ. 1980, abridged edition, Puffin Books, New York, 1999).
- ,Ghosts I have been (A Yearling Book, New York, 1994).
Prechtl, Robert, Der Untergang der Titanic (original title 'Titanensturz', orig. publ. c. 1935, Mohndruck GmbH, Gütersloh, no year).
Robertson, Morgan, The Wreck of the Titan (original title 'Futility', 1898) (Pocket Books, London, 1998).
Romkey, Michael, Vampire Hunter (Fawcett Gold Medal, New York, 1999).
Seil, William, Sherlock Holmes and the Titanic Tragedy (Breese Books, London, 1996).
Serling, Robert, Something's Alive on the Titanic (St. Martin's Paperback, New York, 1990).
Spedden, Daisy Conning Stone and McGaw, Laurie, Polar the Titanic Bear (A Medisan Press Book, Boston, 1994).
Steel, Danielle, No Greater Love (Corgi Books, London, 1991).
Vaughan, Robert, Over There. The American Chronicles II.1911-1920 (Bantam Books, New York, 1992).
Walker, Jim, Murder on the Titanic (Broadman & Holman Publishers, Colorado Springs, 1998).
Wallace, Jim, Terror on the Titanic. Choose Your Own Adventure (Bantam Books, New York, 1996).
White, Ellen Emerson, Dear America. Voyage on the Great Titanic. The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady ( Scholastic Inc., New York, 1998).
Williams, Barbara, Titanic Crossing (An Apple Paperback, New York, 1995).
Willis, Connie, Passage (Voyager, London, 2001).


Primary Sources:
Bisset, Sir James, Tramps and Ladies: My Early Years in Steamers (Patrick Stephens Limited, Wellingborough, 1959).
Bryceson, Dave (ed.), The Titanic Disaster as Reported in the British National Press. April-July 1912 (Patrick Stephens Limited, Sparkford, 1997).
Everett, Marshall (ed.), Wreck and Sinking of the Titanic. The Ocean's Greatest Disaster (orig. publ. 1912, Castle Books, Edison, 1998).
Lightoller, Charles H., Titanic and other Ships (Ivor Nicholson and Watson, London, 1935).
Kuntz, Tom (ed.), The Titanic Disaster Hearings: The Official Transcripts of the 1912 Senate Investigation (Pocket Books, New York, 1998).
Gracie, Col. Archibald, Titanic. A Survivor's Story and Thayer, John B., The Sinking of the S.S. Titanic (Academy Chicago Publishers, Chicago, 1998).
Maxtone-Graham, John (ed.), Titanic Survivor. The Memoirs of Violet Jessop, Stewardess (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 1998).
Rostron, Sir Arthur Henry, Home from the Sea (Cassell & Company, London, 1931).
Winocour, Jack (ed.), The Story of the Titanic as told by its Survivors (Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1960).

Secondary Sources:
Bergfelder, Tim and Street, Sarah (eds.), The Titanic in Myth and Memory. Representations in Visual and Literary Culture (I. B. Tauris, London and New York, 2004).
Biel, Steven, Down with the Old Canoe. A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster (W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1996).
- , Titanica. The Disaster of the Century in Poetry, Song, and Prose (W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1998).
Bullock, Shan F., "A Titanic Hero". Thomas Andrews Shipbuilder (Amereon House, Mattituck, 1912 (?)).
Cameron, Stephen, Titanic. Belfast's Own (Wolfhound Press, Dublin, 1998).
Eaton, John P. and Haas, Charles, A., Titanic. Destination Disaster. The Legends and the Reality (orig. publ. 1987, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1996).
Gardiner, Robin and van der Vat, Dan, The Titanic Conspiracy. Cover-ups and Mysteries of the World's Most Famous Sea Disaster (A Citadel Press Book, Secaucus, 1998).
Harrison, Leslie, The Case of Captain Lord. An Echo of the Titanic Disaster (Countyvise Ltd., Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, 1997).
Lord, Walter, A Night to Remember (orig. publ. 1956, Penguin Books, London, 1978).
- , The Night Lives on. Thoughts, Theories and Revelations about the Titanic (Penguin Books, London, 1986).
Marcus, Geoffrey, The Maiden Voyage (orig. publ. 1969, Manor Books, New York, 1974).
Padfield, Peter, The Titanic and the Californian (Hodder and Stoughton, London 1965).
Richards, Jeffrey, The Definitive Titanic Film: A Night to Remember (I. B. Tauris, London and New York, 2003).
Ruffman, Alan, Titanic Remembered. The Unsinkable Ship and Halifax (Formac Publishing Company Limited, Halifax, 2000).
Scoular, Clive, John M. Andrews. Northern Ireland's Wartime Prime Minister with short biographies of his three distinguished brothers: Thomas - Titanic's shipbuilder, James - Lord Chief Justice, William - Cricketer Extraordinary (W & G Baird Limited, Antrim, 2004).
Stenson, Patrick, Titanic Voyager. The Odyssey of C. H. Lightoller (original title 'Lights. The Odyssey of C. H. Lightoller', orig. publ. 1984, extended edition Halsgrove, Tiverton, 1998).
Störmer, Susanne, Good Bye, Good Luck. The Biography of William McMaster Murdoch (Private Publication).
-, Titanic. Mythos und Wirklichkeit (Henschel Verlag, Berlin, 1998).
-, Titanic. Eine Katastrophe zwischen Kitsch, Kult und Legende (Books on Demand GmbH, Elmshorn, 2000).
Wade, Wyn Craig, The Titanic. End of a Dream (orig. publ. 1979, Penguin Books, New York, 1986)

Picture Books:
Adams, Simon, Eyewitness Titanic (DK Publishing, Inc., New York, 1999).
Brewster, Hugh and Coulter, Laurie, 882 1/2 Amazing Answers to your Questions about the Titanic (A Little, Brown & Madison Press Book, Toronto, 1998).
Eaton, John P. and Haas, Charles, A.Titanic. Triumph and Tragedy (orig. publ. 1986, Patrick Stephens Limited, Sparkford, 1995).
Hyslop, Donald, Forsyth, Alastair and Jemima, Sheila, Titanic. Voices from the Fateful Voyage (orig. publ. 1994, Alan Sutton, Stroud, 1998).
Marriott, Leo, Titanic (Smithmark, London, 1997).
Marschall, Ken and Brewster, Hugh, Komm mit auf die Titanic. Sensationelle Einblicke in ein legendäres Schiff (original title 'Inside the Titanic', Loewe Verlag, Bindlach, 1997).
Thresh, Peter, Titanic (Parkgate Books, London, 1992).

Archbold, Rick and McCauley, Dana, Last Dinner on the Titanic (A Weidenfeld & Nicolson/Madison Press Book, London, 1997).
Batchelor, John , Six Titanic Paintings Cards (Dover Publications Inc., Mineola, 1998)
Braynard, Frank O., Story of the "Titanic". 24 Cards (Dover Publications, Mineaola, 1988).
Jeffers, Alan and Gordon, Rob, Titanic Halifax. A Guide to Sites (Nimbus Publishing Limited, Halifax, 1998).
Jenkins, Martin and Sanders, Brian, Titanic. Mit Impostantem 3-D-Modell des Ozeanriesens (original title 'Titanic', Verlag Friedrich Oettinger GmbH, Hamburg, 2007).

Film List:

Saved from the Titanic, (Étienne Arnaud), USA, 1912
In Nacht und Eis, (Misu Rosescu), Germany, 1912
Atlantik, (Ewald André Dupont), Germany/England, 1929
Titanic, (Werner Klingler, Herbert Selpin), Germany, 1943
Titanic, (Jean Nagulesco), USA, 1953
A Night to Remember, (Roy Ward Baker), UK, 1958
SOS Titanic, (William Hale), UK, 1979
Raise the Titanic, (Jerry Jameson), USA, 1980
Titanic - Nachspiel einer Katastrophe, (Lutz Büscher), Germany, 1984
Titanic, (Robert Lieberman), TV-Mini, USA, 1996
Titanic, (James Cameron), USA, 1997

Titanic. A Question of Murder 1983.
Titanic (Studio Dokumentation) Germany, 1983
Olympic, Titanic, Britannic 1985.
Titanic. The Nightmare and the Dream 1986.
Titanic Live, 17 August 1998 USA, 1998
Titanic. Die einzig wahre Geschichte Germany, 1998
The Lost Film of the Titanic. Original 1912 Film Footage (Considering that a lot of the 'lost' film can be seen in previous documentaries, the claim is somewhat dodgy.)

Expedition Titanic. Die Ausstellung(1998).
And the Band Played on. Music Played on the Titanic performed by I Salonisti(The Decca Record Company Limited, 1997)
Titanic. Music as Heard on the Fateful Voyage (Rhino Entertainment Company, 1997)
Titanic. An Adventure out of Time (Cyberflix inc., 1996)
Titanic der Mythos (Adlung Spiele, 1998).
The Titanic, April 15, 1912 - 2:20 A.M. (The Gallery Puzzle, Milton Bradley Company, 1997)
Titanic Ein Spiel von Klaus Steputat (noris Spiele, Fürth)
Titanic. The Board Game (Universal Games, 1998)

See also the Chronological Bibliography and Film List

Return to Fictional Officers of the Titanic

This is not intended to be a comprehensive list including everything that was ever published or released about the Titanic. Most of these items are kicking about in my flat.

The closest to a complete list of Titanic books can probably be found on:

A very fine site on the Titanic in Fiction is:
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