Dei's Tribute to Noel Chandler

Name: Noel Chandler (As if you didn't know! ^_~)

Age: 24

Birthday: Feb. 16 or 18 (I've heard both, if you know which is the correct one, let me know)

Weight: 163 lbs.

Height: 5'8"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: ::sniffle:: Nobody knows, there is not a single record to my knowledge of his eye color. Another one of those little controversies surrounding Noel. It is assumed his eye color is brown.

What game is he from?: Star Ocean: the Second Story

What exactly does he do?: Well, Noel is a leading zoologist on his homeworld of Nede and could easily be called an animal rights activist. He also was once a professor at the university in his hometown. Aside from this, he joins the team in SO2 as the man with too many jobs. ^_~ He's a mage alright, but unlike the other mages in the game, he is a combination of every type of magic. Despite common belief, he is VERY useful if you have the patience to work with him.

Comments: Ahh... From my circle of contacts, etc, I can name only one person who likes Noel as much as I do. He's probably one of the most misunderstood and underappreciated characters in the game. True, he's a bit of a pacifist and a wee bit pessimistic, but I like this about him because I'm the same way. ^_~ With this in mind, for those of you who have actually played SO2, Noel makes the comment that he was once a partisan of the Ten Wise Men. This immediately perked my interest in him. Unfortunately, the game doesn't say anything more about this, which really made me angry. I couldn't tell you the hours I've spent trying to find out the rest of this illusive story. I'm starting to feel like Chisato! ^_~ Anywho, with this in mind, I think his rather mellow attitude is just a facade of the "real him". C'mon, if you've played SO2, you know exactly just how wicked those Ten Wise Men are and if Noel used to be in with them, he couldn't have always been so laid back.

Noel Rambles By various people

Melissa McClendon Heh... Haven't I already commented on him? ^_~ Well... I have quite a few little ideas about sweet ol' Noel, but for the element of suprise, I'd rather not say anything more than I did above until I finish my next SO2 fic, which features him and will explore every little twisted idea I have about him. ::grins evily:: Don't worry, once I finish the blasted story, I'll ramble all you want about him. ^_~

Notes!! If you have a nice little ramble on Noel, I'd be glad to put it here in his nice little shrine. ^_~ Okay... Maybe its not so nice... Anywho, if you do, send it in to me and I'll look it over. However, if its something along the lines of, "I like Noel Chandler, period" I'll tell you right now that it isn't going to be posted here. Why do you like him or why don't you? (Although, if you don't have a good reason or if its a flat out bashing of him, it probably won't go up either. ^_~ Sorry, I want healthy discussion here, Noel wouldn't want us fighting. ^_~) Also, if you'd like, what's your take on his connection to the Ten Wise Men or just what is he if he's not a Nedian? ^_^ C'mon, start writing!

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