1. What is your full name? Mary Elisabeth Lemmer
2. Do you wish on stars? Yes, but my wishes never come true :-(
3. What's your favorite color(s)? blue, pink, orange
4. Do you like your handwriting? yah it seems that most other people like it too
5. Who are you jealous of? no one...jealousy is a waste of time
6. What do you look for out of life? love happiness accomplishments
7. Who is your favorite family member? all my family is great, i look up to my uncle Joseph the most though
8. Why are you filling out this survey? I feel like it
9. What is your favorite season? summer
10. If you were another person would you be friends with you? Yes
11. Pepsi/Coke? i dont drink pop
12. Do you find yourself attractive? sometimes
13. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? no i dont break my promises i am very trustworthy
14. What is your guy type? any guy who is fun to hang out with, and will treat me well, wont lie to me or lead me on, respectful, honest, nice, sweet
15. Do looks matter? not as much as personality
16. What is the sexiest thing a guy can wear? something that reflects his style and goes with his personality
17. Person u respect the most? I respect a lot of people...no one really sticks out the most though
18. Have you ever met anyone famous? yes
19. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? sure why not
20. Whats your favorite song? way too many to name
21. What do you do to prevent anger? listen to music, keep quiet, but if that fails i have a punching bag in my basement
22. Are you passive or aggressive? i donno
23. Who is your idol? no one in particular
24. Do you trust others? some others, i trust people until the lose my trust but there are always ways to gain it back
25. What was your favorite toy as a child? i played with these little plastic puppies called "puppy in my pockets" and "breyer" horses
26. What class in school do you think is totally useless? health
27. What class is the BEST? class wise i like english as far as people in the class...i donno i had a pretty cool gym class
28. Do you like sappy love songs? yah im a romantic like that
29. Have you ever been on radio or television? i havent been on the radio but i've been on TV and it wasn't the news either it was like a real show
30. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? no im not abusive
31. Do you like sarcasm? haha yah
32. Do you believe in God? yah
33. Do you feel understood most of the time? most of the time yah, others no
34. Are you afraid of anything? needles/shots, dying without letting people know i love them
35. What is your favorite movie? sooo many to name but dumb and dumber is up there ooo and i like How to lose a guy in 10 days that is such a cute movie!
36. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide? never
37. What is your nickname? Mel, Lemmer, Leemer
38. How much money would it take before you kissed a member of the SAME sex on the lips? i donno depends on how spontanious i'm feeling and how much money i have at the time
39. What are you worried about right now? basketball tryouts
40. Do you ever wear overalls? no
41. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? emotionally...sometimes...i try to be when others aren't so i can be their shoulder to cry on, but that doesnt always work out
42. Been so drunk you blacked out? nope
43. Gone out in public in your pajamas? yea definatly
44. Missed school b/c it was raining? nope
45. Set any body part on fire for amusement? no lol
46. Had an imaginary friend? yea i think so
47. Almost got raped by someone? haha no
48. Cried during a Flick? yes wow thats definatly a yes
49. Had a crush on a teacher? nooo
50. Found a cartoon character attractive? haha no but when i was younger and Mulan first came out my friend thought the guy in that was cute for a cartoon i thought it was funny
51. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape? noo
52. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? definatly not
53. Been on stage? yes definatly :-D
54. Gotten in a car accident? nothing major
55. Who's the loudest friend? Andi lol
56. Who knows all your secrets? my closest buds :-)
57. Who was the last person you cried with? uhmm can't say I remember
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58. Cried: nope
59. Cut your hair: nope
60. Worn a skirt: Nope
61. Been mean: nope
62. Been sarcastic: maybe i dont remember lol
63. Talked to someone you lOve : yah not that kinda love though
64. Missed someone: Yes!
65. Fought with your parents/sister/brother: not really surprisingly i fight with my bro and sis once in awhile
66. Wished upon a star: nope
67. Played Truth or Dare: nope
68. Watched a sunrise/sunset: nope unfortunatly i need someone special to watch them with ;-) and look at the stars at night...sooo romantic :-)
69. Went to the beach: Nope :-( i love the beach
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70. How old are you?: 15
71. When's your birthday? July 4, fireworks celebrating my birthday thats right ;-)
72. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals? only if they're on my bed
73. Who is the last person you talked to On-Line? courtney!
74. What is your favorite TV show? surf girls, punk'd, a lot of mtv, mtv2, boy meets world <--great show!
75. Do you have a cell/beeper? yup cell phone
76. What is your favorite clothing store? Pacific Sunwear
77. What is the last movie you saw? How to lose a Guy in 10 days, i was sposed to see How To deal last night but that didn't work out
78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: no, but that's on my list of things to do!
Nervous Habits: mess with my nails
Are you double jointed?: yah somewhat
Can you roll your tongue?:yup, and i can touch my nose with my tongue, tie a cherry stem, open a starburst....thats pure tongue talent! lol
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: kinda
Can you blow spit bubbles?: lol i donno i haven't tried lately
Can you cross your eyes?: yah
Tattoos?: ahh needles!
Piercings and where?: one in each ear but i dont wear earrings that often
Do you make your bed daily?: Nope i'm getting my room redone and then i will ! lol
Which shoe goes on first?: dont keep track
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: hmm i dont remember
On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: however much money i have...if i'm on vaca i usually save for a long time and have a ton, but i guess average 50/60 i donno though it really does depend
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: nothing 24/7 i only wear it when i want to or feel like it
Favorite Piece of Clothing: i have a lot...i love my new swimsuit from pacsun it's sooo cute! i dont know if that counts as clothing, haha it doesnt really "clothe" haha
Pajamas: a t shirt, if i get home late from basketball or something i'll just go to sleep in a sports bra
-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl &put in a spoon like a real italian baby:-)
Have you ever eaten Spam?: uh no
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: depends on what i've got a taste for
How many cereals in your cabinet?: 5 or 6 ?
What's your favorite beverage?: water
What's your favorite restaurant?: MAX AND ERMAS!!!!
Do you cook?: Yes definatly
How often do you brush your teeth?:like 3/4 times a day! i'm serious...in the summer i brush after everytime i eat, i hate the feeling of unclean teeth, i like the minty freshness
How often do you shower/bathe?: once a day at least
How long does your shower last?: 10 minutes unless i shave ;-)
Hair drying method: air dry unless i'm going somewhere right away
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yea i got blonde highlights awhile ago nothing major though
Do you paint your nails?: my toe nails more than my finger nails, because i chip if off my fingers more
Do you swear?: not that often because it becomes a bad habit fast so not that much
Do you ever spit?: at basketball practice after running forever and when i brush my teeth :-)
Animal: dogs
Food: italian
Month: JULY
Day: July 4, Dec. 25, Jan 1, days when my whole family is together
Cartoon: the proud family, rocket power
Shoe Brand: Nike for basketball, Adidas for soccer and casually anything that i like
Subject in school: english probably
Color: blue, pink, orange
Sport: basketball!!!!
Tv show: surf girls, real world, punk'd, boy meets world
Best Looking Male Celebs: paul walker
Vacationing Spot: California, Florida, Hilton Head Island-South Carolina
Game: TWISTER ;-)
The CD Player: burned CDs or I use my MP3 player a lot just so i get tons of diff bands
Person you talk most on the phone with: my bestest buds, alec when he doesnt hang up on me haha jp
Ever taken a cab?: yes in chicago
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: haha i wouldnt say regularly..sometimes
What color is your bedroom?: white...i'm getting it redone :-) yay!!
Do you use an alarm clock?: yes sometimes when i want to wake up at a certain time
Window seat or aisle?: window seat gotta see the world!
-- LA LA LAND --
What's your sleeping position? i move a lot until i'm comfortable
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Yes, even if it's just a light one
Do you snore?: i donno i dont think so
Do you sleepwalk?: not that i know of...
Do you talk in your sleep?: YES!!! and i sing sometimes too
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: not a lot
How about with the light on?: nope
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: most of the time yah
Coke or Pepsi?: neither dont drink pop
Oranges or apples?: apples
One pillow or two?: at least two
Deaf or blind?: blind
Pools or hot tubs?: both...
Blondes or brunettes?: no pref.
Tall or short?: i wish i was taller for basketball reasons but i'm not opposed to my height, tall is nice...for guys...taller than me
TV or radio?: depends, i play the radio through my TV, so i guess TV that way you get it all
Beach or pool?: beach definatly
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Certs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snooze, but then it comes back in like 5 so i usually just turn the alarm off and lay in bed
Sunrise or Sunset?: both
Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: hamburger i guess
Morning or night?: Night
Sports or news?: sports
Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: both
Cake or ice cream?: ice cream
Spearmint or Peppermint?: peppermint
Bath or shower?: i shower, but if i had more time i would take more baths just cus they are soo relaxing..play some music read a mag or a book light some candles and take a bubble bath
Book or Movie?: i'm more of a movie person but books are cool too i guess i dont read as much as i watch movies though
Green or Red apples?: Green
Rain or Snow?: snow
Nike or Adidas?: Nike for bball Adidas for soccer
Took a shower?: last night
Cried?: dont remember
talked on the phone?: yesterday
Read a book?: a few days ago
Punched someone?: dont know i dont punch people and mean it so i donno
Where do you see yourself in ten years? accomplished/or accomplishing my goals, happy, finishing college, living life loving life Who are you going to be married to?: i dont know way too early to know or even think about it
How many kids?: i dont know
Your profession: actress, performing arts, music industry/producer, talent scout, lawyer, movie production, media production...as you can tell i havnet really decided yet
Future School: i really wanna go to Villanova or a school in Cali
Car of Your Dreams?: some sort of convertible that costs a lot of money