
Haven't updated this in awhile! That's because I use this one mainly now www.blurty.com/users/xo_mel_xo Also busy with basketball and school. Homecoming tonight should be pretty fun. Game was freezing and raining and I didnt wanna get sick for tonight so I left after halftime. We were behind by a lot though, but FRANK SCORED A TOUCH DOWN! Which is awesome! Hey Jacob! One of the only people that reads this! haha That's because cool people read it right Jacob. Anyways I gotta go get stuff together for homecoming.


Okay weekend. Saturday went to Molly's then the dance. The dance was well, an LCC dance. That pretty much explains it all. If I had a car I would have driven away! haha then after the dance I gave Meghan, Liz, Jeeps, and Jenna a ride home. Didn't get home til after midnight. Got online for a little while then went to bed. Today just worked on painting my room. Not as much got done as I would have hoped but it took forever just to get everything taped and what not. Plus there is 3 holes in my wall from when some guy came and checked out some pipes in our house, and some just happened to be behind my wall! Only one got plastered over because we didnt know the other two where there because they were behind my old desk. I'm in the process of making a blurty journal just because Drew told me I should. Ha He said they were faster and what not, so I guess I'll give it a try. Not like I'll ever have time to update anything anyways. Busy week. Basketball every night, game Thursday, Chemistry, Spanish, Algebra II, History, and probably Geomotry test this week. way too many tests for one week. this will be the first full week of school. i dont know if i'll make it!


Haven't updated in awhile. Been really busy with school and basketball. Beat Eastern now 3-0. Tons of homework this weekend it's ridiculus. Football game tonight at Mason they lost 44-6. It was terrible! And I didnt see Doug there. I got a nerd rope for someone so I'll have to give that to him on Monday because I wont see him this weekend. Dance tomorrow night..should be dumb but hey I'm still going. Going to a friends before hand. That'll be more exciting than the dance. Homecoming is in like 3 weeks. That's cool I guess. Well I am soo tired it's crazy. I need to get more sleep!


Went shopping today. Bought 2 new pairs of pants and a new shirt. Then basically just chilled, worked on some homework. Tomorrow just relaxing on the last day off then basketball 5-7 oh yah and maybe going to Howell or Ypsilanti to have lunch with my relatives. Not sure about that though. Well I'm really tired.


It's weird updating in the morning because I usually update at night, but I was too tired last night by the time I got home. Yesterday I went to the MSU Football game, but left at halftime to go over to John's house. It was really fun. Veronica, Teresa, Courtney, Stephanie, Hannah, David, Jeeps and John (ha of course) were all there. Yah won't go into much detail because it would take me a huge long post if I did, but it was really fun! Today I am going shopping, then hopefully to Howell to have dinner with some relatives.


*Make a wish!*(11.11) Anyways busy past few days. Had a game Wednesday at East Lansing. We won 49-25, played well that game. Thursday vs. Sexton won 49-24 again, played bad that game. No school today. Had basketball then came home, went tailgating before the LCC football game. It was fun. LCC won. Tomorrow probably going to the MSU football game. Have good tickets on the 50 yard line row 25. Not bad. My cousin (well my dad's cousin) Chris is coming over tomorrow from Philadelphia so that should be cool. He's a cool relative. Yah anyways I am pretty tired and sore from the 2 mile run today.


No time for anything anymore. So much homework...3 tests tomorrow. Last night I went to the Varsity game. I had an extra ticket so I took Will. We had to wait forever for my brother to get down with football. The game was really fun. LCC beat Sexton! :-D I can't wait til our first game tomorrow! I have to pick out from my 3 pairs of shoes. I have narrowed it down to two, but the one i like may be too heavy or something. Oh well. I dont wanna be slowed down. Everyone come to our games Wed at EL and Thurs vs Sexton at LCC.


Went to my brother's football game today. Then went out to Applebees and then went shopping. Nice calm day of nothing :-) No hecticness at all. perfect. Tomorrow practice after school, then varsity plays at the Breslin so I'm going to that for sure. Should be cool. Basketball game on Wed and Thurs. Wednesday is away at E Lansing and Thursday home vs. Sexton so everyone should come watch us!


Yah I know I just posted, but I decided that post was gay and nothing at all, because I dont think I meant half the stuff I said. My guy problems are over.


Early morning this morning. Soccer, basketball, then went to the MAC with Court. Saw Ashleigh and Ashley there at the restaurant. Then worked a bit, drove around and chilled while my brother and dad looked for new cars. I was tired so i sat in the car and played solitare on my dads Handheld computer. Tomorrow my brother has a football game, so I guess I'll have to go to that. I have tons of homework, maybe go to the MAC, figure this basketball thing out with Court. Should be a busy day. Uhh boy troubles (different boy, different trouble)...I can't handle them. I've given up on them. They can come find me; I'm done being used and lied to! I dont even get how they can just lie so easily and then not care. But it's all good because I am most definatly moving on, he needs to call me for once and not the other way around!


First partial week of school is over. Ah feels like it's been 5 months already. I have had a lot of homework. I took too many honors classes. Oh well it'll all pay off in the end. Had a scrimmage at East Grand Rapids last night practice today after school then went to Courtney's house went swimming and bonfire with some of the team. Fun fun fun times! Tomorrow soccer at 10 dont know if I can go...basketball 11-1 oh joy. Maybe I'll hit up the boys soccer game after that. Ya never know. Maybe chill with KT. Yah well I'm tired as a what. School basketball and everything is exhausting. no joke.


Last night I had a basketball meeting that lasted much longer than I expected. Then Alec and Abe came over for about an hour. It was pretty fun. We played basketball, rode the quad, jumped and wrestled on the tramp. Alec beat me one on one and in wrestling! It's ok next time I'll make a come back! Today I have basketball from 1-3 and 7.30-9. School starts tomorrow. oh joy.


I had basketball practice this morning at 8 and it was 3 hours! We ran a lot too, so it was very tiring, but now it's over and I just get to look forward to 2 practices tomorrow! oh joy! Pictures today at 4-6 so I'll pry go early to get all my books and stuff in my locker. I still dont know what I am going to wear for pictures. Why they take school pictures BEFORE school even starts is beyond me. Oh well I guess it's no big deal. Then there is a "Meet the Cougars" meeting at 7. I don't know if I have to go or not. My dad wants to go though so I'll pry have to stay. Oh well hopefully some friends will be there. After that maybe I'll hit up a movie or something...yah...that would be cool. I better go see what's playing...


Let's see..Friday had basketball practice from 11-1 then our team went out to Chili's for lunch (it was Katie's birthday) Then we had a scrimmage in Howell, and Dan Dubiel came and watched us!!! I was so glad he came I hadn't seen him all summer! We won our games, went out for some DQ. Yesterday had basketball 12-3! ahh kinda hard practice since i had a bad charlie horse from the games before. Then some people from our team went out to Max and Ermas then to see Uptown Girls. Really good movie, kinda sad but i liked it. The guy was super hott. Then I went to Kohl's after that got some stuff for school but they didnt have a lot, so today I am going shopping cus i have no practice. Hopefully I'll get a lot of clothes for school cus I need some more!


I haven't updated in a long time. Mainly because I was out of town and then busy with basketball tryouts and now practices. Then I decided to make a new layout. I made it a little bit differently...using PaintShopPro instead of just plain old HTML. So it's a lil off but oh well I dont have time to fix it. So the power went out today. I was shopping at Kohls when it happened. Lights flickered a few times, thought it was a fluke, then it all went out, thought it was a brown out, next thing you know we're in a black out. My house has power because I live on the we$t$ide. Still had basketball, just had a meeting..outside in the scorching heat. yah..yikes was sweating just sitting there talking. I was going to have unpowerful people spend the night, and have basketball practice at my house tomorrow (because i have a half court outside) but I think we'll just end up having practice here if the power isn't back. I think this black out is really cool and it's great to have something somewhat exciting happen in Michigan for once. Hopefully it lasts a few days. Unpowerful people can just come to my house so they dont have to suffer. Anyways I will probably have to get up early tomorrow so I better be going.


Just woke up. Yesterday I went over to KT's and we went to the IM West pool. It was pretty fun, hot. We laid out and my ass got burnt. Don't ask. Then I went over to Janelle's while KT went golfing with her aunt. I helped Janelle clean up their house a bit because they are selling it. Then Jenny, Emily, and Nettie all came over to Janelle's and we left for my house at 8.30 We had to take Emily home so we got to her house and Jenny had to use the bathroom and she threw up so she just stayed at Emily's and was going to go home from there. So KT, Janelle, Nettie and I got to my house it was pretty late already but we watched Old School. We called Alec talked to him for awhile, then we two wayed people. Called Tyler and they were literally on the phone with him ALL F*IN NIGHT! and i was tired i mean at 5 when they started laughing and woke me up, so i was like "shut up" and then i was like screw that and i left to sleep somewhere else. they are still sleeping. they'd probably sleep til 3 if they could but we have basketball so that sucks for them. I leave for up north tomorrow. part of me wants to go and another doesnt, but hey i need another vacation. i still haven't packed but i guess i'll have to after a day of basketball :-/


I haven't updated in awhile. I've been really busy. Too busy that I've missed out on stuff that I would rather do. Today I went to Art Van to look at furniture and then I went to the MAC to swim. It was all fun until some big older guy started hitting on me. thats no fun i wasn't up for that. Over the weekend I had basketball every day all day. I leave for up north Thursday morning, and I'm going to miss Warped Tour, but I'll be back the 7th. Tomorrow I am going to try and hang out with a lot of people so I can see them and chill. Have some stuff I need to work out. It's frustrating me. I'm tired and need sleep but I can't.


Just got home from basketball again. Still haven't lost. Im really tired, and sore. Listenin to some music, talkin to some people before I go to bed. I miss Janelle and Nettie! Yellowcard - Finish line...download it. Good song. I like the violin part in it. Thats what they played in Ann Arbor and I think it's tight. But yah I'm tired. THere was something I had to write, but I forgot.


Just about to leave to Hudsonville again. Downloading some songs. I am going to make a "Playlist" page, with good songs to download. I don't know when. Sometime when I'm not at basketball. I will probably make a new layout too but that will take longer so maybe this weekend. Well I have to go get ready.


Let's see...last night after basketball I went over to Katie's house and we showered and got ready to go stay the night at Marnies. So we went over to Marnies and Amanda was there! It was really fun! We jumped on the trampoline, ran over to Amanda's (she lives across from Marnie) and had some of her mom's really good cookies and checked out her new basement which was nice. Have a really tight TV. The remote is bigger than like a PS2 controller! We looked through the whole EL yearbook (Amanda goes to EL) Then Marnie, KT and I went back to Marnie's and KT called her mom because her mom wanted us to stay at KT's that night because KT's dad and brother both weren't home and her mom didnt wanna stay home alone all night so she came and took us all back to their house at like midnight. So we stayed the night there. KT's dog like attacked Marnie and me the next morning. haha. I have bite marks from it! Then Marnie left and Katie and I went to Janelle's where Nettie and Jenny were and we drove to our basketball tournament in Hudsonville. We are 3-0...still unstopable. Anyways I should get some sleep because I'm tired.


Friday was basketball in Big Rapids..we went 5-0. still unbeatable. it was cool because after we won we'd play for one minute and would be down by 2 and would have to catch up. in our last game i made the winning free throw. that made me happy! Then I slept on the way home (5.30-7.15) Came home watched tv for like 2 minutes then fell asleep again (7.30) Didnt wake up til 9.30 the next morning. Lots of sleep lemme tell you! Then, Today I went to the Ann Arbor Art Fair all day. Saw old friend Taite. He looks a lot different. A lot taller and just looks older. He is 16. The fair was pretty cool. A lot of music and art stuff. Some cool bands and solo artists played. I liked it. Some guy played an electric violin and usually I dont like that kinda music, but it was really good. Maybe some day I'll play there and people will put money in my guitar case for me! CoOl sTuFf! Anyways Thursday after my brothers basketball banquet I drove around the Holt area for like an hour finding a house to take my sister to. My mom was with me and she's not very familiar with that area, especially when it's dark. well Will is in Hawaii now. Getting tan and laying on the beach. i miss him i havent seen him in forever. we better have classes together. i have a lot of classes with andi. i think i have the most classes with her so far. which is good because she is my friend! so thats long but i'm bored and am thinking of a new better layout that my html mind can handle.


Just added a quiz results page. More pictures, and a glowing text link on the pictures page. Its pretty cool so check it out. Still working on a new layout.


Yay! I added pictures! Go me! They are old, but the only really current pictures I have are from basketball. I guess I could put some of those up, just for some variety. I only have 4 up now but it takes a long time to get the whole thumbnail thing made, and a long time I dont have. Maybe later. 3-0 in Plymouth! We'll on a streak! Big Rapids Friday...have to leave like at 5 in the morning. Not fun! Oh well Saturday I am going to visit good family friends that I have known all my life (dad went to high school together) but ever since I moved I haven't seen them in forever and they are down visiting in Ann Arbor. It should be interesting. Im excited! Also tired. Good night!


made a new layout sort of. i dont like it. not the color. i am going to change it. it needs to be brighter. im sad today i found out my friend is leaving on saturday and that was the day i was gonna plan to hang out. so hopefully we'll hang before saturday. basketball tournament tomorrow and friday. ahh i only have thursday to hang out with people this week. hopefully people can do stuff. i love this song. jane's addiction - just because, and starting line - best of me. i like cant get sick of them. im really excited because my uncles band's dvd is almost done. they played at the fillmore in san fran! bands like the used play there! and i love the used! lol oh well i'm really proud of my uncle because my family (grandparents, his bros, and sis) havent always supported his decision to do the whole band thing. because they didnt think it was a good way to live. im proud that he kept with it. i cant wait to go to cali to see them! they're new stuff sounds really good and i like it! anyways i have a tourny tomorrow so i need to get some sleep.


stayed at katie's house last night with andrea and marnie. nick took us to tasty twist and then we went driving through haslett. it was cool. this morning i had to go get my physical done. apparently i need to get another tetanus (sp?) shot because every 10 years you need one. I HATE SHOTS! like i mean i faint when i get them. i like cant control it! so fortunatly i didnt have breakfast so they have to do it a different day. its really nice out today so i was outside at the barn cleaning it up and stuff. i have to stain my closet door today so that my room can get finished. my mom and i looked at art van the other day for new furniture and such. i dont know what to choose because what if i dont like it like 2 weeks after i get it! hard decisions lemme tell ya! i really wanna get it done though because all my junk is cluttering our basement. hopefully this week! we're gonna get our pool today or tomorrow i think! yay!


Just got back from Janelle's house with Nettie, Emily and Janelle. It was fun. We played euchre, watched TV, called people, 2-wayed people. Adam and Shane came over really late. Pretty akward. haha. they like came in, went online, talked a bit. We didnt go get slurpees. Then they left. It's ok though. haha someone would be on the phone with someone while someone else was 2-waying someone so it got confusing! lol I wish it wasn't raining! I wanted to like go outside and stuff today. There blows that idea. Ill just do inside stuff!


Just got home from a long time of not being home! I was in Surf City, Long Beach Island, New Jersey at our house there for a week and then after the week was over I left Saturday, drove through 4 states with my Aunt and got home real late that night and had to leave for Gaylord team basketball camp/tournament the next morning. July 4 was my birthday and I celebrated with my family in SC. Saw some fireworks. It was nice. Wasn't my dream bday but nothing is perfect. I got a lot of stuff from Ron Jons! I love that place seriously! Next summer I am definatly going to learn to surf so I can buy a surf board from Ron Jons and be a surf girl! Yes! I did go body surfing and "boogy boarding" with my cousins. It was fun but the last day the waves were really rough and they started hurting but it was still a blast because the waves were huge! It was nice weather and our place is right by the beach so I was on the Atlantic Coast all week with my cousins, so I got really dark, probably the darkest I have ever been (that I can remember) but then I went to Gaylord and I was in a gym all day for the most part so I'm definatly losing my wonderful tan. Gaylord was a blast though. We went 10-0, did really well, and had a blast chillin with my gurls...haha Pete and B-Rad. It was really fun though! I'll tell more details about it later. I have to work on doing my room now, getting all new stuff and everything. Im excited for it to be done and get the pool so people can come over to swim and we can actually chill in my nice new room. yay! anyways im exhausted so Im off to watch a movie or something.


sad movies make me cry! I watched A Walk to Remember and definatly cried A LOT! I dont even know why I watched it when I knew I would cry because I have seen it before. Oh well! If only i had a shoulder to cry on! lol that was lame! it's ok though! balled it up with the bball team today at the MAC. went well. got my tan on. rented some movies. i've rented a lot of movies lately. and i'm starting to return them on time! yay go me! goin to muskegon friday! real excited...kt and meghan know why. muskegon last year was AWESOME and this year it's not my tournament so no lockdown for me! hehe even better!!


Long day, sorta. Woke up, had a dentist appointment, went to the MAC, played ball, swam, went to basketball 3 person workout, came home, ran a mile, worked out a lil. tried to fix my tan lines, but its not working, so the airbrush deal better work. i rented 2 movies, but i havent watched them yet. maid in manhattan and 2 weeks notice. chick flicks probably, but its all good because im a chick! so i like that kinda stuff! this repair man came by today and was just kinda chillin on the couch in my bra haha kinda alarming. but i mean its my house i have the right to walk around half naked. ya no biggie. well we're out of milk and i'm craving some cereal, so i need to go get some!


Productive day! Woke up too early..like at 8 because my mom woke me up before they went to Rochester for my brothers bball. But I decided to take a shower and then run a mile, then I did some chores to earn some $$$, laid out in the sun, fed the animals, ran another mile, went to the all-star game, went to mongolian barbecue, lived through the scariest thing ever, came home. Felt like I accomplished a lot! Good feeling! Hopefully tomorrow will be the same. I think it will be though! At least I hope!


Busy week! Finally over! My arms are so dark! My legs are pretty dark too! I love it, except for the fact that the rest of my body doesn't match. It will by the end of the week tho. Im going to the MAC everyday, doin the usual, run, weights, bball, swim, lay out get my tan on. It will be nice and relaxing unlike my last week. Spent the night at Meghans last night. It was fun. We played basketball with Ricky and then just chilled and watched a movie because it was pretty late by the time we got to her house. & I had to get up at 8.30 because i went to my brothers bball tourny in Rochester. Tomorrow I wont go tho so I'll have the house to myself til about 4.30, so maybe i'll have someone over to chill. then im goin to the all star game at 6 at lcc. everyone go. because im going. and it will be fun. so go.


Another long 12 hour day...after soccer and before basketball i layed down on this mat and i fell asleep. thats how tiring it is. its not like i run alot at the soccer thing cus im a coach but lil kids really do wear you out. breaking up their stupid fights and fits and when they cry. the lil girls who all tattle on the boys. its intense. good thing there isnt more than 15 of them! 2 boys hate each other so much we spent an hour of them playin 1-on-1. it woulda ended earlier but the loser had to go sayin "thats not fair" making all these excuses. yah hes a pistol. wears me out.


Don't ever complain about being tired again! You don't know what tired is until you've gone thru my day! Sunday night get home late from a basketball tournament and go to bed at 12, Wake up at 6:45, shower, get stuff together, leave for lcc, coach lil kids for soccer from 8am til 4pm! Plus being out in the sun for that long just wipes you out. Then basketball camp 5pm-8pm. That's 12 hours of sports! Thats half my day! i'm going to be really dark by the end of the week, altho i'll have some pretty crazy tan lines. o well it's all fixable. Oh yeah...people are so sexist...at this soccer camp the guys get to take their shirts off to play shirts v. skins but girls can't? Uhm we wear sports bras thanks...so the guys get to have their stomach all tan, whats up with that?! lets be fair and let me take my shirt off! haha


Busy weekend. Basketball tournament Saturday and Sunday with practice on both days as well. Didn't get much sleep, and the gyms were SO HOTT! I can't even explain it. No air conditioning and it's just terrible. But it was fun, even though we didn't do as well as we would have hoped. 2-4. Played some good teams, and some teams we should have beaten. oh well it was fun, so it's all good. I have quite the week ahead of me: Have to work the soccer camp for the lil kids 8am-4pm, then Basketball 5pm-7.30pm EVERY DAY, except Thursday but only because I am going to miss it because I am working at a golf outing in Detroit. It's going to be crazy. Wow oh well at least I'll be tan!


Another long 12 hour day...after soccer and before basketball i layed down on this mat and i fell asleep. thats how tiring it is. its not like i run alot at the soccer thing cus im a coach but lil kids really do wear you out. breaking up their stupid fights and fits and when they cry. the lil girls who all tattle on the boys. its intense. good thing there isnt more than 15 of them! 2 boys hate each other so much we spent an hour of them playin 1-on-1. it woulda ended earlier but the loser had to go sayin "thats not fair" making all these excuses. yah hes a pistol. wears me out.


Don't ever complain about being tired again! You don't know what tired is until you've gone thru my day! Sunday night get home late from a basketball tournament and go to bed at 12, Wake up at 6:45, shower, get stuff together, leave for lcc, coach lil kids for soccer from 8am til 4pm! Plus being out in the sun for that long just wipes you out. Then basketball camp 5pm-8pm. That's 12 hours of sports! Thats half my day! i'm going to be really dark by the end of the week, altho i'll have some pretty crazy tan lines. o well it's all fixable. Oh yeah...people are so sexist...at this soccer camp the guys get to take their shirts off to play shirts v. skins but girls can't? Uhm we wear sports bras thanks...so the guys get to have their stomach all tan, whats up with that?! lets be fair and let me take my shirt off! haha


Busy weekend. Basketball tournament Saturday and Sunday with practice on both days as well. Didn't get much sleep, and the gyms were SO HOTT! I can't even explain it. No air conditioning and it's just terrible. But it was fun, even though we didn't do as well as we would have hoped. 2-4. Played some good teams, and some teams we should have beaten. oh well it was fun, so it's all good. I have quite the week ahead of me: Have to work the soccer camp for the lil kids 8am-4pm, then Basketball 5pm-7.30pm EVERY DAY, except Thursday but only because I am going to miss it because I am working at a golf outing in Detroit. It's going to be crazy. Wow oh well at least I'll be tan!


My terrible day the other day turned out to be really good. So my mom didn't want to take me to NCG so I could see Finding Nemo with my friends, but Janelle's parents came and got me! It was so nice! So I went to see that movie with them after all! Then I spent the night at Janelles with Nettie and Emily. Haha we had quite the adventure walking home! lol. crazy stuff. The next day we all went to basketball at the MAC. We snuck in so I didn't have to charge them all to my card again! We're such rebels. haha Then I had our soccer banquet. It was pretty cool. Did awards, got letters, stuff like that. Then I went and spent the night at Andi's with Janelle, Jenny and Emily. Fun stuff. Still trying to land that flip! haha Busy past few days, and with our tournament tomorrow I have to get some good sleep tonight!


I'm a genious. i only got one wrong on my drive test. 99/100 wow go me! Basketball again today. It was okay but we didn't get to swim so it just wasn't the same haha I'm mad because my mom wont let me go see Finding Nemo with Janelle Jenny Nettie and Emily, because she doesn't want to drive me anywhere...so i offer to drive. "I just want some time to sit at home" And lists more excuses! Ahh thank God drivers ed is over I won't have to put up with that anymore. Urgh oh well I'll be able to do something tomorrow so I guess I'll just get over it.


I had an okay day! Went to the MAC and played basketball with some people and then had to go to drivers ed. One last day tomorrow! Finally! I am sick of putting up with that! It's torture, especially the annoying people in back! haha you know. The downside is I have to get up early tomorrow so I can finish my drives :-( Hopefully we'll stop at Beaners again so I can get some caffeine in my blood! ;-) Anyways come to our tournament this weekend. We play at 5, 7, and 9 on Saturday, and 4 and 6 on Sunday. If you want more details let me know because we'd love for you to come watch us! *lovya*


wow I had a busy weekend! Went to watch my brothers basketball tournament and both my uncle who lives in florida and my uncle who lives in montana were visiting so I was down in Ann Arbor for most of the weekend as well. Veronica's was fun on Friday! I didnt go to any of the TAS shows, because I was gone all weekend, but me nettie and janelle are gonna hit up the next one! haha come to our basketball tournament this weekend at MSU! If you want the times of our games IM or email me *lovya*

June 6, 2003

Schools out! :-D It hasn't really sunken in yet, but I'm hoping it will soon! It's gonna be so weird not seeing everyone every day. I hope I hang out with everyone over the summer despite my terribly busy schedule. I went to put stuff on my calendar and everything and my whole month of June is like filled with basketball everyday...some days I have soccer too! Man I'll be busy, but at least I'll keep in shape. Come to our basketball tournament at MSU next weekend :-D *lovya*

June 4, 2003

Yah! I don't have school tomorrow! But I have 2 exams Friday, so that's no fun. But then I'm going to Veronica's with some other people so that will be a fun ending to the year. hehe. i got my pink slip! So i'm drivin it up everywhere now! I hate driving our van! It's HUGE and harder to control and stuff like that. I deal with it, I'll get used to it. omg my back hurts soo bad! I'm not sure what it's from..I think I may know, but I don't know, oh well I'll take motrin..it'll all work out! *luvya*

June 2, 2003

UcK! I hate Mondays! And exams! I can't wait til they're over! I can't wait til school's out...except today I was coming to the realization that I am going to miss everyone SOOO much! Like realizing how much I don't hang out with people over the summer, when we say we will. So this summer I'm gonna try and hang out with everyone! Like every week!!! I'll have a withdrawl if i dont! haha I'm thinkin wouldn't it be sweet if I could have like some guys and some girls go up and stay at my cottage for a week...think about that one :-D *luvya*

June 1, 2003

Yah it's June! That means schools practically over! Just this week of exams :-D I'm sick of studying for them. It takes to long and I still don't know what I'm waiving. I drove today with Jenna and the drivers ed teacher down Saginaw Hwy. mostly, I'll have that slip on Wed:-D *luvya*

May 31, 2003

Loooong day! Had to get up sort of early to go to Ann Arbor for a basketball tournament, and I didn't get home until 10. I was taping a game, and I seriously could have fell over asleep I was so tired, and sore. Wasn't really in the best mood, but I got new shorts and a shirt from the tournament :-D That's always good. I'm so confused right now and I need to go to bed! *luvya*

May 30, 2003

i could definatly go for a full body masage right about now! im so sore and beat up and bruised. sad day :-( lost the game 1-0...ref made a bad call or should i say...didnt make the call. at the beginning of the game we had like no fans and williamston brought like their whole city, but our fans came. mostly juniors, in fact majority was juniors. & collin! lol and emily and emily :-D thanks for coming! then i lost to phillip and will at rummy! I need to make a comeback!

May 29, 2003

Tomorrow=district championship soccer vs. Williamston @ Dewitt @ 6:30!PLEASE COME! I will give you a big kiss if you come to it ;-)! Well my day was ok. Some bumps here and there, nothing too bad. I did my first day of drivers ed today. Most boring thing EVER! We have a really funny class though, and my first drive is this weekend haha and i've only been to one class out of the 4! Our teacher is crazy! haha it's ok though i'll only hit a few pedestrians! *luvya*

May 28, 2003

'We goin' to da ship!' Yah babay! 4-0 :-D District championship is on Friday, 6:30 at Dewitt. Please come cheer us on!! Yay! I'm so excited. We had such a bad season, that it's good to be doing so well now! Only downside...my Friday night plans are canceled :-( oh well...summer is like practically next door, so it's all good! *luv ya*

May 27, 2003

Woohoo! We won our game 8-2! If we win tomorrow we go to the district championship. I was ready for our season to be over, but I guess it's pretty fun. I will miss the seniors they are really cool. I'm missing drivers ed. I was supposed to start it today, but I couldnt go because of our game, and I can't go tomorrow either. I'm gonna have a lot of time to make up. oh shoot. it's gonna suck oh well. on another note im changing the name of my site..it will be having to do with a Pineapple but i'm not sure what yet! *luvya*

May 26, 2003

Went to spartys last night! It was really fun, and really HOTT! I finally got the left frame background working so the layout is a little more summery! I'm hoping to switch providers because geocities has gay pop-ups! No school today :-) good stuff, but I still have soccer practice because districts start tomorrow. everyone come to our game! this means u will & collin! I think it's home..5:00, but I'm not sure

May 24, 2003

Woohoo I feel like an HTML genious for finally figuring out how to use frames. Unfortunatly my layout is ugly and boring, and plain and simple, but i dont have a graphic designing program yet Hopefully soon!