Foundation Of Melchizedek
An International Priestly Order, Teaching and Healing Ministry

A Question for Religious persons and Atheists about the

   I am asking a question that came to mind in regard to this country the present state of its affairs, which till now may not ever been asked. If you fail to find the answer, considering it to the best of your knowledge and weighing the consequences of it in your conscience, I would then request that it be forwarded to those on your E-mail lists to see if they have an answer, simply because the question needs to be asked, and an answer needs to be found.
       Not for my sake alone but hopefully for your own, to figure out why and when something has occurred that may have gone on without notice, that has altered the course of history in this country, and affected the lives of every person, who may be unaware of its consequence? 
       "Upon what day or date in the history of this country did the voters of the country, anywhere, in any state in the union, whether religious, atheist, or agnostic, give this government the right to make Atheism the religion of the State?"
      Has anyone, anywhere, ever, been given the right to vote on what has become government policy, which would be a violation of the separation of Church and state, without the consent of the people, if they had ever been granted the right to vote?
      When did the people of this country surrender the right to vote, granting forfeiture of that right, to the colleges in this land, placing them into the position of legislating what has become the law of the land, in denial of the right of the people to vote on what government has adopted as the standard of law?
       How is it that we, as the voting public, have never been granted the right to vote on such an important issue, and who, has failed to provide us with the right to decide what we believe in, to dictate laws over our lives to the exclusion of the right of both the vote, and conscience toward our rights of expression chosen beliefs?
     The public schools in this country were originated to teach people how to learn, not to dictate what to think because it has become politically correct according to standards set by collegiate professors, who are held unaccountable to the basis of their beliefs, to the exclusion of the right of conscience as to what the people believe in?
       I place these questions and affirmations before the minds of religious and atheists alike, because I believe that most atheists themselves, would not deny the right of others to hold and practice the moral standards, which have been summarily dismissed by the courts without the vote of the voters, that has become the law of the land.
      How could something so important as the right to live the beliefs of ones conscience, have been altered in practice by the government, without the vote of the people to decide what beliefs the government has adopted, under which the governed have become measured and weighed?
      What happened to the adage " I do not agree with what you believe in, but will fight to the death for your right to believe it"?
       How did the Good Book become the bad book?
       How did all the morality mentioned taught by all religions become a supposed danger to the psychological nature of a human being, by denouncing moral standards, while at the same time legislating immorality as the law of the land, as the personal right of the few, without the regard or consent of beliefs of the many? 
       If you had been given your Constitutional right to vote on these issues as, we the voters were Guaranteed under the Constitution were guaranteed we had the right to do, under a government intended to exist as the servant of the will of the governed, by reason of the majority vote, when, and where was our right to vote ever granted on these matters by we, the voters?
      How, when, and where, did these laws and policies come to prevail over the lives of the governed, without the consent or the vote of the people?
      Why were those in public office not held accountable for the decisions made that have become laws and policies?
        When, where, and how, will someone be held accountable for the explanation to answer to these questions?
        Has the Constitution been rendered a document of so little consequence that the governed, no longer have recourse to its intended purpose as a free and equal people to decide their own individual destiny, by means of the vote in what was designed to be in a democratic form of government?
        Is this government the servant of the will of the people, or has it become a dictatorship to an elitist few, who may have usurped the right of the people to vote, without regard to their right of conscience and basic freedom of speech intended to be expressed through that vote?
       If you do not have the answers, please pass the Question along to others who may ask it of themselves till it reaches those who are responsible for why the question exists? When did this government adopt atheism as the religion of the state?

Question# 2 In God We Trust?12/12/01

How long will the words "In God We Trust " remain upon the dollar bill?  Will those words exist as an engraved statement, or as a principle of belief as a value or practice for anyone within the next generation? The first question I presented was, "When did the government make atheism the religion of this country," and "why have the voters been denied a right of choice in a matter of such consequent importance to their rights and freedoms?"
      The Declaration Of Independence and Constitution as written by the Founding Fathers provided for freedom of religion, not from religion, but freedom from a religion established by the state. The pillar of government called the church, was defined as separate from and equal to, authority of the pillar of law representing the state. Separate as institutions but equal in responsibility, wherein the church was defined the beneficent and benevolent institution in service of humanity, granted equal authority to state, for welfare and happiness of the people.
       The values and moral standards of religion were inseparable from the government officials who once took office, because it was a part of their religious obligation to see that government, guided by religious precepts, would remain the benefactor and defender of the rights and freedoms of the people. The people themselves were held accountable to live, honest, moral lives, fitting the responsibilities to maintain the rights and freedoms of each individual. The Bible was the guide book used in the court rooms to swear an oath of truth upon, under penalty of perjury, to maintain the biblical admonition that one should not bear false witness against another. It is upon the word of Oath, not that of the written law, that the word of honor and a hand shake was the foundation of business agreements among honorable human beings.
      The letter of the law has not only replaced the word of oath, but has nullified its existence and purpose. Lawyers have supplanted the spoken word as inadmissible in the court system that has replaced the justice principle envisioned by the founding fathers, who did not need physical evidence to form contracts. Those people lived honorable lives, when statesmanship and religion were inseparable to those holding public office because the government was instituted to uphold religious principle and the office itself was taken only under oath to God before man. 
        Since that day, a shadow has been cast over this land as institutions of atheistic professionalism have taken root and have grown throughout society making themselves institutions of higher learning. They have produced false doctrines under the claim of superior intelligence, and have instituted policies which deny the right of the people to hold beliefs of conscience toward deity or to practice those beliefs. The division and conquering of religious beliefs and moral values assaulted by court decisions in which the values of spiritual principles have been repeatedly denounced, denied, mocked, and restricted, has been accomplished under dubious means because those making the complaints and pacifying the complaints all receive credentials from the same institutions. Well funded attacks against religion and moral standards have not been accomplished in an arena wherein which the institutions intended to preserve and protect religious values (churches, lodges or religions and their shepherds) have not been invited to provide evidence in their defense. Spiritual values and virtues have been eroded in courts addressing the denial of practices without actually confronting the institutions whose rights and practices have been denied credence.
      Arguments that attack words and principles such as "In God We Trust" have repeatedly been and continue to be mounted against religion, but have failed to allow the church any knowledge of, or access to presentation of evidence on behalf of their institutions, to defend those principles in regard to the moral well being of society. Decisions have been held in a context of clandestine and covert tactical maneuvering, in which equal justice before the law, has been circumvented by inviting only the parties of a lawsuit into a court, in which the other party has neither notification or invitation to the process itself. Warfare has been instituted and accomplished behind the back of the accused people and institutions of the Church, and assaulted and denounced by the only parties represented as the complainant. Legislative process has been usurped by judicial dictate and the other two branches of government that are paid to keep watch over checks and balances, have been asleep at the switch, in preventing misuse of authority over the branches they represent on behalf of the people.
         Bills are presented to pass legislation in which religious rights and freedoms are being legislated out of existence without the vote of those affected. Every year the financial backing has grown to mount more attacks against religion by the growing numbers of anti-religion forces, through the allies and supporters of individual rights to support an agenda that has completely divided this country.
       Once believed to be "One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All," we presently have a nation divided, in which the very mention of God is cause for a law suit, where liberty exists for only those with college degrees, and justice is available only to those with the money to buy it. Lawyers now stand between the people and their constitutional rights, collecting tithes the same as priests used to do, as they pretended to stand between man and God, when churches persecuted the people through unjust laws and tithes to them.
     "A Nation divided against itself cannot stand," is a statement from a book, now perceived to be a danger to the people, because it might cause psychological damage by misinterpreting its messages. Its messages might also reveal the false assumptions upon which professors of political correctness have deliberated faulty conclusions because there are statements in the bible written upon logical and reasonable thought processes and common sense understanding.
       "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave," is now renamed the land of "Law and Order," but no one within the system itself is protecting the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. Every law passed, diminishes freedom and works contrary to the very principles of what freedom itself was established to be. Our public officials were originally placed in office to protect our freedoms, not to legislate them out of existence, which is what they have actually been accomplished till this point in time. Law is to freedom, what shadows are to light, and they cannot exist in the same place at the same time without nullifying the space the other occupies. Why is it that the scientific proof of that principle has not been brought into intellectual arena by those who profess science is the answer to all things?
       "The Law was made for man, not man for the law," is another dangerous principle written in a book that is now considered politically incorrect, but politically incorrect to whom? There are those who want every reference to God, religion, prayer and soul, to be eliminated from this country, but who are they that have arrogantly made their beliefs superior and more equal than those of other human beings? Who elected them the dictators of what others have conscience toward? Atheists cannot be caused to swear upon a Bible because they deny the existence of the God it represents. They cannot scientifically prove that conscience or God does not exist, and have made science the only reality upon which they profess life has existence, but refuse to be held accountable to an oath requiring conscience because it comes from the book they have dismissed as having no practical value. To those people, the fact is, if something cannot be found to have a monetary value and profit margin, it does not exist, and if they aren't the ones collecting money from it, no attention is given credence to it at all.
       The founding fathers found it fit to place reference to deity on our money and it is colored to match their beliefs. Black and white on side for the state, and green and white on the side for the church. People who go to church pay taxes to the government as well as tithes or contributions to their places of worship. People of religion have also been forced to pay taxes for the operation of secular institutions where the class rooms are chapels of atheism, where the professors preach that God and science cannot exist in the same mind at the same time to denounce the light of God and religion. They live off of the two sided dollar to profess that only one side is worthy to be printed because the other side has no value at all. Atheist tax dollars are not allowed to be used to promote church or religion but taxpayers of religions have their tax dollars used to promote atheist campuses. Will this country continue to have freedom of religion, or shall atheists succeed to abolish religion to have freedom from religion to practice the imitation of religion of Sigmund Freud, under the pretense it is a science and not the intellectual religion it actually is? 
       The court has replaced the Christian Bible, with its own religious book of rules and it is name is "Blacks legal dictionary." Daniel Webster and George Washington would turn over it their graves to find that the meanings of simple words and concepts that all have always been easily understand, have been twisted and distorted into meanings that have no rational basis for explanation, and often are found oppositional to the intended meanings of words as understood throughout history.
      Before the words "In God We Trust," are struck down or judicially extricated and banished from the land without the vote of the people, it would be wise to determine and consider whether it is "In State We Trust" our elected officials to perform the will of the people through the votes we cast. Apparently the atheist hierarchy does not want competition for the value of the dollars they use for their agenda, from dissenters who maintain that beliefs in God or the actual existence of the human soul, were to be principles that government should honor and uphold? Are there any reasons why these questions should not be asked our elected officials before the time they next, are elected into office? Will you send them forth into the Internet till they find their way to others who believe some solutions are necessary?

Question #3 What is Sacred Honor? 01/10/02

They wrote the words in the Declaration of Independence "we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
Where in this present society is Sacred Honor allowed expression?
Why is it not to be found in our educational institutions, corporate  enterprises, or political processes?
Where are the heroic acts or personifications of yesterdays hero's, to be found in our present world this day?
When did the Liberty Bell become muted in the hearts and minds of the people?

The Seal, (upon which the those who founded this country, when they became "a group of people banded together for a purpose," as signers of the Declaration Of Independence), was the Word Of Oath, one to another. They proclaimed and swore that Oath as their Sacred Trust to the sentiment spoken by one, in the words, " Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" They put their money where their mouth was, and their bodies on the line, and their Sacred Honor to the test of war, under the pledge of "A firm and steadfast reliance upon Divine Providence."
      A quote from a book no longer allowed to be read in the public schools our children states. 
"There is no greater among you than one who would lay down his life for a friend" Fortunately the founders of this country not only read the sacred texts but had an understanding of the Author, which the most educated people of the present society fail to comprehend. The founding fathers knew that they had a creator and knew what they had been created for and that was freedom from domination and tyranny of unjust proportion over their lives and affairs. 
      How many holding public office today have demonstrated the courage to stand in conscience toward that which they hold Sacred, with a firm and steadfast resolution toward defending our Constitutional Liberties and Freedoms? Is any consideration provided to any subject beyond the propagation of a man made concept called the economy as a corporate enterprise.
      When was the last time a true hero actually was elected into an office, that actually accomplished what he said, he intended to do? Indeed is there anyone in our lifetime that is worthy of holding an office under the same premise that those who fought for a Free and Equal society and after it was given birth, in the world and named America?
        What has happened to the founding principles and the courage of the founding fathers over the years to protect and defend "Freedom," according to their standards? It has become apparent that the more intellectually educated a person becomes and the more credentials they profess to hold, the less regard for, respect toward, or understanding of, the intended meaning of Freedom and Equality exists among their societal class. Has the system of government devolved into an Aristocracy, devoid of Democracy, under Hypocrisy by omission of Sacred Honor?
       The principle of equality as set down by the founding fathers was upon a "Separate and Equal station to which the laws of Nature and Natures God entitle them."
       Further stating, "We hold the Truths to be self evident, that All men are Created Equal, that they are Endowed by their Creator with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Are we, as a people, granted the right of being perceived as equal human beings to those who have named themselves "The People?" Or are we looked down upon and treated as though we are inferior to, those whom we elect to offices, lifted there by our vote? Is there an arrogant disregard to our opinions or circumstances, when facing even the least qualified public servant, when some law, rule, code, tax, or regulation, is placed before us to become an obstruction toward that which we intended to accomplish? Who is the servant of whom, and who pays the salary of whom, for what?
      Somewhere, somehow, sometime, a group of "somebody's," re-instituted the "patronage system" employed by the former governing bodies cast "down and out" of this land by the revolutionary war. That war was fought to remove from this land, the royalty system of state and hierarchy systems of religions. But as weeds do, they have sprung up once again and taken root in a garden intended for another crop, and the old ways have slowly crept in and choked out the newly planted seeds of a new vine, that the vineyard of life was intended to produce to bear the fruits of Freedom and true Equality among men and women.
       Laws, rules, and regulations, are the crop of weeds that have grown  in such proportion as to be uncountable and beyond measure or comprehension to those buried under the shadow cast over our land. Freedoms have been taxed and diminished to the status of a privilege, subject to license, or permit. without regard to approval or consent, and without recourse for change. Laws are set upon the neck of the people as a yoke of bondage, from which only the rich and corporate or collegiate elite, are exempt because, they have made themselves unaccountable for their conduct, while holding all others hostage to the hidden agenda of their making, as overlords of a system they have spawned.
       Those who can't afford an attorney are forbidden freedom of speech in courts, and those who can afford one are driven into poverty by endless litigation, taking years to bring about a decision that could have been reached in five minutes by little children who possess common sense.
      The Thirteen Colonies gave birth to America, the manifest child on earth as birthplace of Freedom, as in a manger, that child was the dawning light of inspiration to the entire world. The sacred documents they composed became the example of the highest aspirations of humanity, proclaiming a Self Governing and Free society. They  fought against and over came the greatest enemies of humanity throughout history, that till then, dominated and controlled the lives of persons in all nations.
     The Mother of Deceptions calling herself the Church used religious tyranny that professed false doctrines. She deceived the children of the Earth, leading them to falsely into the belief that their "Father God" was an angry and abusive parent, to be feared and suffer punishment from, under through the instrument of the cruelty of her self appointed position  as enforcer of her doctrines. She as the institution, demanded all to bow down, convert, be punished, or die. Inquisitions were instituted against dissenters so all would live under guilt, as tithes were imposed upon the poor to make the churches rich in the name of charity.
      Contrary to the religious persecution from which the Founding Fathers proclaimed freedom, they established the right of humanity to walk upright in dignity with, and honor toward a Father God, and a mother nature, the true identity of whom was revealed to be that of a loving, kind, nurturing, understanding, and forgiving nature. Not external in some group of pompous theologians, but internal and ever present, as the Love in the very hearts of human beings on the earth, as they expressed it, one to another, in this world, to manifest the most Nobel qualities of heaven, upon the Earth from the soul at the center of their being. The human body was understood to be the living temple of God where God dwelt, in which men and women were made the image and likeness of, containing all of the abilities to create from as a living soul to live the words and perform the works of that inner divinity. That is the origin of Sacred Honor and the true birthright of every soul born into the world, to every man, woman, and child, "equally," for whom this country had been dedicated.
       The tyranny of church law was struck down by the founding fathers through the "Hope and Fulfillment of a better promise" which by the imposition of any past religious law or observance, could no longer be found tolerable. A Nation was Founded under the "Grace of God," rather than the "Curse of the Law " that proceeded from of Moses and Levi, or any of the other sibling rivalry religions founded upon fear, through superstition in the name of a mythical tribal war God. The subjection of which produced nothing but destruction and death or punishment in the name of their personal family cults.
      The royalty systems of earthly kings that placed themselves in the positions of Gods over the people and lands of the earth had been cast aside and replaced by a concept condemned by both church and state by declaring "Liberty" from the two wicked step parents that had till then held the children on the earth hostage to their false doctrines.
       How could a nation set upon so firm a foundation as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution have had a building of government built upon it where the people no longer have access to the practice of the rights and freedoms guaranteed therein and upon. According to those documents it is the voters who were to decide what laws and taxes were tolerable toward their freedoms, and those in office were to be the servants of the will of the people through their voice and vote. Any official who failed to perform the will of the people was either to be voted out of office or be made subject to impeachment. 
      What will happen as the people of this country wake up and begin to vote only for those who pay attention to their needs to express the freedoms that once were the foundations of the country and the lives of the people? Are the people of this o
f country in this day, capable of expressing the courage of their forefathers by swearing an Oath, one to another, in which their own individual sacred honor could awaken and find expression? Do we hold the "self evident Truths" declared by the founding fathers to be our present day reality or has some other foreign belief system dulled the minds and hearts of this people, to take the place of where our conscience once stood when men deemed themselves to be "living soul's"?
      The intellectual atheist elite have professed the propaganda that they are the "only" authority to which men can hold belief in or subscribe to, is the one of their maker, "the monkeys" from whom they believe they descended in their family trees. The premise of their self made status is that God does not exist, and that man does not scientifically have proof that the soul exists, or that man "is" a living soul of divine origin. They are by the premise upon which they perceive themselves incapable of holding esteem toward something so far above their self perception as to allow any credence toward or acceptance of something so spiritually precious as sacred honor.
       Will the people of this country continue to be deceived by the false doctrine of self deluded hypocrites who hold nothing and no one sacred but their own small minded materialistic view of life? Who appointed them the dictators over what we have a right to believe in regarding to our own spiritual existence and the origin and nature of our soul's?

       If these questions are worthy of being addressed in the form of answers by those holding public office, would it be a good thing to place them in the minds of every person capable of casting a vote, for the purpose of casting down tyrants from positions they do not deserve to hold?

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