I never said that my site would be intellectually stimulating or a real shock to the scenses. It's just random things that interest me, pictures of my family, links to things I find strange/amusing/interesting.
If you're looking for someone that over analizes movies and books or has some kind of affinity for causes, you've come to the wrong place.

Last updated: Jan. 16, 2005
The next person that says shit about Kermit is going to get bitch slapped. This wouldn't be MY site without him and he's not going anywhere. He's been here for going on 5 years and he's rather comfortable.  If you don't like him...too damn bad. I suggest, stay the hell out of here
IT's been almost a year and a half since I've been here and I'd say it's just about time to update this bleeding thing again. Lots has happened...but not really. I'm still the same ol Mel but with a whole new set of obsessions. Isn't life grand? Anyway...a new year, a spanking new TO DO LIST! The last one didn't even come CLOSE to being finished soo...let's just call this the 'wishful thinking but not any more likely than a snowballs chance in hell' list.
1. Update the fucking links page. For fuck sake...that bloody thing has so many dead links it's not even slightly amusing. Must get flogged and revamped.
2. Need to stop being such a fangirl. Ok, so this is not so much a site specific problem as a mental health issue. Will be working on that shortly after the NIN show in February *drools*
3. I'm loving the colours still so me thinks that's fine. We'll just have to see.
4. The HP page. I NEED to do this. There are many excellent fanfics out there, many excellent fansites and such that need some credit, some linkage..SOMETHING.
5. Update the fucking links page. I cannot emphasize this enough. God damn if this isn't bugging the ever loving piss out of me.
6. Picture pages, picture pages, lots of fun with picture pages. Lots of fun with crayons and pencils! Anyone else remember that show? Anyway...Pictures need updated something terrible. I have recent pics of the boys. Nothing with me until I have my teeth done and my hair updated (aka coloured) again. Yup.

That's about it. As for anything new going on, there really isn't anything. STill working. STill going slowly crazy because of my kids. Not spending near as much time on Neopets and spending more time in LiveJournal land. Many, many names. Will not be sharing most of them *insert evil cackle here*
Anyway, hope to keep this thing more or less up to date in the future.
Much love,
My Live Journal
Mucho Links
The memorial...