TAURUS 2006  

January 20-February 18

February 19-March 20

March 21-April 19

April 20-May 20

May 21-June 21

June 22-July 22

July 23-August 22

August 23-September 22

September 23-October 22

October 23 - November 21

November 22-December 21

December 22-January 19


  The first few months of the year will almost certainly see you looking for a change of venue. It might not be a new workplace, though -- you'd be happy with a relocation or even just an extended business trip to a part of the world you've never seen. Don't let your desire for stability and security keep you from branching out. You've got to explore this avenue, and you shouldn't let anyone or anything get in your way. If you've ever felt the itch to go freelance, now is the time to start. Simplicity will be important in all your endeavors.

    As you move through these changes or travels, expect a lot of long-buried personal feelings about work and money to pop up and say hello. If you know for certain that you're committed to your job or profession, that knowledge will strengthen considerably, and you'll most likely find the inspiration to take your career to the next level. If you have any serious doubts, though, they will be magnified -- especially in the middle of March, when the Moon lets feelings run wild. The upside of these doubts is that they will open you up to the new possibilities and opportunities surrounding you at that time.

   Saturn teaches Venus a little lesson about responsibility in late August, and you won't be able to help but learn right along with it, so strong is your connection to the planet of love and money. You will be grounded and ready for it -- and it might just help build your credibility with your supervisors and important clients. Pay close attention to what long-timers in your workplace have to say about developing situations and you won't go wrong. Accounts and budgets will be on the agenda for the last couple of months of 2006, and you might need to finesse your relationships with partners and peers in order to move forward. Once that's settled, you'll be golden for some time to come.

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