SCORPIO 2006  

January 20-February 18

February 19-March 20

March 21-April 19

April 20-May 20

May 21-June 21

June 22-July 22

July 23-August 22

August 23-September 22

September 23-October 22

October 23 - November 21

November 22-December 21

December 22-January 19


    The past year has been stimulating and fabulous, and your momentum will carry you right into even more passionate encounters in 2006. Just as having money is the easiest way to make money, you'll discover that your excess of happiness and love will attract even more delectable events and circumstances. You'll be able to tackle odd obstacles and woo even those who may have turned you down in the past. With friends, romantic prospects and lovers, you'll find that you wield ironclad logic that will convince them to let you be the one in charge. You'll feel like you're walking through fields full of admirers, which will give you an even greater feeling of confidence and sexiness. That positive feedback loop will keep you thrilled.

    But you'll have to be careful. All that power can be misused, so be attentive in the fall as a casual flirtation turns superheated. From teasing words to passionate avowals, you'll find a relationship transformed -- it could be with your partner, with someone you're infatuated with or with someone you don't even like. So if you're involved in a relationship with someone else, or just don't like the other person, end things early. If the feelings are mutual and you're not otherwise committed, take the opportunity to dive off the deep end and embrace a seriously intense bout of attention and adventure. If you're lucky enough to be re-infatuated with your existing partner, a whole new love life will result as your intensity sets you both aflame.

     That confident, suave manner of yours, paired with your charmingly childish lack of pretension, will let you be goofy and playful even when you're swimming in deep waters. Your balanced relationships will be the envy of all your friends. Just rely on your knack for shaping experiences into memorable, fun adventures, and nothing will get in the way of pursuing and attaining the partner you desire.

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