
What is this ?

I stand looking
To some lost horazion
Silver tears
Upone a tender cheek
The wind whispering
Words of wonder and doubt

Then, one touch
One sweet smile
Soft lips
Turned into the palm of my hand
Arms twined around
Holding me close

In that first moment
I knew I was lost
When your dark eyes
Looked into my soul
Touching my life
Stealing my heart

Dreams found
Brought from wonder
Hope touched and carried on
Bright stars
Reflected in my eyes
As I seek the depths of your soul

Daydreams given life
In your sweet caress
Hearts enfolding
Warm upon my soul
Daring to belive
In Love's first kiss


She tried to walk in the past
Each step extending back through time
Looking for those she left behind
Following old footprints
From long ago
Each step a journey
Into a lifetime lost

Trailing fingers through the dust
Left on shadowed mirrors
Stirring half remembered dream
Searching for
A soul forgotten
A name no one knows

One heart touched and left to rust
As time marched on
Covered in cobwebs
The winds blow
Bringing change
As she drifts back to life
Letting the dust settle and take the pain

Living her every day life
Making faint trails in the dust
She watches the wind blow it all away
Thoughts lost
Hopes never found
She drifts with the changing times

American Tears

Tear streaked faces lifted to the sky
Hearts torn as Americans die
Watching as the world cries
Injustice touching our every day lives
Bringing fear to our peaceful skies
Death brought here
Touched within a man’s hand
Breaking hearts in this our noble land
Hearts lost with nothing to gain
Lives taken every thing changed
Fear touching our hearts
A flag of crimson, white and blue raised
Touching the skies
Voices lifted in one refrain
We will not give up with out a fight


This site is a work in progress, please notify me of any broken links.

The message board is here for others to post their own poems