Attention!!  I will be re-doing this site starting 5/24.  So be prepared for a new and improved look and new info!  I am debating between starting a website about me and adding this as a link or vice-versa!

Hi everyone and welcome to my WLS webpage!  This is a story about my WLS  (weight loss surgery).    This page was created on October 5, 2000.  On this page I will share with you all my thoughts, fears, pictures, and anything I can think of! 

I have been overweight most of my life.  I've been to doctors, clinics, it goes on and on.  I've had tests done, taken diet pills, and on it goes.  My BMI (body mass index) is currently 49.  That's scary!    Recently, I decided to start researching weight loss surgery (WLS).  I remember seeing Carnie Wilson on a talk show a few years ago, and she was talking about it.  Then I was watching another talk show about a week ago, and there she was again!  I didn't even recognize her!  She had lost so much weight!  It was then I figured I'd start researching things on the net. 

I started doing searches on the net about gastric bypass surgery.  Go to any search engine, and type in gastric bypass surgery, and see all the info that pops up!  That is how I found a wonderful site  called Obesity Help.  I found a TON of information there!  Register, and start exploring!  That is how I came up with a list of doctors, and went from there!  Also, I started exploring personal webpages. Please click on the links below for links to other great websites through the webrings I belong to!  On my
links page, you can subscribe to my updates notification, and also subscribe to different weight loss surgery support groups!

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Visitors since May 31, 2001
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I am on the other side!
It's official!