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Hi and welcome to my recipe page! 
These are recipes I've collected over the internet, from books, and from my own head!  They are tailored for Gastric Bypass patients, but please use your own judgement when using them.  I am trying to find recipes high in protein and low in carbs, so if you have any you like, feel free to submit them (use the button on the bottom of the page) and I will submit them on this site with full credit given to you!  Speaking of credit, some of these recipes are adaptations of recipes I have found on the net. If there is a recipe on here that is not, I will give credit to the chef!  If I don't know who the chef is, I will make sure to put that and you can e-mail me with your name so I can credit it to you!  Also, check out my Links to find some other great websites with recipes on them! 

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