Great Quotes

There were some great quotes on this trip. Here are just a few:

"Oh... so its a tribute to them kicking their own asses!"
-Ian (After hearing the history of the Arc de Triumphe.)

"Ha ha you're drowning and we're not!"
-Me (I was sleepy, and our big psychadelic bus was flooding the little cars. Now my friends won't let me live it down. Hey Kerry.... "Fall of Rome!")

"Geoff, you're a jerk!"
-Jess (She said this...oh... every 5 seconds, normally followed by some sort of playful violence.)

"I'm a jerk!"
-Geoff (Nuff said... he's the first teen boy to admit he's a jerk!"

"He's not that effeminant!"
-Jess (About Dylan... and Jess.... yes he is.)

"Hey guys did I tell the story of when I was at the bar and Mrs. Murphy came up to me and asked me if......"
-Matt (After the disco. He said it constantly. And always laughed. The quote goes on, but it's to long to type.)

-Ian (Flipping Kerry and I's head rests covers on us... this happened like 8 times.) "You're gonna wish you never did that..."
-Ian (After I threw my head rest cover at him.)

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