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Asthma is a disease in which inflammation of the airways causes airflow into and out of the lungs to be restricted. The muscles of the bronchial tree become tight and the lining of the air passages swells, reducing airflow and producing the characteristic wheezing sound. This is known as an asthma attack, which can occur as an allergic reaction to an allergen or other substance (acute asthma), or as a part of a complex disease cycle which may include reaction to stress or exercise (chronic asthma).

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asthma; asthma treatment; allergy asthma; asthma symptom; asthma attack; asthma medication; asthma inhalers; asthma child; asthma cause; asthma information; asthma bronchial; asthma relief; asthma child in; asthma exercise induced; asthma lung picture; asthma medicine; asthma picture; asthma cure; asthma control; asthma childhood; asthma sign symptom; asthma fact; asthma trigger; asthma prevention; asthma drug; asthma natural remedy; asthma inhaler; asthma exercise; asthma type; acid asthma reflux; asthma natural treatment; asthma dog; asthma management; asthma cure natural; asthma attack symptom; adult asthma; allergic asthma; asthma pregnancy; asthma sign; asthma cough; asthma test; asthma skin; asthma pediatric; asthma doctor; allergy associate asthma; asthma cardiac; asthma cough variant; asthma home remedy; asthma remedy; asthma pathophysiology; asthma infant; asthma steroid; acupuncture asthma; asthma control test; asthma statistics; asthma child in symptom; action asthma plan; asthma feline; asthma coughing; asthma kid; asthma bronchitis; asthma guidelines; asthma smoking; asthma occupational; adult asthma onset; allergy asthma center; asthma definition; asthma research; allergy asthma induced; asthma cat; asthma singular; asthma history; asthma diagnosis; asthma herb; asthma diet; alternative asthma medicine; allergy asthma food; article asthma; asthma info; air asthma purifier; asthma help; asthma singulair; allergy america asthma foundation; asthma nebulizer; asthma chronic; asthma guidelines treatment; asthma education; allergy asthma atlanta clinic; allergy asthma foundation; asthma inheritance; asthma scholarship; asthma care nursing plan; asthma prednisone; acute asthma; alternative asthma treatment; asthma dog in; asthma walk; asthma new treatment; asthma in infant; allergy asthma carolina