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Cytology exam of pleural fluid


A cytology examination of pleural fluid detects the presence of malignant (cancerous) cells. The pleural space surrounds the lungs and normally contains only enough fluid to lubricate the pleura, the lining of the lung.

How the test is performed

The test is performed by obtaining a sample of pleural fluid by a procedure called thoracentesis (a needle is inserted into the pleural space to draw off the fluid). The sample of fluid is examined under the microscope for the presence of abnormal cells.

How to prepare for the test

Food or fluid is not restricted. Do not move, cough, or breathe deeply during the test.

How the test will feel

The skin is cleansed, and shaved if necessary, around the insertion site. Local anesthetic to numb the site may be injected into the skin. There may be a pressure or sticking sensation as the needle enters the skin and pleural space. Inform the health care provider if shortness of breath develops after the test.

Why the test is performed

The test is performed to determine the cause of a pleural effusion (fluid accumulation in the pleural space), or when cancer is suspected.

Normal Values

Normal cells are seen.

What abnormal results mean

In an abnormal test, malignant (cancerous) cells are present and may indicate a cancerous tumor. Breast cancer, lung cancer, and lymphoma are the types of tumor most frequently detected by this test.

Additional conditions under which the test may be performed include metastatic cancer to the lung.

What the risks are

The risks include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Collapse of the lung (pneumothorax)
  • Re-accumulation of fluid, and mediastinal shift (a shifting in the location of chest structures, which can put pressure on blood vessels)

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Pleural fluid cytology