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Babinski's reflex


Babinski's reflex occurs when the great toe flexes toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan out after the sole of the foot has been firmly stroked. This is normal in younger children, but abnormal after the age of 2.


Reflexes are specific, predictable, involuntary responses to a particular type of stimulation.

Babinski's reflex is one of the infantile reflexes. It is normal in children under 2 years old, but it disappears as the child ages and the nervous system becomes more developed.

In people more than 2 years old, the presence of a Babinski's reflex indicates damage to the nerve paths connecting the spinal cord and the brain (the corticospinal tract). Because this tract is right-sided and left-sided, a Babinski's reflex can occur on one side or on both sides.

An abnormal Babinski's reflex can be temporary or permanent.

Common Causes

Home Care

Typically, a person (older than an infant) who has a Babinski's reflex will also have incoordination, weakness, and difficulty with muscle control. Safety is important to prevent the risk of injury. The person may need assistance with activity, and the environment should be kept free of hazards.

Call your health care provider if

This finding is usually discovered by the health care provider, and the affected person usually is not aware of its presence.

What to expect at your health care provider's office

The medical history will be obtained and a physical examination performed.

Medical history questions will be asked documenting this reflex in detail.

The physical examination will probably include a complete nervous system (neurologic) examination.

Diagnostic testing may include:

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Reflex - Babinski's; Extensor plantar reflex ; babinskis reflex