Sweetgrass Oil: Opens the heart / cleanses the soul / revives & restores self awareness.
White Sage Oil:  Purifies aura, environment, body / creates positive space / cleanses the 'way' / clarifies the mind.
Green Cedar Oil: Rejuvenates / assists resolutions / assists in releasing our fears.
Green Lavender Oil:  Restores & relaxes body, mind & Spirit / promotes restful sleep / soothes the stressed nerves & mind.
Lyptus Breeze Oil:  Revives body & mind / opens the breath / allows the truth / assists physical recovery from illness.
Sunrise Walker:  Instantly revives / cleanses auric field / restores subtle energy flow.
Spirit Guide:  Meditation / connection to guides / inspiration / opens the heart.
Shaman's Song:  Self empowerment / spriitual responsibility / balancing / commitment.
White Buffalo Woman:  Restoration of spiritual commitments / encouragement / guidance / focus & direction with spiritual direction.
Spider Woman:  Guides our inner journeywork / reveals timing in lifecycles / directional clarity / illumination in choice.
Warrior Heart: Spiritual leadership of the self / working with others / courage / loyalty / unconditional love & self forgiveness.
GrandMother Sky: Honorable StoryTeller, finding our way into the Sky Nations, inspiration.
Four Forces:  Introduces the directions & prayer / instills self awareness & confidence / strength / aligns to the stars.
Medicine Wheel:  Creation / sacred space initiation / harmony / communion.
Dream Lodge:  Connection to ancestors in dreamtime / dream work / inner journeys.
The GhostDancer:  Rebirth / initiation to spiritual evolution / renewal of self confidence / abundance / new cycles.
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Call us toll free @ 866-DOI-OILS [866.364.6457]
and ask for Asa or Gwen!
5ml aromatherapy bottle @ 8.95 each
10ml flower essence formulas @ 8.95 each
A Medicine Wheel of Aroma Therapies
The Medicine Oils are Native American inspired aromatherapies; blended herbals and essential oils to introduce you to the Medicine Wheel Traditions from many Nations.  They're your own special tools to create a personal Medicine Wheel of inner healing and to provide a new understanding of the living world surrounding you!
     The GrandMother and GrandFather Ancestors tell us that Great Spirit created All Our Relations and put the essence of Itself within.  The Medicine People give us this understanding; everything contains a 'manitou'; a special Spirit with a unique Medicine for us to discover and work with.  While learning and growing from this understanding, our personal Medicine unfolds inside of us with new clarity of who we are.  These are the qualities of right intentions and self respect.  Personal Medicine is the remedy our Soul gifts to us.  We make our Medicine as we learn and grow with each special Spirit among All Our Relations.  We walk the Red Road.
     Use the Medicine Oils to explore and share your personal Medicine with others in a new companionship with Turtle Island, our Home.  Inside the Nations, the celebration of continuity and spiritual growth with Home is in acknowledging the natural allies surrounding us on our journey.  Native American Traditions cultivate and honor an intimacy with the plants and trees, the Earth Mother and Sky Father, the Animal Brothers and Sisters, the Seven Directions and in sending out our intentions in prayers to Spirit for healing and knowledge.  The Medicine Oils reflect these Traditions, your Medicine Wheel of aromatic inspirations for discovering a personal Medicine you can share with All Your Relations.
The Tradition of Smudging
Smudging is practiced for many reasons, to prepare for ceremony, consecrating sheilds or healing tools, always to make sacred, to transmute the unhappy manitou of a bad day!  Smudging is a sensual cleansing using herbs and scent to clear any negativity from a person, place or thing.  Medicine People understand when to use smudging for it's healing effects.  They've passed this Tradition down through the generations to begin us onto our honorable path towards All Our Relations with right intentions and actions.
     The first step in 'smudging' is to cleanse you, and then the environment you're in.  To make ready your Spirit, the Spirit of a place, the Earth Mother gifted a sacred herb ally of purification...
The Stone Peoples Lodge: Purifies body, mind & Spirit.  Opens your awareness to the messages of Great Spirit
Making Your Medicine Wheel
The Crow People teach us the Medicine Wheel was built before Light came...
     Your Medicine Wheel is a living, feeling and growing expression of YOU!  The sacred circle of many stone and spokes is an outward template of our inner essence.  We create the Medicine Wheel as we journey down the Red Road.
     Among the teaching in the Nations we learn that one day we'll feel the call of our Medicine Wheel and be guided to build one to create a personal relationship with our Ancestors.  We make our Medicine Wheel beginning with the center stone.  Traditionally, the center stone is where we make our prayers and offerings to Great Spirit.  It's our connections to Great Spirit and a pathway into our true heart....
East, Our Spring Time
Eagle Medicine: Responsibility, personal power, courage & heart, facing our gifts & faults.
South, Our Summertime
Coyote Medicine: Learning through our fears & illusions, joy, emapthy & a good sense of humor.
Women of the Longhouse: Elder wisdom, comfort & care, feminine self awreness & empowerment.
Comes Autumn, We Travel West
Bear Medicine: Going within, self honesty, facing the unknown.
Winter Blows in from the North
Buffalo Medicine: Appreciation, connection to living Earth, Abundance & Forgiveness.
Spirit Medicines
Work with your Medicine Oils in compliment
with Spirit Medicine vibrational essences!
click here
5ml Medicine Oil bottles $8.95 each.  10ml Spirit Medicine Essences $8.95 each
4 oz Medicine Misters $20.00 each.